The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Overflow crowd outside the venue.

Beeto had around five to six hundred, ..a thousand tops..
Trump a little shy of ten thousand would be my guess.

This is Beeto's home town.
That’s a good guess. How much bigger is Trump’s dick compared to Beenos?
Oh .....did I stretch the truth a little....maybe 18,000 - 25,000.....
Pardon me for my " Democratic " estimate.....

Honestly ...WTFC..." Beto " is an Idiot all the same....just like the rest
of the 35 + Low IQ Communists running on the Democratic side...
You did not stretch anything. Trump’s dick is longer and thicker than any mortal man’s Johnson.
Can you count that high?

Swabby. Get a grip. Trump had tens of thousands more supporters at his rally than the dozen or so illegal wetbacks that scurried about beano’s failed insurrection. Deal with it. The El Paso FD has actual comparison crowd estimations that indubitably support my unbiased reporting of facts. Look them up and try to repute me.

You people rely on failed media operations like Bozo’s wapo and the bankrupt NYT.
Fuck em,

ICE Arrests 200 After North Carolina Counties Cut Ties with Immigration Officials


Photo by John Moore/Getty Images
12 Feb 2019309

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested 200 undocumented aliens in North Carolina after several counties moved to cut ties with ICE.
ICE Regional Director Sean Gallaghar said the raids were a direct result of the counties refusing to work with immigration officials.

“This is the direct conclusion of dangerous policies of not cooperating with ICE. This forces my officers to go out onto the street to conduct more enforcement,” Gallaghar said according to the Charlotte Observer.