The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

If it's white it ain't right.
NEWS MARCH 10, 2019

2020 Democratic candidate sorry about being a white male


(Image source: YouTube screenshot)

Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington is running for the Democratic nomination in 2020, and like most of the Dem hopefuls was in Austin over the weekend at the SXSW festival. While there, he and the other candidates spoke with a lot of media, including several taking interviews with NBC's Chuck Todd for Meet the Press or CNN's Jake Tapper for State of the Union on Sunday morning.

But unlike the other candidates, Inslee had a unique message: sorry I'm a white dude.

In Inslee's case, the interview was with Tapper, who brought up the numbers from the latest CNN/Des Moines Register poll, which he said "shows only 38 percent of likely Democratic caucus-goers in Iowa" would be "satisfied with a straight white male nominee."

"So why are you, as a straight white male, the right person to lead the Democratic party if there's so much skepticism from Democrats in Iowa?"

"I think I have evinced a humility about being a straight white male, that I've never experienced discrimination like so many do." said Inslee. "I've never been pulled over as an African-American teenager by an officer driving through a white neighborhood. I've never been a woman who had been talked over in a meeting. So I've approached this with humility."

Inslee said his career has dedicated to "advancing justice" and "making sure that we have as much diversity as possible."

He listed several other ways he has atoned, including making sure his staff attend "implicit bias' training, his stand against the so-called "Muslim ban" and more. He brought up criminal justice reform, though did not mention President Trump's actions on the same issue.

Although Inslee is showing a meager 1% in that CNN poll, it should be noted that the leader, by far, was white male and former Vice President Joe Biden, with a whopping 27%. You can read more about that poll here.
[QUOTE="messy, post: 252686, member: 3299"

Why are you such a lying stupid sack of shit? some research Poor " Messy " Financial...

None of that will happen and you know it.
Now Little " Messy "....How many times has
Andrew Weissmann/Robert Mueller had THEIR cases
overturned....Look it up...Rep Louie Gohmert knows !

And like the rest of you pussy right-wingers,
I will offer you a bet and you won’t take it.
Will YOU be around in ten years ....Hmmmm ?
Go look at the past legal proceedings the two monkeys have had
overturned....then get back to me on a " Bet ".
A good gambler knows his odds, and you my little non friend
wish to offer a " Bet " that has the chances of YOU losing in
very high percentages...I won't take advantage of a " Messy "

You all come on here and lie your asses off to each other.
Please point out the lies that I ( You are commenting to me. )
have posted on this forum regarding the subject matter that has
your sphincter bound up in knots....

While you’re at it, tell us again about South Africa stealing
land from white farmers, you stupid fuck.
A. I didn't know " South Africa " as a whole was....I'm pretty sure I
stated/quoted indigenous humans were setting forth practices
that would enable the large scale theft of duly owned land
from WHITE farmers....!
B. The EFF is one of the primary engineers behind this radical
movement to STEAL the land from WHITE farmers because they
feel it is THEIR land...which is a flat out LIE !
This is just one article that you can source and do further
research with....What I have stated is FACT and you
need to grow a pair and step out of your little mud hut...


Like I stated in the past " Messy " really need to do
some research !
It's quite sad that you try to conduct " Critical " thinking while
maintaining your cranium presence deep within the bowels of
your cherished Lemming Leaders....
Tucker , Tucker, Tucker, the real Tucker revealed . . . of course this will endear him even further to the men, and women (they are happy to be under the thumb), that make up "the base".
[QUOTE="messy, post: 252686, member: 3299"

Why are you such a lying stupid sack of shit? some research Poor " Messy " Financial...

None of that will happen and you know it.
Now Little " Messy "....How many times has
Andrew Weissmann/Robert Mueller had THEIR cases
overturned....Look it up...Rep Louie Gohmert knows !

