The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

t pusses out and says he believes Kim knew nothing about the torture of Otto Warmbier. t is afraid to confront anyone and stand up for what is right. He agrees with adversaries and snaps at allies as he flies away, not to their face.
3 lies there.

Is Trump going to jail before or after Cohen is murdered?
t pusses out and says he believes Kim knew nothing about the torture of Otto Warmbier. t is afraid to confront anyone and stand up for what is right. He agrees with adversaries and snaps at allies as he flies away, not to their face.

Look at you.... all twisted and shit.

If it wasn't for despots like Little Rocket Man and his minion torturing and killing
humans you wouldn't have anything to post about.....

You " Love " Kim, Putin and the Maduro types....makes your little butthole pucker with
delight.... everyday !

More War !
More Famine !
More Human brutality !
More Civilization under Socialism/Communism !

Oh if only HRC had been voted in !



What Burger....I'm eating a " Hot " dog.....oops a Veggie Sandwich.
Seems she's not listening to Mad Maxine when it comes to Lies and Deceit !
You are a creepy scumbag. You come off as the type of person other people get seriously creeped out about when in close proximity to you. A serious mouth breather you are.
You are a creepy scumbag. You come off as the type of person other people get seriously creeped out about when in close proximity to you. A serious mouth breather you are.

One day you're the " Tough " guy......
The next, your " whimpering " ass gets creeped out....

Now now just doesn't work like that.

As for this " Mouth Breather " reference....the fact that YOU
bring it up...projects that others in your past have laid this
smelly flower at your feet.....maybe just the " proximity "...

Judge Orders Release Of Christopher Steele Deposition
February 28th, 2019

Christopher Steele speaks to reporters in London. (Youtube screen shot/CBS News)

A federal judge in Florida on Thursday ordered the release of depositions given by former British spy Christopher Steele and a longtime associate of late Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain in a lawsuit filed against BuzzFeed regarding Steele’s anti-Trump dossier.

U.S. District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro overruled requests by Steele and David Kramer, the former McCain associate, to keep depositions they gave in the BuzzFeed lawsuit under seal. Ungaro dismissed a lawsuit filed against BuzzFeed on Dec. 19, 2018, by Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian businessman accused in the dossier of using his companies to hack into DNC computers.

Steele was hired in June 2016 by opposition research firm Fusion GPS to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. He produced 17 separate memos dated between June 20, 2016, and Dec. 13, 2016, alleging a vast conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Kremlin to influence the election.
Horrible situation for sure and that is why you don't go to these places and fuck around.
Especially before Trump was in office.
El Presidente got some Americans back from that hell hole, but during the last administration they came back like poor Otto, or they didnt come back at all.