The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Politics aside, does anyone actually think t is good for America and if so why?

I don't think Trump is good for America, I think Trump is great for America.

I like the tariffs that Trump has imposed on China and when China's retaliatory tariffs aimed at Trump supporting farmers have caused financial hardship on farmers Trump put together a $12 Billion bail out package for the Farmers.

Trump’s tariffs are simply meant as a negotiating ploy designed to give America “better trade deals.” The future is impossible to predict, perhaps that will be the end result. Memes about 4d chess, however, are of little help to those Americans hurt by Trump’s tariff policy. And increasingly the Trump administration has signaled its willingness to embrace a prolonged trade war.

It doesn't matter that such policies are, in the long run, are a great a threat to the American economy.

Four Question for Those Who Oppose the Electoral College
The debate surrounding this issue is another example of proponents avoiding the salient points.

Four Question for Those Who Oppose the Electoral College
By R. E. Bowse
Have you heard? The Electoral College is bad. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and others support its abolition. On March 28, Delaware became the thirteenth state to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) in which members agree to award their electoral votes to the candidate who wins the national popular vote. The compact goes into effect only when the combined number of electoral votes of member states reaches 270, assuring their candidate victory. Legislation affixing New Mexico to the NPVIC sits on the desk of Governor Michelle Grisham (D). She's expected to sign it, giving the coalition 189 votes.

The debate surrounding this issue is another example of proponents avoiding the salient points. I pose the following four questions to those would undo the electoral college system, with the goal of promoting clarity and focusing on the nub of the matter.

  1. If you support the direct democracy of a popular vote system, do you also reject republicanism as our form of government?
Opponents of the electoral college premise their argument on the claim that the system is undemocratic. This is largely true. In Federalist 10, James Madison wrote of the destructive power of factions, what Tocqueville later called "the tyranny of the majority." For this reason, the Founding Fathers created a republican form of government rather than a direct democracy in order to mitigate the passions and imperfections of the people. Elected representatives would, it was reasoned, take a measured, deliberative approach to governance. A popular vote system, on the other hand, is an instrument of direct democracy and a rejection of republicanism.

If, as Madison argued, factions pose such a danger to our republic, and if our Founding Fathers were so leery of direct democracy, what has changed?

Ironically, there is no better example of a faction than the states participating in the NPVIC. Madison defined the term as "a number of citizens, whether amounting to a minority or majority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community." Is there any doubt that NPVIC members are motivated in part by a sense of injustice following the elections of 2000 and 2016? Further, given that the NPVIC scheme may award a state's electoral votes to a candidate (the national popular vote winner) who did not carry that state, is there any doubt this scheme operates in a manner adverse to citizens' rights?

  1. If you reject the notion of disproportional representation, do you reject the institution of the U.S. Senate?
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Certain opponents of the electoral college accept the notion of our republican system but take umbrage at the disproportionate representation that contributes to the way in which states' electoral votes are determined. The electoral college allots votes based on the number of a state's federal legislative representatives, meaning the disproportionate representation of the Senate creates a system where certain voters have relatively less or more power than others.

Those who oppose the electoral college must therefore also oppose the representative scheme of the Senate and would look to rework or eliminate this institution. It won't do, as some have claimed, to suggest that altering the Senate would be too cumbersome or radical. The design of the electoral college, like that of the Senate, is written into the Constitution; altering either would require a new amendment, or perhaps convening a constitutional convention. If you oppose disproportional representation, it is only logical to oppose it everywhere.

  1. Parity between the states was key to ratification. Does parity not matter anymore?
Disproportionate representation was part of the Great Compromise of 1787, which established a bicameral legislature to ensure some degree of parity between the states. The House of Representatives, with its proportional representation, was meant to address the people's business, while the Senate's disproportionate representation would ensure states could engage on a level playing field on issues that mattered most to them.

The fear that larger states like Pennsylvania, Virginia and Massachusetts would overwhelm the smaller states was palpable. Context here is important. The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government and granted each state a single vote on matters that came before it. Amending the Articles required unanimous consent among the states. When the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia to address these shortcomings, smaller states were loath to sign on to an agreement that limited their power against that which might be wielded by larger states. Without the Great Compromise, ratification would never have happened.

The issue of parity remains. In the early days of our republic, state population differences were a fraction of what we see today. In a direct democracy system, California, with its nearly 40 million residents, would have more voting power than the 20 least populous states combined.

