The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Everyone remain calm. I’ll handle this.

Obviously 4nos has blown a gasket. Using normal font and almost normal linguistic skills are a tell tale of his psychosis. But there’s a glimmer of hope here. That he’s actually functioning at his usual paranoid insanity.

He’s stupidly fallen for the old slipperoo, teeing off on a post unaware it’s a quote problematic to his worldview. Well played golf ball thief.

Go on.....Handle yourself in Private.

And..Thanks for removing the avatar of you " Handling " a statues junk....
Everyone remain calm. I’ll handle this.

Obviously 4nos has blown a gasket. Using normal font and almost normal linguistic skills are a tell tale of his psychosis. But there’s a glimmer of hope here. That he’s actually functioning at his usual paranoid insanity.

He’s stupidly fallen for the old slipperoo, teeing off on a post unaware it’s a quote problematic to his worldview. Well played golf ball thief.
The meds may have kicked in for a minute.
Studies have been conducted on the readability and legibility of all caps text. Scientific testing from the 20th century onwards has generally indicated that all caps text is less legible and readable than lower-case text.[2][3] In addition, switching to all caps may make text appear hectoring and obnoxious for cultural reasons, since all-capitals is often used in transcribed speech to indicate that the speaker is shouting.[4] All-caps text is common in comic books, as well as on older teleprinter and radio transmission systems, which often do not indicate letter case at all.[5][6]
What we learned today, it's ok to lie to Congress, if it's not a crime it's ok with our current AG, if a 2020 candidate calls on China to find t's tax returns it's now acceptable to the Republicans and Barr, the AG is t's private attorney, lying to Congress is ok, we no longer have three seperate branches of government, obstruction is ok and ignoring The Constitution is ok if you are president.
What we learned today, it's ok to lie to Congress, if it's not a crime it's ok with our current AG, if a 2020 candidate calls on China to find t's tax returns it's now acceptable to the Republicans and Barr, the AG is t's private attorney, lying to Congress is ok, we no longer have three seperate branches of government, obstruction is ok and ignoring The Constitution is ok if you are president.
Do you know the name of the only AG ever held in contempt of Congress?