The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Where have you gone, huli huli boi, huli huli boi?
Where have you gone cluck-cuck Izzie?

The sporting spirit of this great nation is sorely lacking, sorely, sorely lacking...

Goodnight Paulie Stillinjail...
Goodnight Redheaded NRA BeeninjailsinceJune...
Goodnight Huli Huli Boi. I may put you on a milk carton tomorrow...

Ol " Friedhands " is calling out for Adam Schiff & Ed Buck.....
If you stand closer to your cardboard cutouts you just might get some " Love ".....
George...George...George of the Jungle ....
Watch out for that Treeeee......!


Oh..That was Hillaryyyyy !
Bye Bye

Detainees force-fed after hunger strike in Texas deported by ICE to India
By Anna Hopkins | Fox News
Two Indian men who were force-fed while on a hunger strike at the El Paso Processing Center in Texas have been deported (Google View )

Two Indian men who were force-fed through nasal tubes while on a hunger strike inside a Texas detention facility have been deported, immigration officials said Monday.

The two detainees held at the El Paso Processing Center were deported to India on Friday, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Nine detainees -- from India, Nigeria, Turkey, Bissau-Guinea, Pakistan and Croatia -- have been refusing to eat in detention centers in the El Paso, Atlanta, San Diego, Miami and Seattle areas of responsibility, ICE spokeswoman Leticia Zamarripa said

A February report from USA Today, however, said there were 12 total detainees on a hunger strike at the El Paso facility: nine from India and three from Cuba.


Earlier this year, federal judges authorized nose-to-stomach force-feeding of nine detainees in El Paso. In response, the United Nations human rights office said the U.S. could be violating the U.N. Convention Against Torture because it views force-feeding as potential "ill treatment."

On Feb. 15, it was reported that ICE officials had stopped force-feeding the men after growing criticism. The group began their hunger strike at the beginning of the year, protesting unfair treatment at the El Paso facility, which they described as constant verbal abuse and threat of deportation by officials. They also protested the lack of information they were being provided about their asylum cases.

Ruby Kaur, a lawyer representing two of the detainees in El Paso, said the force-feeding was "extremely painful" and "against their will," adding that her clients told her they experienced vomiting and nasal and rectal bleeding because of the treatment. She claimed that her clients, among others on hunger strikes, were held in solitary confinement to "intimidate them" into ending the strike.


She also added that some of the Indian men started the protest because they do not speak English and ICE had not provided them with a translator who could speak Punjabi, according to NPR.


ICE said at the time that the department "fully respects the rights of all people to voice their opinion without interference," and "does not retaliate in any way against hunger strikers
Hoo Boy: Are Democrats Planning to Move Forward With Impeachment, Regardless of What Mueller Finds?

Guy Benson

Posted: Mar 05, 2019 2:05 PM
hopelessly partisan and beset with intense infighting. (2) The Senate panel's parallel probe has been much more professionally handled, with sober bipartisan leadership, but its resources and powers are incomplete, so its 'no collusion' findings cannot be considered conclusive. (3) What really matters are the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team. Mueller is so important, in fact, that there has been constant hand-wringing about his investigation being canceled or disrupted by Trump. But now that it's reportedly almost Mueller Time, there appears to be a concerted effort in anti-Trump circles to redefine the battlefield. No matter what Mueller's verdict may be on Russian 'collusion,' we're increasingly told, Trump is already guilty:

That first tweet is a CNN analyst preparing his audience for a potential letdown, preemptively pivoting to focusing on already-known facts if Mueller doesn't drop new bombshells. The second is the Senate Intelligence Committee's ranking member (who is slowly backing away from his call for his state's governor to resign) not exactly contradicting Chairman Burr, but basically arguing, "what we already know is bad enough." Perhaps most importantly, the new leader of the House committee that would instigate the impeachment process against the president went on television over the weekend and declared that he's seen enough to conclude that its "very clear" the president has committed an impeachable crime:

Amid last week's Michael Cohen hearings, a number of liberals, journalists, and Republicans observed that the proceedings felt like the first step toward removing Trump from office. Byron York argues that Democrats have now officially tipped their hand:

Think what you will about the reasons — calling an investigation a "witch hunt" is obstruction of justice? — but Nadler sounded less like a man weighing the evidence than a man who has has made up his mind. Given that, Nadler's ABC interview led to a question: President Nixon was threatened with impeachment for obstruction of justice. President Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice. Why is Nadler, who heads the committee in the House that originates articles of impeachment, not moving forward with impeaching President Trump right now? ... Nadler's talk with ABC was the clearest indication yet that Democrats have decided to impeach Trump and are now simply doing the legwork involved in making that happen. And that means the debate among House Democrats will be a tactical one — what is the best time and way to go forward — rather than a more fundamental discussion of whether the president should be impeached...

