The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

"Totally and completely unfit to be president."
Apparently you nominated that very thing and are now blaming the Russians for your ignorance and arrogance. Comey and Sanders did much more damage to Hillary than your phantom Russians with their phantom vote theft. Pretty pathetic losers.


Apparently you nominated that very thing and are now blaming the Russians for your ignorance and arrogance. Comey and Sanders did much more damage to Hillary than your phantom Russians with their phantom vote theft. Pretty pathetic losers.
Gotta give em credit for sticking with it.
My dad was the ranking officer of the occupying force in a small German town in spring and summer of ‘45. He said all the townsfolk (mostly women) would offer gifts, etc., claiming they were never Nazis and they hated the Nazis, which he knew was B.S.
As the country normalizes, which started in november and continues daily, the wingnuts are already distancing themselves from Trump, Rush, etc., because they’re ashamed to be associated with such an absurd moment in American history.
How shitty a candidate did dems have to nominate to get to this point!! I mean geeze!
Iz puts the ass in asset.

There is nothing in the commonly held definition of asset that requires it be "rented out" or income producing in any way. Just because you bought a book in an airport does not change that.

You really do need Fries U!
Does Fries U get their finance text books from the Wily Coyote ACME Co.
He really doesn’t know. And his views are so provincial and closed-off that he assumes art owners rent out their art, thereby turning it into an “asset.” It’s so bizarre.
You both really struggle with the books don’t you. You think Art owners insure their art?
Now we know, t was ordained by God himself (I assume the Christian God as portrayed in the Bible) to be president. I now see why the truly devout won't question t but what about the rest of you losers? Just a "W" to hang your hat on one would assume.