The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I love watching Fox and Trump and Nunes keep freaking out about the Mueller Report, which supposedly exonerated Trump.

"I'm fucked," said Trump when he heard Mueller was investigating. "This is the end of my presidency."

It wasn't, but they're still freaking out.
Nolte: MSNBC's Chris Hayes Spreads Conspiracy Theory to Explain Trump's Economy


JOHN NOLTE 4 May 2019
Fresh off losing a fifth of his audience due to the debunking of his Russia Collusion Hoax, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes is now spreading an all-new conspiracy theory to explain away President Trump’s booming economy.

And I’m not using the term “conspiracy theory” lightly.

Hayes has an actual “theory” about an actual “conspiracy” involving millions (literally) of business owners secretly plotting to damage Barack Obama and benefit Trump.

In trying to explain why the economy has roared back to life under Trump, Hayes told his nearly two million Twitter followers this[emphasis added]:

Lots of regular people – critics, bloggers, gadflies, etc were able to see this but the commanding heights of the econ/policy/political worlds either could not or would not.

Or, an even less charitable interpretation: they didn’t get it wrong at all. They didn’t want full employment, they didn’t want wage growth and empowered workers and they certainly didn’t want that happening under a Democratic president.

I mean, years of the titans of industry whining about the skills mismatch, how they can’t find good workers, and chin-stroking conferences about labor force participation, and columns about how it was workers’ own fault, on and on and on, all just garbage.

Come close. Hear some truth.

This is how it happened, y’all…

When Obama was president, when Barry the Democrat was president, when a BLACK! man was president, millions and millions and millions of businesses got together, using Skype or something, and colluded to keep the economy down.

What I’m saying is this… Obama’s failed economy had nothing to do with the burdens of Obamacare or all those regulations or him always running around threatening to raise taxes. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. It was a plot. A conspiracy. And after the Republican won, these very same business owners reconvened around a giant table, like the table SPECTRE uses, but bigger cuz there are millions of them, and said, Okay, now we hire! And then, they all sat around and laughed maniacally, like Dr. Evil as fluoride poured into the drinking water.
Comrades in the Democratic Party! Along with a whole bunch of other criminal operatives!

We are up for treasonous charges in the weeks to come. Though we scoff and laugh all we want this week, everything said by a wise thinker for the last two years is now coming TRUE.

In the weeks to come it is going to get really nasty for our operatives who are tools for the DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ and other weaponized departments of Obama’s administration.
As a university professor, I teach, participate in professional associations, lecture on various campuses, give papers at scholarly conferences, and review books for national journals and local newspapers: in short, I get around. For many years I have lived in dread of having to answer The Question. Curiously, no one has asked it.

At first I wondered if I had an ego problem. Did I feel bruised to learn that I was not important enough to be asked? Were not more visible and professionally celebrated chaps with similar backgrounds having to face the music?

Apparently not. So far as I know, none of the others, whose number is legion, has been asked either.

The Question: "What did you know, and when did you know it?" For at the age of fifteen I became a Communist, and, although expelled from the party in 1950 at age twenty, I remained a supporter of the international movement and of the Soviet Union until there was nothing left to support. Now, as everyone knows, in a noble effort to liberate the human race from violence and oppression we broke all records for mass slaughter, piling up tens of millions of corpses in less than three-quarters of a century. When the Asian figures are properly calculated, the aggregate to our credit may reach the seemingly incredible numbers widely claimed. Those who are big on multiculturalism might note that the great majority of our victims were nonwhite.— Eugene Genovese
Comrades in the Democratic Party! Along with a whole bunch of other criminal operatives!

We are up for treasonous charges in the weeks to come. Though we scoff and laugh all we want this week, everything said by a wise thinker for the last two years is now coming TRUE.

In the weeks to come it is going to get really nasty for our operatives who are tools for the DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ and other weaponized departments of Obama’s administration.
Never having been much good at math, I shy away from quibbles over statistics. Still, all quibbles aside, we have a disquieting number of corpses to account for.- - Genovese
I love watching Fox and Trump and Nunes keep freaking out about the Mueller Report, which supposedly exonerated Trump.

"I'm fucked," said Trump when he heard Mueller was investigating. "This is the end of my presidency."

It wasn't, but they're still freaking out.

Might want get some plastic bags for your four “ high end “ Lowe’s boxes on Baltic Ave....
Wet weather on the horizon...your Government stipend will be ready on the fifteenth.
“ Messy “ “ Messy “ “ Messy “......your financials are showing.
The loan would be for 65% of value..
so $2.92 value. Ask your bank what their CLTV is for a HELOC. Typically, 70%. That would only leave you about 145k in equity on a 2nd (HELOC) to pay toward your 1st. Your monthly payments on your current loan is about 8k, avg interest portion of monthly payment is about $4600. (145k payment toward first mortgage/8k monthly payment on 1st mortgage=18 month acceleration of the 1st mortgage), would save you at least 72k in interest over 1 1/2 years. Your deduction over the same period is at least 82k. But an outright interest savings of 72k today as opposed to a tax deduction 12 months down the line at tax time sounds a lot better to me. But your 145k second would cost you interest only $483.00 a month in addition to your 1st mortgage payment which is still in place for 4 years after you paid off 18 months with your cheaper simple interest money, which you could easily pay more if you’re positive cash flowing monthly wage income. A HELOC is a two way account. Things get tight, you can pull some out. Not so on an amortized loan. Venmo me my 10k. You’re welcome
so $2.92 value. Ask your bank what their CLTV is for a HELOC. Typically, 70%. That would only leave you about 145k in equity on a 2nd (HELOC) to pay toward your 1st. Your monthly payments on your current loan is about 8k, avg interest portion of monthly payment is about $4600. (145k payment toward first mortgage/8k monthly payment on 1st mortgage=18 month acceleration of the 1st mortgage), would save you at least 72k in interest over 1 1/2 years. Your deduction over the same period is at least 82k. But an outright interest savings of 72k today as opposed to a tax deduction 12 months down the line at tax time sounds a lot better to me. But your 145k second would cost you interest only $483.00 a month in addition to your 1st mortgage payment which is still in place for 4 years after you paid off 18 months with your cheaper simple interest money, which you could easily pay more if you’re positive cash flowing monthly wage income. A HELOC is a two way account. Things get tight, you can pull some out. Not so on an amortized loan. Venmo me my 10k. You’re welcome
I think you lost him.
so $2.92 value. Ask your bank what their CLTV is for a HELOC. Typically, 70%. That would only leave you about 145k in equity on a 2nd (HELOC) to pay toward your 1st. Your monthly payments on your current loan is about 8k, avg interest portion of monthly payment is about $4600. (145k payment toward first mortgage/8k monthly payment on 1st mortgage=18 month acceleration of the 1st mortgage), would save you at least 72k in interest over 1 1/2 years. Your deduction over the same period is at least 82k. But an outright interest savings of 72k today as opposed to a tax deduction 12 months down the line at tax time sounds a lot better to me. But your 145k second would cost you interest only $483.00 a month in addition to your 1st mortgage payment which is still in place for 4 years after you paid off 18 months with your cheaper simple interest money, which you could easily pay more if you’re positive cash flowing monthly wage income. A HELOC is a two way account. Things get tight, you can pull some out. Not so on an amortized loan. Venmo me my 10k. You’re welcome
I don't want a second mortgage. Where did that come from? I just want to replace my first, if there's a better deal than that which I currently have. No need to overly complicate it.