The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

You're an idiot.

Head down to the beer store and buy my beer with your goodwill. See what kind of cash flow you get out of that asset. Lol.

You can send my beer to the guy with the nice hair. He'll hold on to it for me. I actually trust him.

Thanks for playing!
Iz doesn’t like people with money. None of them ever agree with his stupid theories!
But good hair boy agrees with him that our money is fake!
You're almost funny.

So huli huli boi, you got my beer ready?

Or is your house listed on your bank's balance sheet as an asset (yours might be, it'd be like you to default. I wouldn't doubt you don't pay your debts.)


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You’re missing Iz’s point.
He doesn’t have debts.
He’s not creditworthy, he doesn’t make any money and he’s mad that the lender makes money off the loan!

We guys with money are posers and suckers. Guys like him, without any, aren’t!
A fine head on his shoulders.
Iz doesn’t like people with money. None of them ever agree with his stupid theories!
But good hair boy agrees with him that our money is fake!
Lol! You’re the only fake one here. Money is real. Real counterfeit and fraudulent. Too tough a concept for you Fries U grads to grasp.
You’re missing Iz’s point.
He doesn’t have debts.
He’s not creditworthy, he doesn’t make any money and he’s mad that the lender makes money off the loan!

We guys with money are posers and suckers. Guys like him, without any, aren’t!
A fine head on his shoulders.
Ahhh mister collateralized debt that is also an asset but, can’t do the ROA or ROE equation to shows us. Lol!!
That is pretty much a known fact at this point. The slight percentages he won by in a few keys states was well within the Russian bargain of influence . . . why do you think t won't even discuss it, he knows.