Hüsker Dü
Democrats are the Jew haters,
‘Can’t make this up’: Here’s where House Dems are reportedly at with that resolution condemning anti-Semitism; UPDATED
Posted at 6:54 pm on March 05, 2019 by Sarah D
Oh, hey, how’s that House Democratic resolution condemning anti-Semitism coming along? About as well as can be expected. By which we mean, of course, about as badly as can be expected:
Just when you think they can’t possibly dig their own graves any deeper, they grab ten more shovels.
It’s almost impressive, when you think about it. They have before them a task that should take absolutely zero effort, and they still can’t manage to do the bare minimum.

She pointed to an image Trump tweeted of a six-pointed star surrounded by cash, the times Trump has retweeted neo-Nazis and his rhetoric around a conspiracy of international of bankers.
“Trump is normalizing bigotry in a way that’s having a trickle-down effect on society,” she said.
The Trump campaign has vigorously denied accusations of anti-Semitism. Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, told The New York Times last week, “We have no knowledge of this activity and strongly condemn any commentary that is anti-Semitic.” She added, “We totally disavow hateful rhetoric online or otherwise.”
Nevertheless, the study found that among the 1,600 accounts that sent the majority of anti-Semitic tweets to journalists, the most common words in the users’ biographies were “Trump,” “nationalist,” “conservative” and “white.”