Parity is, by design, key to our federal system. Article 5 of the Constitution notes that "no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of this equal suffrage in the Senate." Without the disproportionate representation of the Senate and the electoral college, states like Vermont and Rhode Island would not have viewed the Constitution as a path toward a more perfect union.

  1. Is a popular vote system a cure for the disease?
Some of the reasons given for the electoral college have been proven wrong. In Federalist 68, Hamilton envisioned a system that would yield leaders "pre-eminent for ability and virtue." Of course, today's mass media make this a very heavy lift regardless of the system employed.

Still, we are the beneficiaries of several of the electoral system's unforeseen advantages. For example, the electoral college system confers legitimacy. Under it there is little chance third- party candidates will succeed, and so the number of contenders for the presidency is limited. By contrast, a popular vote system is likely to attract more candidates, with the winner receiving a mere plurality of votes. In parliamentary systems, it's not uncommon for the winning party to garner a 25% share; such instances are followed by dicey periods of coalition building, where the winning party attempts to cobble together a governing majority … and a patina of legitimacy. Israel's current government is a coalition of five parties that hold 61 of the Knesset's 120 seats. The Likud party, winners of the 2015 legislative election, earned just 23.4% of the vote. Switzerland's coalition government has four parties, Germany's three.

The electoral system offers other advantages, such as limiting the incentive for and impact of voter fraud, and encouraging broader campaigns. Despite its shortcomings, the current system has proven effective in surprising ways, and any replacement must at least meet this bar. It's not clear a popular vote system can do so and, indeed, won't be fraught with unforeseen liabilities. At the very least, sober analysis should attempt to ferret these liabilities out.

To be sure, states have the power to determine how their electoral votes are apportioned. But the NPVIC goes further. It promotes combination among the states, creating a de facto popular election system that is blatantly anti-constitutional and almost certainly unconstitutional.

Univision Host Suggests Border Agents Should Dodge Hurled Rocks Instead Of Building The Wall
April 6th, 2019

Enrique Acevedo and Rep. Andy Biggs on The Story Of Martha MacCallum (4/5)

Univision host Enrique Acevedo suggested during a Friday interview with Martha MacCallum that instead of building the wall, it would be more financially sound for border patrol agents simply to dodge the rocks hurled at them from across the border.


Former Democratic staffer who doxxed Republicans pleads guilty — here's the punishment he's facing


Image Source: YouTube screenshot

A former staffer for a Democratic congresswoman has pled guilty to several counts related to his revealing personal information of several Republican members of Congress during the debate over Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination.

Jackson Cosko was arrested in October 2018 over his hacking that amounted to "an extensive computer fraud and data theft scheme," according to prosecutors.

Here are the charges that he pled guilty to:

  • Two counts of making public restricted personal information
  • One count of computer fraud
  • One count of witness tampering
  • One count of obstruction of justice
He could face up to two years in prison.

Cosko admitted that he stole information from congressional computers because he was angry over being fired by Democratic Senator Maggie Hasan (N.H.).

He burglarized her office several times in order to gain access to proprietary computer information, including personal information of several members of Congress.

He then published some private information to the Wikipedia pages for Republican members of Congress, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

Cosko also worked for other members of Congress including Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas).
RIL 6, 2019
Exiting Marine general who leaked documents to undercut Trump should be McCabe'd
By Monica Showalter
So much for "Semper Fi."

Get a load of this un-Marine-like behavior from the Obama-era appointee leading the Marines, from The Hill:

The Marines' top general allowed the leak of internal Pentagon memos to publicize hardships military families faced during the deployment of troops to the southern border, according to a Newsweek report.

Marine Corp Commandant Gen. Robert Neller allowed two Defense Department memos to leak to NBC News and the Los Angeles Times in the past two weeks, Newsweek reported, citing two Pentagon sources.

The Hill's headline states that President Trump's move to send troops to defend our unguarded border was an actual blow to our military readiness.

Though the press certainly played it that way, the Hill's lede doesn't support it. Improvements to military readiness are not a matter of buying new houses for military wives and families. It may be a good thing, sure, and military housing may be lousy, but let's face it: these military leaders have had years to fix this, and they didn't do it. Now the border issue came up, the Marines were rightly asked to assist, and the Deep State wanted things to be business as usual. But for one of them to be leaking to the press to call out Trump for trying to guard the border over this is wrong. It's two commanders at once. It only highlights that there's a reason Trump is the commander in chief and Gen. Neller is not.