Other House Democrats are sending similar messages. "There is abundant evidence of collusion," House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said on CBS Sunday...So now the Democratic plan is coming into sharper relief. The impeachment decision has been made. Various committee chairs are moving forward in gathering and organizing the formal justification for removing the president. The timing decision is still up in the air, as is an overarching communications plan — selling impeachment to the American public, or more specifically those Americans who don't already support impeachment...whatever the stated rationale, impeachment is on.

The goalposts are moving before our very eyes. But Allahpundit seems to agree that the Axios-floated grand strategy from House Democrats is not to pull the trigger on the I-word over the next year-plus, but rather to execute a slow-bleed of politically-damaging pain over that time span. The idea would be to cripple and overwhelm Trump's presidency all the way up to election day, then let the voters oust him from office. "The smart play is to do what they’re doing, launching an open-ended investigation that will dig up plenty of dirt on Trump and grind on to Election Day next year," he writes. "Instead of passing articles of impeachment and seeing them die in the Senate, they’re probably going to produce a Democratic counterpart to the Mueller report, laying out everything they find in gory detail and publishing it next summer so that the Democratic nominee and the media have a treasure trove of oppo to use against Trump." If I were a betting man, that would be my wager, too. I'll leave you with Trump-skeptical conservative writer David French attacking the Steele Dossier (the credibility of which was further eroded by Cohen's testimony

Black journalists' group places CNN on 'special monitoring list'
By Michael Burke and Joe Concha - 03/05/19 04:24 PM EST 120


The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) said Tuesday that it would place CNN on a "special media monitoring list," citing a lack of black representation among the network's leadership ranks.

NABJ said in a statement that its preliminary research showed that CNN has no black employees reporting to CNN President Jeff Zucker. It also showed that the news organization has no black executive producers as well as no black vice presidents or senior vice presidents on the news side.

CNN disputed the group's finding that there are no black vice presidents on the news side, according to NABJ. But the news network did not provide the name or position of the vice president or vice presidents, NABJ said.

The NABJ said a four-person delegation sought to meet with Zucker but that the CNN president refused to do so because of "a personal issue between CNN and NABJ’s Vice President-

"Previously, former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile admitted, according to a Time essay, she inadvertently disclosed a town hall topic to the Clinton campaign that was part of Martin’s research inquiry for the town hall," the NABJ statement reads.

"NABJ’s request to meet was and is focused solely on CNN’s diversity efforts, its results and our strategic priorities as an organization," the statement continued.

CNN said in a statement shared with The Hill that it was open to meeting with members of the group's leadership team, but said that it would not be part of any meetings involving Martin.

"For months, we have been working with NABJ to schedule a meeting because the relationship between CNN and NABJ is very important to us. As we have told them many times, we look forward to a thoughtful discussion about how both of our organizations can continue to work together. Unfortunately, the significant and reckless damage that Roland Martin did to CNN while partnering with us during a 2016 Democratic Town Hall has made any meeting that includes him untenable," CNN said in the statement.

"Mr. Martin displayed an unprecedented and egregious lack of journalistic ethics and integrity by leaking questions prior to the town hall. As a result, we have told NABJ that CNN will not participate in any meeting that includes him. We have made it abundantly clear that we would be more than happy to sit down with the rest of their leadership team as soon as possible, and that offer still stands," the network added.

NABJ said its next step will include further research and analysis on CNN's "diversity, inclusion and equity practices." The group also said it is calling for a "civil rights audit" to examine CNN's "hiring, promotion and compensation practices involving black employees."

The group said that it its delegation is engaged in "very positive outreach" with other media companies and has met or scheduled meetings with ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC.

Last year, former CNN morning anchor Soledad O'Brien slammed the network and the cable news industry at large for what she said is a lack of diversity on the senior level.

The former "Apprentice" reality show contestant was the most senior black person in the administration, serving as director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison until her firing in 2018.

"Very terrible! But, uh, walk me through the senior black staff at @CNNPolitics or @cnn or, hey, I’ll take cable news," O'Brien wrote in an August 2018 tweet.
Hoo Boy: Are Democrats Planning to Move Forward With Impeachment, Regardless of What Mueller Finds?

