The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I agree that the Israeli government and it's supporters have hypnotized the word in ways that gloss over the bad actions against the Palestinians and in how they influence US politicians. Does that make me anti-Semitic?
You believe the Jews have hypnotized the world ok, I dont.
Do you also believe Allah will show the world the light?
I also dont believe that.
Wait. It’s Michael Cohen and Lanny Davis, therefore Hillary and Obama’s fault. So ..... WINNING!!!!
New York's now looking into possible insurance fraud by the Donald Org using the financial statements that Cohen gave Congress last week.

A word of caution. When you buy a house for $7mil and then you do well and it gets assessed at $15 mil, don't tell your insurance company and Deutsche bank it is worth close to $300mil when looking at lower insurance rates and a big loan. You could go to jail for that.
New York's now looking into possible insurance fraud by the Donald Org using the financial statements that Cohen gave Congress last week.

A word of caution. When you buy a house for $7mil and then you do well and it gets assessed at $15 mil, don't tell your insurance company and Deutsche bank it is worth close to $300mil when looking at lower insurance rates and a big loan. You could go to jail for that.
Not if you’re the President.
Fact is, you and I both know some of these young Muslim political movers are Jew Haters.
Don't fight what you already know, it isn't smart.
You’re so right.

I agree with you Mister, we could use a man like Adolf Hitler again.

Didn’t need no welfare state.

Everybody pulls their weight.

Gee our old Lasalle ran great.

Those were the days.
I know some are. Just like I know some of them old and young Republicans are bigots on many fronts.
There are Democrat bigots as well. At least as many as the Republicans, maybe more.
So what?
Most elected officials are liars and grifters.
You seem to agree with me about the Jew haters so I guess we dont need to debate any more.
You’re so right.

I agree with you Mister, we could use a man like Adolf Hitler again.

Didn’t need no welfare state.

Everybody pulls their weight.

Gee our old Lasalle ran great.

Those were the days.
Things Congresswoman Omar might say?
...wait, she hates white people (especially old white men) too.

I'll bet I am more "old white man" than you are, and I don't see any reason to believe that she hates me.

You need to get out more.
I get out plenty, and she doesn't know either of us, but generally speaking, I agree.
You are the least likable "old white guy" out of the two of us.