The report also states that military exercises were delayed, and that got leaked as well in order to undercut President Trump's bid to guard the border as a million unvetted foreign nationals approach. Exercises are important to military readiness, but they are premised on hypothetical situations in far flung places. The border crisis, by contrast, which Trump was responding to, is a live thing, something already happening. That an exercise could be more important than responding to an actual threat of inundation of the homeland by gangs, cartels, terrorists, and welfare-seekers from every corner of the globe in real time is absurd. Once again, we can see why Trump is commander in chief and Gen. Neller is not.

What we have here is another effort by the Deep State to undercut the president. Leaks are a sneaky maneuver to undermine the commander in chief and something enemies like to do. It's really amazing to see coming from a Marine leader instead.

The Marine leader is leaving office as an impressive new successor is expected to take his place, and he knew there would therefore be no consequences to him when he was caught. He also may be anticipating that his successor may expose his failures on military housing and other matters, so he's playing politics to get the upper hand instead. Regardless of what it was, Neller leaked to get his licks in, which is what this looks like, and is taking advantage of the fact that because he's retiring, no one can get back at him.

Trump should give him some consequences — such as was given to deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, who got fired a day before he was expected to retire and lost his pension. If it can be done at all, Neller looks like a good one to get McCabe'd to rid the Corps of politicking disloyalists.
APRIL 7, 2019
The Tea Party is back!
President Trump has our economy booming. Unemployment claims are at an unprecedented 50-year-low. There are more jobs available than there are workers to fill them.

Yet every Democrat presidential candidate is on a mad dash to socialism. If a Democrat is elected president in 2020, we will be thrust back to the depressing days of Obama's failed economy: record-high numbers of Americans on food stamps, unemployment, and disability. Democrats are like drug-dealers seeking to insidiously addict Americans to government dependency solely to control their lives, behavior, and voting loyalty.

From the beginning of the Tea Party movement, I traveled the country on numerous national Tea Party bus tours, speaking and performing my song, "American Tea Party Anthem," at over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide.

Reflecting back to Obama's horrible economy, I fondly remember the five dollar lady. After my performance on stage at a rally in Texas, I was approached by a humble woman. She thanked me for what our team of patriots was doing for our country. She explained that Obama's anti-business policies cost her husband, a trucker, his job. With tears in her eyes, she grabbed my hand with both her hands, giving me a crumpled up five-dollar bill for gas for our tour bus. I instinctively knew that five dollars was a huge contribution from her. The five dollar lady drove home the importance of our mission and responsibility to push back against Obama's plan to transform America into a socialist nation.

On April 15, Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rallies are scheduled across America — 300 thus far, with more added daily. Yes, the Tea Party is back. Please join us.

Actually, the Tea Party never went away. We matured, working behind the scenes to elect conservatives, becoming less visible. I became chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee, traveling the country, helping to electconservatives in House and Senate races.

With their every attempt to remove Trump from office failing, the evil coalition of Democrats, fake news, and the Deep State have become totally deranged. They seek to create a race war and violence on Trump-supporters while arrogantly breaking laws. No sacrifice is too large or scheme too low if it will remove Trump from the White House.

Democrats' extreme lawless resistance requires the Tea Party to become highly visible again. The Tea Party is the righteous legal resistance to Democrats' deranged, violent, and illegal resistance.

I am excited to announce that 34% of those who attended Trump's latest rally in Michigan were registered Democrats. Trump is also winning blacks, Hispanics, and Millennials.

This means that despite fake news media's 24/7 lies, deceptions, and distortions about Trump, more Americans are beginning to discern that Trump is good for America. Let's pull formerly duped Americans into our Tea Party fold to rally behind our president.

Please allow me to address Democrats' and fake news media's despicable hate-generating lie that says the Tea Party and Trump are racist. I am a proud black American who attended over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide. I was showered with patriot love and appreciation. Trump has an excellent record of hiring blacks. Blacks are experiencing unprecedented prosperity under Trump — historic low unemployment.

Brother and sister Americans who love our country, let's join together to save America by keeping Trump in the White House. Please sign on to participate in the April 15th Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rallies.