Guy Benson

Posted: Mar 05, 2019 2:05 PM
hopelessly partisan and beset with intense infighting. (2) The Senate panel's parallel probe has been much more professionally handled, with sober bipartisan leadership, but its resources and powers are incomplete, so its 'no collusion' findings cannot be considered conclusive. (3) What really matters are the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team. Mueller is so important, in fact, that there has been constant hand-wringing about his investigation being canceled or disrupted by Trump. But now that it's reportedly almost Mueller Time, there appears to be a concerted effort in anti-Trump circles to redefine the battlefield. No matter what Mueller's verdict may be on Russian 'collusion,' we're increasingly told, Trump is already guilty:

That first tweet is a CNN analyst preparing his audience for a potential letdown, preemptively pivoting to focusing on already-known facts if Mueller doesn't drop new bombshells. The second is the Senate Intelligence Committee's ranking member (who is slowly backing away from his call for his state's governor to resign) not exactly contradicting Chairman Burr, but basically arguing, "what we already know is bad enough." Perhaps most importantly, the new leader of the House committee that would instigate the impeachment process against the president went on television over the weekend and declared that he's seen enough to conclude that its "very clear" the president has committed an impeachable crime:

Amid last week's Michael Cohen hearings, a number of liberals, journalists, and Republicans observed that the proceedings felt like the first step toward removing Trump from office. Byron York argues that Democrats have now officially tipped their hand:

Think what you will about the reasons — calling an investigation a "witch hunt" is obstruction of justice? — but Nadler sounded less like a man weighing the evidence than a man who has has made up his mind. Given that, Nadler's ABC interview led to a question: President Nixon was threatened with impeachment for obstruction of justice. President Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice. Why is Nadler, who heads the committee in the House that originates articles of impeachment, not moving forward with impeaching President Trump right now? ... Nadler's talk with ABC was the clearest indication yet that Democrats have decided to impeach Trump and are now simply doing the legwork involved in making that happen. And that means the debate among House Democrats will be a tactical one — what is the best time and way to go forward — rather than a more fundamental discussion of whether the president should be impeached...

Other House Democrats are sending similar messages. "There is abundant evidence of collusion," House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said on CBS Sunday...So now the Democratic plan is coming into sharper relief. The impeachment decision has been made. Various committee chairs are moving forward in gathering and organizing the formal justification for removing the president. The timing decision is still up in the air, as is an overarching communications plan — selling impeachment to the American public, or more specifically those Americans who don't already support impeachment...whatever the stated rationale, impeachment is on.

The goalposts are moving before our very eyes. But Allahpundit seems to agree that the Axios-floated grand strategy from House Democrats is not to pull the trigger on the I-word over the next year-plus, but rather to execute a slow-bleed of politically-damaging pain over that time span. The idea would be to cripple and overwhelm Trump's presidency all the way up to election day, then let the voters oust him from office. "The smart play is to do what they’re doing, launching an open-ended investigation that will dig up plenty of dirt on Trump and grind on to Election Day next year," he writes. "Instead of passing articles of impeachment and seeing them die in the Senate, they’re probably going to produce a Democratic counterpart to the Mueller report, laying out everything they find in gory detail and publishing it next summer so that the Democratic nominee and the media have a treasure trove of oppo to use against Trump." If I were a betting man, that would be my wager, too. I'll leave you with Trump-skeptical conservative writer David French attacking the Steele Dossier (the credibility of which was further eroded by Cohen's testimony
Still dragginʻ that net eh?
Get ready spigot boy. Itʻs almost time. The debt has been fully monetized and Powell will be calling on you soon.

It's my huli huli boi!!!! You're back!!!

Oh we missed you. It's tax season and we don't know whether to list our houses as bank assets or personal assets. And our art collections. Where to start?! What if there's no current cash flow? Does art just disappear? We need your economicalish wisdom huli huli boi.

Oh, and I'm sure it's just an oversight, but neither you nor Racist Sterno Joe appear to have taken our little wager.

It's not too late! You'll have such positive and delicious ROI! And Racist Sterno Joe will skip a week or two of DTs.

Great to have you back, huli huli.



  • CODE RED: UCP Released the Number of Illegal Immigrant Border Arrests Since October, & It’s Shocking

CODE RED: UCP Released the Number of Illegal Immigrant Border Arrests Since October, & It’s Shocking

Posted at 6:53 pm on March 5, 2019 by Alex Parker

On Tuesday, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection revealed alarming statistics regarding the number of illegal immigrants recently arrested while trying to sneak into the country.

According to Border Patrol Chief of Operations Brian Hastings, Last month’s tally for apprehensions came in at over 66,000.

Since October, there’ve been over 268,000 arrests.

Compared to the same period during the last fiscal year, that’s a 97% increase.

Another difference between the current number of arrests and years past is the origin of the lawbreakers. Once comprised primarily of Mexicans, the group’s now populated mostly by the “northern triangle”: Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador
In 2011, days after Donald Trump challenged President Barack Obama to “show his records” to prove that he hadn’t been a “terrible student,” the headmaster at New York Military Academy got an order from his boss: Find Trump’s academic records and help bury them.

The superintendent of the private school “came to me in a panic because he had been accosted by prominent, wealthy alumni of the school who were Mr. Trump’s friends” and who wanted to keep his records secret, recalled Evan Jones, the headmaster at the time. “He said, ‘You need to go grab that record and deliver it to me because I need to deliver it to them.’ ”