The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Just watching Trump's Florida rally and you Dems better come up with someone else because he will destroy whoever comes out of that pathetic field.
Everywhere he goes people love this guy.
And plus we get 4 more years of,
Trump really saved America, just imagine if Hillary would have won.

Two New Confirmations See Trump Transform Another Appeals Court into a Conservative Majority

Posted at 7:45 pm on May 08, 2019 by Alex Parker


Donald Trump continues his appointment of conservative judges.

On Wednesday, Bloomberg Law reported that the Senate had confirmed Joseph Bianco to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit. Later this week, Judge Michael Park’s also expected to be seated.

Therefore, Yahtzee!

“When Trump makes additional appointments for vacancies that will be left by two judges who recently announced their retirements, Dennis Jacobs and Christopher Droney, the 13-member court will be majority Republican-appointed.”

Chuck Schumer was good with Bianco in 2005:

“I am proud to support someone as outstandingly qualified and well respected as Mr. Bianco.”

But now he ain’t. Here’s his March statement on bothjudges tilting the scales in favor of those who want smaller government and more liberty:

Another day, another partisan push by Senate Republicans for hard-right nominees to get lifetime appointments on the federal bench. One day after Senate Republicans elevated to the Sixth Circuit an attorney who proclaimed pre-existing condition protections are unconstitutional, Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans voted to advance the nominations of Michael Park and Joseph Bianco for the Second Circuit, despite objections from Senator Gillibrand and me.

Mr. Park has spent much of his career working in opposition to civil rights and seeking to advance the far-right agenda. He has been on the front lines of efforts to dismantle affirmative action policies in education, strike down our health care law, and is currently defending the Trump administration’s effort to insert a citizenship question into the 2020 census. I will be strongly opposing these nominations when they come to the Senate floor.
Feds knew Steele Dossier was politically motivated before it was submitted to FISA Court to permit spying on Trump campaign
MAY 8, 2019
The biggest scandal in American political history is unwinding, day by day. With 544 days until the election, there is going to be a lot more scandal ...
I have been detached from TV news hysteria most of this week while traveling. It is really a refreshing feeling.

I gather from what has been leaking through to me that t is saying he is innocent of everything and that his word should be sufficient. Reminds me of that "I am not a crook" guy who turned out to have been a crook after all.
I have been detached from TV news hysteria most of this week while traveling. It is really a refreshing feeling.

I gather from what has been leaking through to me that t is saying he is innocent of everything and that his word should be sufficient. Reminds me of that "I am not a crook" guy who turned out to have been a crook after all.
Wake up! That feeling is just you pissing the bed, again.
I have been detached from TV news hysteria most of this week while traveling. It is really a refreshing feeling.

I gather from what has been leaking through to me that t is saying he is innocent of everything and that his word should be sufficient. Reminds me of that "I am not a crook" guy who turned out to have been a crook after all.
Don’t forget the crooks that oversaw the counterfeit money activities at the Fed and provided the policies to spend those counterfeit dollars on. It’s over your head but that’s nothing new.
I have been detached from TV news hysteria most of this week while traveling. It is really a refreshing feeling.

I gather from what has been leaking through to me that t is saying he is innocent of everything and that his word should be sufficient. Reminds me of that "I am not a crook" guy who turned out to have been a crook after all.
Worse, at least that guy governed, made policy and knew he was doing wrong so tried to hide it. t does it to shore up his blindly loyal followers, they think it's cute what he does.
Don’t forget the crooks that oversaw the counterfeit money activities at the Fed and provided the policies to spend those counterfeit dollars on. It’s over your head but that’s nothing new.
. . . but yet again you can't layout the problems it caused or the trouble up ahead it may have created. You simply keep saying it's bad, bad, bad. Do you ever wonder why those that tell you these things don't do a full explanation? If they did then you would be able to instead of continuing with the, "it's over your head" defense for your inability to illuminate the issues.
. . . but yet again you can't layout the problems it caused or the trouble up ahead it may have created. You simply keep saying it's bad, bad, bad. Do you ever wonder why those that tell you these things don't do a full explanation? If they did then you would be able to instead of continuing with the, "it's over your head" defense for your inability to illuminate the issues.
Start reading the Econ for politicians thread from the beginning. Not sure you have the apptitude to comprehend fiscal policy. Again, the masses are with you.
Start reading the Econ for politicians thread from the beginning. Not sure you have the apptitude to comprehend fiscal policy. Again, the masses are with you.
Do you see future inflation (as we haven't suffered yet) or the past stagflation as the reason you believe QE is our biggest issue?
QUOTE="Ricky Fandango, post: 263758, member: 3256"



Its Cosplay Thursday.....

Oh look ....Rep Jerry Nadler does his best Danny DeVito as the Penguin....!