Thirty-two-year-old Todd Beamer was an American passenger aboard United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked as part of the Islamic terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Beamer led a band of courageous fellow passengers in an attempt to regain control of the aircraft from the hijackers. During the struggle, control of the aircraft was lost. It crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, saving the hijackers' intended target, which prevented the murder of more Americans. Upon the passengers launching their attack, Beamer said, "Let's roll."

Yes, the Tea Party is back! Quoting heroic American Todd Beamer, "let's roll."

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

Image: Fibonacci Blue via Flickr.
APRIL 7, 2019
The Tea Party is back!
View attachment 4409
President Trump has our economy booming. Unemployment claims are at an unprecedented 50-year-low. There are more jobs available than there are workers to fill them.

Yet every Democrat presidential candidate is on a mad dash to socialism. If a Democrat is elected president in 2020, we will be thrust back to the depressing days of Obama's failed economy: record-high numbers of Americans on food stamps, unemployment, and disability. Democrats are like drug-dealers seeking to insidiously addict Americans to government dependency solely to control their lives, behavior, and voting loyalty.

From the beginning of the Tea Party movement, I traveled the country on numerous national Tea Party bus tours, speaking and performing my song, "American Tea Party Anthem," at over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide.

Reflecting back to Obama's horrible economy, I fondly remember the five dollar lady. After my performance on stage at a rally in Texas, I was approached by a humble woman. She thanked me for what our team of patriots was doing for our country. She explained that Obama's anti-business policies cost her husband, a trucker, his job. With tears in her eyes, she grabbed my hand with both her hands, giving me a crumpled up five-dollar bill for gas for our tour bus. I instinctively knew that five dollars was a huge contribution from her. The five dollar lady drove home the importance of our mission and responsibility to push back against Obama's plan to transform America into a socialist nation.

On April 15, Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rallies are scheduled across America — 300 thus far, with more added daily. Yes, the Tea Party is back. Please join us.

Actually, the Tea Party never went away. We matured, working behind the scenes to elect conservatives, becoming less visible. I became chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee, traveling the country, helping to electconservatives in House and Senate races.

With their every attempt to remove Trump from office failing, the evil coalition of Democrats, fake news, and the Deep State have become totally deranged. They seek to create a race war and violence on Trump-supporters while arrogantly breaking laws. No sacrifice is too large or scheme too low if it will remove Trump from the White House.

Democrats' extreme lawless resistance requires the Tea Party to become highly visible again. The Tea Party is the righteous legal resistance to Democrats' deranged, violent, and illegal resistance.

I am excited to announce that 34% of those who attended Trump's latest rally in Michigan were registered Democrats. Trump is also winning blacks, Hispanics, and Millennials.

This means that despite fake news media's 24/7 lies, deceptions, and distortions about Trump, more Americans are beginning to discern that Trump is good for America. Let's pull formerly duped Americans into our Tea Party fold to rally behind our president.

Please allow me to address Democrats' and fake news media's despicable hate-generating lie that says the Tea Party and Trump are racist. I am a proud black American who attended over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide. I was showered with patriot love and appreciation. Trump has an excellent record of hiring blacks. Blacks are experiencing unprecedented prosperity under Trump — historic low unemployment.

Brother and sister Americans who love our country, let's join together to save America by keeping Trump in the White House. Please sign on to participate in the April 15th Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rallies.

Thirty-two-year-old Todd Beamer was an American passenger aboard United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked as part of the Islamic terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Beamer led a band of courageous fellow passengers in an attempt to regain control of the aircraft from the hijackers. During the struggle, control of the aircraft was lost. It crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, saving the hijackers' intended target, which prevented the murder of more Americans. Upon the passengers launching their attack, Beamer said, "Let's roll."

Yes, the Tea Party is back! Quoting heroic American Todd Beamer, "let's roll."

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

Image: Fibonacci Blue via Flickr.
Itʻs not so much the AOC feel the Bern, own all the factors of production socialism that bothers me. Itʻs the hybrid socialism that hitchikes on capitalism and thus sabotages true capitalism through deceptive policies like the affordable care act that totally ignores risk pools. Actually turns health insurance on itʻs head by charging healthy folks unhealthy folk rates. 6 straight years of QE is the most damaging monetary policy ever employed. Again ignoring risk pools through the artificial lowering of interest rates. Just like the monetary policy of the early 20ʻs that paved the way for the great depression when the stock market enticed many to buy more shares than they could have bought on their own, but on margin.