The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

So about that ROA calculation?

You figure it out yet Spigot boy?

Iʻm waiting

An equation? That's your excuse? I didn't know the bank doesn't list your house on its balance sheet as an asset because of an equation? I didn't know art was an asset because of an equation? I didn't know that an asset could be an asset without producing cash flow because of an equation? If it wasn't ROA's fault, maybe it's ROI's fault, or EBITDA did it-a... But maybe the acronym you should be looking for is GAAP.

Put down the airport book, wanna-be rich daddy. Pick up a basic accounting tome. It will pay dividends.

Now, huli huli boi. About that wager. Think of the ROI when you win 100 cases of sterno for your homie Racist Joe! Think of all car break-ins you'll stop!

So, you taking the bet?
If you knew what you were talking about you wouldnʻt need a professional to tell you how to do an ROA. You would just do the simple math. But keep chickening out on the ROA. Even if it is a simulated portfolio. When you said purchase price and date of purchase donʻt matter I knew you were the liar youʻve always been. Kek!!

Did you take the bet huli huli boy?
Bug... or feature?

  • In the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin, twice as many farmers declared bankruptcy in 2018 as during the 2008 recession.
  • In the 8th Circuit, which spans from North Dakota to Arkansas, bankruptcies shot up 96%.
  • In the 10th Circuit, which includes Kansas, Colorado and parts of Oklahoma, bankruptcies were up 59%. Together, these three jurisdictions accounted for nearly 50% of all farm product sales in 2017, per the Journal.
  • Last year, farm debt rose to over $409 billion, with the average size of loans in the 4th quarter reaching $74,190, the highest 4th quarter level in history.
Bug... or feature?

  • In the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin, twice as many farmers declared bankruptcy in 2018 as during the 2008 recession.
  • In the 8th Circuit, which spans from North Dakota to Arkansas, bankruptcies shot up 96%.
  • In the 10th Circuit, which includes Kansas, Colorado and parts of Oklahoma, bankruptcies were up 59%. Together, these three jurisdictions accounted for nearly 50% of all farm product sales in 2017, per the Journal.
  • Last year, farm debt rose to over $409 billion, with the average size of loans in the 4th quarter reaching $74,190, the highest 4th quarter level in history.
Old farmer joke that is more germane now than ever --

As the old farmer bought a lottery ticket at the corner gas station --

Store clerk: So tell me, Al, what would you do if you won a million dollars in the lottery?
Farmer Al: I guess I'd keep on farming until the money ran out.
How many percentage points did he beat Beto by again? Not to second guess you, but you sure seems like your and my versions of "making Trump fans" is a bit different when you consider how Republican's have fared in national elections post 2016.
I guess we will see, who will be your nominee\sacrafice?
The Leftists Are Devouring Their Own; Break Out The Popcorn.

Posted at 1:00 am on February 12, 2019 by Mike Ford


Since Donald J. Trump came down the stairway, the left, spearheaded by the radical feminists have thought that this was their moment. In Donald Trump, they believed they had the ideal Republican candidate to face off against Herself, while providing an ideal carpet for her to strut upon, as she waddled her way to her “inevitable” ascension to the throne, a chair which she has lusted after all of her life.

It must have driven them, as the pulchritudinous Penny in television’s, “Big Bang Theory” puts it, “Bat Crap Crazy,” that Trump was able to survive all of the slings and arrows they launched at him, some of them pretty pretty nasty, from his—let’s be candid, somewhat unseemly past. He was able to not only survive, but was able thrive and ultimately ascend to a lofty position, whereby he could appoint judges who could and would, put stop their leftist legal agenda.

That said, I’m sure most of us have seen the video montage, showing clips starting shortly after the beginning of his campaign, predicting his sure to be, fiery immolation—This, is the beginning of the end, for the Trump campaign. No; THIS, is the beginning of the end, for Donald Trump. OK, we really mean it this time—THIS, is really no-kiddin’, the beginning of the end, for Donald Trump—followed by stunned disbelief and hysterical sobbing, as the media was forced to, oh-so-reluctantly, call the election for him.

Side note: Like most folks, I do have my down days. But whenever I feel a little blue, I look at this picture of Her Steatopygiousness’s** supporters on election night, and I laugh and laugh…and laugh some more.
He's got your number, as does Ricky and multi.

How did huli huli Iz get that number? ROA, ROI, ALE, EBITA, reading the chicken poo?

Maybe you can take the bet for him Racist Sterno Joe? You like the ROI on getting 100 cases of Sterno for 0 down 0 payments, right? You can do that math...

So take the bet, Racist Sterno Joe. Don't be a huli huli boi.
He's got your number, as does Ricky and multi.
Yes and t is the greatest business man ever, anyone can see right through the BS simpleton. The emperor is wearing no clothes. Just saying it doesn't make it true to the aware. You look to believe anything that makes you feel better about yourself . . . and you guys seem to desperately need that as evidenced by your last ditch efforts in a side forum on a kids soccer site, a forum with less than 10 participants, sad, really sad. You guys don't come in here to discuss anything you come in here in an attempt to make yourselves feel better about yourselves, again, sad and pitiful.
He's got your number, as does Ricky and multi.
Your problem is you only respond to emotions and never to substance. That's why Trump works for you...his base appeals to stir an emotional reaction.
If you focus on what's really happening, instead of your feelings about it, you will see things more clearly.
Yes and t is the greatest business man ever, anyone can see right through the BS simpleton. The emperor is wearing no clothes. Just saying it doesn't make it true to the aware. You look to believe anything that makes you feel better about yourself . . . and you guys seem to desperately need that as evidenced by your last ditch efforts in a side forum on a kids soccer site, a forum with less than 10 participants, sad, really sad. You guys don't come in here to discuss anything you come in here in an attempt to make yourselves feel better about yourselves, again, sad and pitiful.
Says the guy in 3rd with 9610 posts and who can't quit me. LoL.
Your problem is you only respond to emotions and never to substance. That's why Trump works for you...his base appeals to stir an emotional reaction.
If you focus on what's really happening, instead of your feelings about it, you will see things more clearly.
Substance? The biggest threat to our country is our open southern border and the liberal agenda.
Substance? The biggest threat to our country is our open southern border and the liberal agenda.
You forgot "abortion" and "socialism." None of it is real, but it makes more a good emotional appeal. The real issues are very different.
You touched on one the other day when you noted that Netflix paid no taxes.
And how many did GM lay off while the execs pocketed about $1b in government contracts and tax cuts?
You forgot "abortion" and "socialism." None of it is real, but it makes more a good emotional appeal. The real issues are very different.
You touched on one the other day when you noted that Netflix paid no taxes.
And how many did GM lay off while the execs pocketed about $1b in government contracts and tax cuts?
Obama built that.
That's what happens when you get in bed with the government and that government goes away.