The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Golf is home to well known wife beaters and philanderers, some of whom are tweeting while pinching a loaf in the White House right about now.

. . . t has been quoted more than once saying he believes golf should only be for those that can afford to be members of a country club.
Speaking of funny. Where’s the Jan 2009 to Mar 2012 bars at? Cherry pickers should at least compare cherries to cherries. This is the kinda Fries U analytics that cracks up me, your uncle and, now your CPA’s too!!

Yeah, month to month and year to year comparisons would be too hard for you. I know. But others can follow it.
Why won't Fat Jerry or any other Democrat go down and read the unredacted Mueller report? It's been available for a week or 2.
Because they don't give a fuck what it says, they know they got nothing, they just want to leak any dirt on Trump they can.
Get over it you Bitches.