The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Democrats are the Jew haters,

‘Can’t make this up’: Here’s where House Dems are reportedly at with that resolution condemning anti-Semitism; UPDATED

Posted at 6:54 pm on March 05, 2019 by Sarah D

Oh, hey, how’s that House Democratic resolution condemning anti-Semitism coming along? About as well as can be expected. By which we mean, of course, about as badly as can be expected:

Just when you think they can’t possibly dig their own graves any deeper, they grab ten more shovels.

It’s almost impressive, when you think about it. They have before them a task that should take absolutely zero effort, and they still can’t manage to do the bare minimum.


She pointed to an image Trump tweeted of a six-pointed star surrounded by cash, the times Trump has retweeted neo-Nazis and his rhetoric around a conspiracy of international of bankers.

“Trump is normalizing bigotry in a way that’s having a trickle-down effect on society,” she said.

The Trump campaign has vigorously denied accusations of anti-Semitism. Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, told The New York Times last week, “We have no knowledge of this activity and strongly condemn any commentary that is anti-Semitic.” She added, “We totally disavow hateful rhetoric online or otherwise.”

Nevertheless, the study found that among the 1,600 accounts that sent the majority of anti-Semitic tweets to journalists, the most common words in the users’ biographies were “Trump,” “nationalist,” “conservative” and “white.”

She pointed to an image Trump tweeted of a six-pointed star surrounded by cash, the times Trump has retweeted neo-Nazis and his rhetoric around a conspiracy of international of bankers.

“Trump is normalizing bigotry in a way that’s having a trickle-down effect on society,” she said.

The Trump campaign has vigorously denied accusations of anti-Semitism. Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, told The New York Times last week, “We have no knowledge of this activity and strongly condemn any commentary that is anti-Semitic.” She added, “We totally disavow hateful rhetoric online or otherwise.”

Nevertheless, the study found that among the 1,600 accounts that sent the majority of anti-Semitic tweets to journalists, the most common words in the users’ biographies were “Trump,” “nationalist,” “conservative” and “white.”
Fake News.
Why me? I am not white, at least I don't identify as such.
Yet another example of your lack of responsibility and accountability, even for your own words and you wonder why you are called a fascist. Continue with your lies, you do have a few suckers in here who believe you.
Yet another example of your lack of responsibility and accountability, even for your own words and you wonder why you are called a fascist. Continue with your lies, you do have a few suckers in here who believe you.
So, you can choose what gender you want to be but not what race? How does that work?
Why would say that? Odd timing wouldn't you say? Don't you mean since 1965 or did something else happen in 2008 that made you feel even more victimized by the liberal democracy at large?
You know what happened in 2008, the worst president ever was elected because he was part black. He said he was going to transform the country and he sure did.
You know what happened in 2008, the worst president ever was elected because he was part black. He said he was going to transform the country and he sure did.
We are now, by far, experiencing the least prepared, least qualified, least engaged, least interested in what's best for the nation, worst president EVER. Yet besides the mountains of evidence you stick by him because you believe the b.s. propaganda you were fed with no footing in reality and keep saying, "At least he's not Hillary".
People have been laughing at you and will continue to do so.
We are now, by far, experiencing the least prepared, least qualified, least engaged, least interested in what's best for the nation, worst president EVER. Yet besides the mountains of evidence you stick by him because you believe the b.s. propaganda you were fed with no footing in reality and keep saying, "At least he's not Hillary".
People have been laughing at you and will continue to do so.
All you did was weaken a country today. Sleep well, son.
We are now, by far, experiencing the least prepared, least qualified, least engaged, least interested in what's best for the nation, worst president EVER. Yet besides the mountains of evidence you stick by him because you believe the b.s. propaganda you were fed with no footing in reality and keep saying, "At least he's not Hillary".
People have been laughing at you and will continue to do so.
TRUMP vs. OBAMA: In First Two Years in Office Trump Adds 9 MILLION More Jobs Than Obama
by Jim Hoft January 5, 2019 274 Comments

2018 Was Year of the Worker Thanks to President Trump!
Job numbers released yesterday through the end of December show an increase of nearly 5 million jobs since President Trump won the 2016 election and an unemployment rate of less than 4 percent. After the same period under Obama, (4) million jobs were lost and unemployment skyrocketed to 9.3 percent!

President Trump’s economic results could arguably be the best all time.

According to data released yesterday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, President Trump has added nearly 5 million jobs in the first two years of his administration.

The same cannot be said for President Obama’s first two years as he lost 4 million jobs. Obama was so bad at creating jobs that by the end of his second term he said that jobs were not coming back. This showed in his first two years with millions of lost jobs.

Overall President Trump has gained nearly 9 million more jobs than Obama in their respective first two years in office!


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, under President Trump more Americans are in the work force than ever before and 2018 was the year of the worker. President Trump is working hard to bring good paying jobs back to the US and his efforts are showing historic results.

Also according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the US unemployment rate at year end remained at historic lows of less than 4 percent. Rates for Hispanics have never been lower
Must hand it to t, he is smart enough to hide his grades, all the way from K thru college, as he knows how mediocre it will show him to be. Another C student from the ranks of the GOP.
Must hand it to t, he is smart enough to hide his grades, all the way from K thru college, as he knows how mediocre it will show him to be. Another C student from the ranks of the GOP.
One guys hides his birth certificate and his transcripts and the other hides his grades.
One guys hides his birth certificate and his transcripts and the other hides his grades.
One guy produces his birth certificate and his tax returns, and the other guy hides his tax returns, his hush money to porn stars, his infidelities, his foreign contacts and business deals, and his hairline.