The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Ah yes, another good time out on the town for a t supporter . . .

The BBC reports the unidentified Trump supporter twice almost knocked Skeans and his camera over as he “shoved and swore” at other members of the press and yelled “fuck the media” before security escorted him away.

“Fortunately our cameraman is fine, he is made of stern stuff,” O’Donoghue told the “Today” program on BBC Radio 4. He called it “an incredibly violent attack” and said the “goading of the crowds against the media” is “a constant feature” of Trump’s rallies.

Early 70's Chile anyone?
Ah yes, another good time out on the town for a t supporter . . .

The BBC reports the unidentified Trump supporter twice almost knocked Skeans and his camera over as he “shoved and swore” at other members of the press and yelled “fuck the media” before security escorted him away.

“Fortunately our cameraman is fine, he is made of stern stuff,” O’Donoghue told the “Today” program on BBC Radio 4. He called it “an incredibly violent attack” and said the “goading of the crowds against the media” is “a constant feature” of Trump’s rallies.

Early 70's Chile anyone?
What did they say about Antifa?
What did they say about those trump supporters at the trump rally in Ca that had to run for their lives?
Obama built that.
That's what happens when you get in bed with the government and that government goes away.
That must be it, if there was no such thing as reality.
In reality, it was Trump’s tax cuts and execs (and shareholders) did great, while nobody used the cuts to hire...they laid off!
But it’s simple...things like whose fault it is that people don’t get paid well and what’s going on with the climate and the environment are not emotional enough.
So Trump appeals to emotions, which works for so many people.
So someone doesn’t know what an asset is, but you don’t care, because my emotions are what you focused on. Get it?
That must be it, if there was no such thing as reality.
In reality, it was Trump’s tax cuts and execs (and shareholders) did great, while nobody used the cuts to hire...they laid off!
But it’s simple...things like whose fault it is that people don’t get paid well and what’s going on with the climate and the environment are not emotional enough.
So Trump appeals to emotions, which works for so many people.
So someone doesn’t know what an asset is, but you don’t care, because my emotions are what you focused on. Get it?
If you don't get paid well find another job. I am supposed to get emotional about that and the climate change hoax?
The Art of the Deal (2019 version) --

1. Ask for more than you want
2. Settle for less than they were willing to give you in the first place
3. Declare victory
PHOTOS: Anti-Wall Beto Uses Fences, Barricades at El Paso Rally

So Trump had a big pep rally yesterday, where he was going to win voters over and make them eager to pay for his wall. And yet even his own hardcore followers in here can't be bothered with the wall bs and are back to talking about Hillary.

I'm not a Republican but that has to be a concern for some of you who are as we head into the next election. I mean aside from build a wall the Trump ideas well doesn't seem to run very deep. Is there anyone enough who believes not being Hillary and having built a wall is going to be enough to propel him into a second term?
So Trump had a big pep rally yesterday, where he was going to win voters over and make them eager to pay for his wall. And yet even his own hardcore followers in here can't be bothered with the wall bs and are back to talking about Hillary.

I'm not a Republican but that has to be a concern for some of you who are as we head into the next election. I mean aside from build a wall the Trump ideas well doesn't seem to run very deep. Is there anyone enough who believes not being Hillary and having built a wall is going to be enough to propel him into a second term?
Who know and who cares? He stopped Hillary, got 2 supremes and a bunch of federal judges, how is RBG feeling these days?
How much money and time have you people wasted the last 2 plus years chasing your tail on this whole Trump thing?
You can't even put up a qualified candidate.
BTW, thanks for letting us know you aren't a republican, had no idea.
Who know and who cares? He stopped Hillary, got 2 supremes and a bunch of federal judges, how is RBG feeling these days?
How much money and time have you people wasted the last 2 plus years chasing your tail on this whole Trump thing?
You can't even put up a qualified candidate.
BTW, thanks for letting us know you aren't a republican, had no idea.

Yes I hope this is exactly what I hope Republican's are telling themselves. That Trumps given them enough...
The first step to stopping the disaster unfolding in Washington is to stop digging.

It's interesting that Trump is giving Beto a platform to pinch on his news cycle. In that Beto's a charismatic guy who obviously can thread the needle on border issues, being from El Paso and all. Even if Beto has him concerned and Trump is itching to go on the offensive to chop him down early- this seems like the wrong issue in that it plays to a Beto strength?