And like the rest of you pussy right-wingers,
I will offer you a bet and you won’t take it.
Will YOU be around in ten years ....Hmmmm ?
Go look at the past legal proceedings the two monkeys have had
overturned....then get back to me on a " Bet ".
A good gambler knows his odds, and you my little non friend
wish to offer a " Bet " that has the chances of YOU losing in
very high percentages...I won't take advantage of a " Messy "

You all come on here and lie your asses off to each other.
Please point out the lies that I ( You are commenting to me. )
have posted on this forum regarding the subject matter that has
your sphincter bound up in knots....

While you’re at it, tell us again about South Africa stealing
land from white farmers, you stupid fuck.
A. I didn't know " South Africa " as a whole was....I'm pretty sure I
stated/quoted indigenous humans were setting forth practices
that would enable the large scale theft of duly owned land
from WHITE farmers....!
B. The EFF is one of the primary engineers behind this radical
movement to STEAL the land from WHITE farmers because they
feel it is THEIR land...which is a flat out LIE !
This is just one article that you can source and do further
research with....What I have stated is FACT and you
need to grow a pair and step out of your little mud hut...


Like I stated in the past " Messy " really need to do
some research !
It's quite sad that you try to conduct " Critical " thinking while
maintaining your cranium presence deep within the bowels of
your cherished Lemming Leaders....
Mueller being “overturned” is your drug-addled claim that has nothing to do with reality.
It’s effectively a lie.
The article you post is about crime in South Africa farm areas.
You are a liar and a conspiracy freak.
Now tell me about Hillary’s pedophile ring in the pizza parlor, loon.
Mueller being “overturned” is your drug-addled claim that has nothing to do with reality.
It’s effectively a lie.
The article you post is about crime in South Africa farm areas.
You are a liar and a conspiracy freak.
Now tell me about Hillary’s pedophile ring in the pizza parlor, loon.
So says the Russian conspiracy nutjob.
I've really enjoyed going through my travel pix. And I'm sure you have too!

Here's a nice one of a turtle when we were diving in huli huli boi's neck of the woods... I think this is a turtle cleaning station up the coast on the big island, but it could be on the backside of Maui toward Hana.

MARCH 11, 2019
Corey Booker’s First Lesson About Marijuana
By Colin Flaherty
The first thing you need to know about legalizing marijuana is that it has nothing to do with marijuana. It is all about criminal justice reform.

And the first thing you need to know about criminal justice reform is that it is really about black people in prison.

And the first thing you need to know about black people in prison is that there are a too many of them there for one reason only: white racism.

And how do we know that? That’s the part about pot. Corey Booker begins the circle game:

“From the time I was a kid growing up as the only black family in a white community, you get to realize how our justice system is so broken,” Booker intoned to an enthralled NPR host. “It treats people differently based upon geography, based on the color of their skin.”

“And seeing in college at Stanford, the use of drugs, pretty significantly. And then you see in neighborhoods like the one I live in now -- we have a country where there’s no difference between blacks and whites for using marijuana. Or using drugs. But the arrest rates are multiple times higher for African Americans.”

So it is not about pot after all: pot is just one example, picked seemingly at random, that Booker et al would have us believe shows how black people and white people do the same crime, but only black people do the time.

And what about assault or burglary or rape or murder or home invasions? The black crime rate for those felonies is way higher as well. Which of course is further proof that cops are picking on black people while letting white people get away with murder

Wouldn’t it be pretty if that were true?

But it’s not. Not even close. And if you do not know that by now, it is only because you are wrapped up in denial, deceit, and delusion and refuse to know it.

Yet for all the times that Booker and other national politicians repeat that pot canard, not one reporter ever stepped up to ask: "How do you know that?" Presumably there’s something more than a nerdy Corey Booker remembering through a cannabis haze how white kids smoked a lot of dope at Stanford 25 years ago.

Apparently, it is so obviously true that no one bothers to ask, thus breaking the first and only rule of journalism: If your mother says she loves you, check it out.

