The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Exhibit A you asshole Fries,

Legionnaires outbreak at Border Patrol facility...

Exhibit B for bitch coward Fries,

Migrant Caravan Swells to 12,000...

Exhibit C for you Coward Fries,

People Hurl Rocks at Agents After Illegal Crossing...

Anything for votes.
So, me calling Muslims towelheads or murdering rapists and calling barack hussien Obama a Muslim or Kenyan, not a citizen or mostly white is racist? Or maybe it's when I call illegal aliens diseased criminals who are wrecking my country.
Not anything racist about any of that snowflake.
Wouldn't expect anything less from a coward like you.

Only if you can answer the question of whether his Cat is an asset on his books or the banks.

He's pretty sure he's gonna keep his nickel.

Unless, you know, the Fed uses it's money printer to print you one.

Your uncle said you always had struggled with the books. He said if you started with an income statement, the balance sheet is easy. He almost died of laughter when I told him you were looking for individual homes on the banks balance sheet. He still can’t understand how you graduate so many students who think their personal residence is an asset given that it doesn’t cash flow.
Aw pumpkin.

Did you finally realize they don't really have a printing press?

And now you're hiding under a TARP?

oh spigot boy. It’s not just the books is it.

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) is a government agency within the United StatesDepartment of the Treasury that designs and produces a variety of security products for the United States government, most notable of which is Federal Reserve Notes (paper money) for the Federal Reserve, the nation's central bank ...
Your uncle said you always had struggled with the books. He said if you started with an income statement, the balance sheet is easy. He almost died of laughter when I told him you were looking for individual homes on the banks balance sheet. He still can’t understand how you graduate so many students who think their personal residence is an asset given that it doesn’t cash flow.
Hilariously stupid, on its face. The person holding a million in cash under the mattress a mil in jewelry and 5 Warhols has no assets. You can’t be that dumb.
Hilariously stupid, on its face. The person holding a million in cash under the mattress a mil in jewelry and 5 Warhols has no assets. You can’t be that dumb.
Hilariously stupid, on its face. The person holding a million in cash under the mattress doesn’t exist. The million in jewelry is rented out to his richest friends wives at 10k a night to impress their other rich friends wives. The 5 Warhols are rented out to Art shows for rich folks at a 100k per warhol, per weekend. Not because they need the money. Sounds like assets to me. But I am puzzled as to what denomination of bills are under the mattress. Fries U!! What a deal!!
Hilariously stupid, on its face. The person holding a million in cash under the mattress doesn’t exist. The million in jewelry is rented out to his richest friends wives at 10k a night to impress their other rich friends wives. The 5 Warhols are rented out to Art shows for rich folks at a 100k per warhol, per weekend. Not because they need the money. Sounds like assets to me. But I am puzzled as to what denomination of bills are under the mattress. Fries U!! What a deal!!
The jewelry and art are not rented out. Many people have substantial jewelry and/or art collections, worth many millions, and you don’t understand that they are assets. Another of your strange fixations. What a strange misunderstanding you have, that people with valuable jewelry and art rent them out...not to mention that when you give a piece for a museum exhibit you don’t rent it, you loan it gratis. LOL!
The jewelry and art are not rented out. Many people have substantial jewelry and/or art collections, worth many millions, and you don’t understand that they are assets. Another of your strange fixations.
All you Fries U grads struggle with the books. Don’t worry it doesn’t mean your simulator rich guy isn’t rich.