I get Trump can be a savvy tactician... but I don't understand this move.
It's interesting that Trump is giving Beto a platform to pinch on his news cycle. In that Beto's a charismatic guy who obviously can thread the needle on border issues, being from El Paso and all. Even if Beto has him concerned and Trump is itching to go on the offensive to chop him down early- this seems like the wrong issue in that it plays to a Beto strength?

I get Trump can be a savvy tactician... but I don't understand this move.
He knows his followers, they enjoy watching him pick on people. All t's attacks are petty, non-fact based and simply mean spirited for the sake of being mean spirited . . . they applaud the separation of infants and mothers don't they?
You forgot "abortion" and "socialism." None of it is real, but it makes more a good emotional appeal. The real issues are very different.
You touched on one the other day when you noted that Netflix paid no taxes.
And how many did GM lay off while the execs pocketed about $1b in government contracts and tax cuts?

Factoids from 2013 regarding GM...

Taking Taxpayers Out for a Ride
They don't call it 'Government Motors' for nothing.
Once one of the "bluest" of America's blue chip corporations, General Motors has seen better days. Early in President Barack Obama's first term, it was nearly subsumed into the U.S. government on the grounds that a federal bailout – which amounted to a near takeover of the company – was necessary in order to save it from bankruptcy and to protect tens of thousands of American jobs.

The president campaigned for re-election on the success of his bailout of the auto industry which, truth be told, was confined to GM and Chrysler. There are plenty of companies that were and still are building cars and trucks in the United States that did just fine without the kind of interventions needed to keep two of what used to be called "The Big Three" from sliding into an economic abyss despite the recession.

For Obama, the bailout of GM was an opportunity to suggest that government intervention in the private economy, if it's done right, can be a good thing and to present himself as a chief executive who cared, in contrast to the messaging flowing out of his campaign about his GOP opponent, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

But it turns out the American people may have been sold a bill of goods, that the so-called bailout of Chrysler and GM was more about saving the once all-powerful United Auto Workers' union than it was about bringing the companies back to profitability. It's a story that ranges from the slime to the ridiculous that should, as several recent news accounts suggest, be looked at more closely.

One is a story that ran in the October 14 edition of USA Today that said GM had "boosted prices of its redesigned 2014 full-size pickups $1,500 – enough to pay for a $1,500 rebate currently offered on most models." The scheme is so bizarre on its face that it sounds like it could only have sprung from the mind of one of the automakers' Washington overlords during the period immediately following the bailout.

The decision, to raise the price on future models to make up for revenues lost on account of the need to discount current inventories, came after yet another disappointing month of truck sales, which are down about 8 percent from the same time a year ago.

Moreover GM, which has already started to offer the 2014 models, is losing out to Ford, which was not part of the government bailout and generated – according to sales statistics – considerable brand affinity because of it.

It may be and is indeed likely that the people buying trucks are more conservative than those who by fuel-friendly hybrids and other, smaller vehicles. The stereotypes about them may be true; maybe they are just not buying GM trucks like they used to, just like they are not buying the line that the only way to save GM was by having taxpayers bail it out.

"In exchange for the bailout in 2009," the paper said, "GM promised to meet certain domestic car production targets over the next four years. The obvious point of this stipulation was to ensure that GM jobs remained here at home and weren't shipped overseas," but the company has consistently failed to meet them. The administration has allowed GM to waive those targets, the paper continued, even though it announced in June that it would boost its output from its China plants by 70 percent while "nearly doubling its export production capacity there from 77,000 units to 130,000."

This is compounded by the fact that, in order to satisfy the demands of the Washington industrial policy makers, the company rolled out to great fanfare an electric car that still costs more than most people are willing to pay despite the fact that it is subsidized by the same taxpayers who are not buying it.

That's small potatoes compared to what GM is doing on another front. As the Washington Examiner editorialized Thursday, the Obama administration has "quietly released the auto manufacturer from a bailout requirement that it increase its production in the U.S."; the company is, instead, "spending billions of dollars building up its production capacity in China."

It's time for Congress to take another close look at the bailout of General Motors, if for no other reason than to lay down markers for the next time the automakers comes to Washington hat in hand or the politicians go to Detroit with an offer they can't refuse. Over time, the numbers just don't seem to add up and it's really starting to look like, together, the Obama administration and GM took taxpayers for a ride.