But when rare reporter is forced to at least tip his hat in the direction of a source for this questionable assertion, we come up with a questionable statistic from a strange place: the census department.

When they census takers go into a home to ask about drug use, black people and white people answer the question about the same.

That’s called self-reporting. And for drug use, it is notoriously unreliable -- especially by race. If you check out my scintillating bestseller Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry, you’ll find lots of details about lots of studies that document the difference between testing for drugs and asking about drugs.

One is reliable. The other is stupid. Think you can figure out the difference? Cops can.

America’s favorite blue-checked white guy, Tim Wise, invaded my Twitter space the other day to scorn anyone who cites studies that show black people use more drugs and lie about it more often than white people.

Like Johnny Appleseed, Wise makes his living traveling the country and telling college students about the evils of white racism. There is no black drug problem, he tells us. No black crime. No black violence. And he has about a million studies to back up what he says. Only, you have to meet certain criteria before you are allowed to see this secret info:

“I have researched this for a quarter of a century,” said Wise, a Poli Sci major from Tulane. “So what makes you think you are even qualified to enter into this discussion? The only reason you did is because you assume the worst about black people not based on data but bias.”

If you disagree with this transparently absurd denial of reality, you can be kicked off Facebook, Google, YouTube, Patreon, iTunes, even Amazon -- as your humble correspondent has been over the last few years, and days. (Not to worry, that scintillating bestseller is still available at Smashwords, until Amazon buys it, that is.)

There is even a study that shows not only do black people use more drugs, they lie about it way more often too. Easy to find in the Journal of Addictive Behavior. If you don’t want to take my word for it, and you cannot find my scintillating bestseller because Amazon yanked it down a few days ago, then go here, for starters: Comparison between self-report and hair analysis of illicit drug use.

It is difficult to see how the black violent crime rates could get any worse: They are five, ten, twenty, even a thousand times greater than white and Asian crime rates.

But here’s the real story: when you factor in stitches for snitches, witness intimidation, not calling 911, stopping cradle to prison pipelines by arresting fewer black people, and Bronx juries, the true black crime and violence numbers go from really, really bad to astronomically out of proportion.

Sorry Booker. Sorry Tim Wise.

The entire enterprise of criminal justice reform and legalizing pot is built on a big fat lie of white racism and black victimization -- the greatest lie of our generation. And it depends on not even one reporter asking one simple question that would break that lie into one million pieces: “How do you know?”

So far, no takers.

So all we are left with is a transparently false fairy tale: And to believe it, to ignore the enormous statistical and real life information that makes it easy to see how this is the greatest lie of our generation, all you have to do is get really, really, really, really, really high.

Colin Flaherty is the author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. Which used to be an Amazon #1 bestseller before Amazon removed it for being offensive or something. He is working on a biography of the sage of New Jersey, T-Bone.

Senate Confirms High-Priority Trump Judges Without Any Democrat Support


AP Photo/Evan Vucci
11 Mar 2019Washington, DC65

WASHINGTON, DC – Senators confirmed three high-priority Trump judges to the federal appeals courts last week without a single Democrat voting for any of them, with one of those new judges replacing an irreplaceable conservative judicial icon, Judge Alice Batchelder.

The Senate confirmed Allison Jones Rushing on March 6 as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, which covers five states in the middle of the Eastern Seaboard. The vote was 53-44. At age 37, Judge Rushing is the youngest appellate judge appointed by President Donald Trump. A partner at powerhouse law firm Williams & Connelly, Rushing is an Evangelical Christian – a group that is underrepresented on the federal appeals bench – and a former law clerk both to Justice Neil Gorsuch (when he served on the Tenth Circuit appeals court) and Justice Clarence Thomas.

The other two confirmations were for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, which covers Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. With them, President Trump has appointed six of the 16 seats on that court, the single largest impact on any federal court to date measured either by absolute numbers or by percentages