The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

This is how rumors get started.
I hear she was born in Oakland.

Jacob Wohl


Kamala Harris is NOT eligible to be President. Her father arrived from Jamaica in 1961—mother from India arrived in 1960

Neither parent was a legal resident for 5 years prior to Harris’s birth, a requirement for naturalization

Kamala was raised in Canada


7:38 AM - Jan 22, 2019
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Just the " Willie " Brown affair WILL sink her chances completely !!!!
Yeah, I'm worried for the poor PR guy... I mean kid...

Kids did some stupid racist shit. Rather than just say "Sorry, we f-ed up - were having fun, didn't mean to hurt anyone." their snowflake parents hire PR firms (of CNN reporters! lol) and go on a media tour.

So now folks are going to go through the videos 5 more times and find more of the stupid kid and his "rape" "joke" and he'll get called out and they'll find a few more... And the rapists Covington let walk graduation gets dragged out.

All cause nobody can just say "yeah, it was dumb and offensive. We were stupid kids being stupid. Sorry..."

Oh well, it's their money and time. Maybe they'll get cold Wendy's at the White House at least."
Arent you the same guy who was crying about some nazi cyber stalker coming after your family?
These kids were doxxed by thousands of psychos before they got off the bus back in Covington.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
That's the same guy all right.
I think I see Stephen Miller's problem -- he's the shortest man remaining at the wh --

I think I see Stephen Miller's problem -- he's the shortest man remaining at the wh --


et cetera Miller --

“There’s something deeply wrong with Stephen Miller — I think we can all acknowledge that. And maybe someday he’ll have a relationship with a live human woman.” -- Rick Wilson today on TV interview.
et cetera Miller --

“There’s something deeply wrong with Stephen Miller — I think we can all acknowledge that. And maybe someday he’ll have a relationship with a live human woman.” -- Rick Wilson today on TV interview.
Miller will be viewed historically as a visionary. You people will never understand.
I’m looking forward to learn why Mueller is looking at the NRA. Maria Butina, anyone?
I know you rightys are completely freaking out about the Mueller Report, but please be patient.
Apparently, he wants us to believe that he has listened to and read all the evidence that he says does not exist.

There will be some interesting movies coming out in the next few years - comedies, with the likes of Ben Stiller as Crazy Rudy.
Speaking of non-existent evidence, how about them stolen votes?
Speaking of non-existent evidence, how about them stolen votes?
Simmer down. The Mueller Report will come.
In the meantime, the prosecution has a great ally in Rudy Giuliani who keeps telling us Trump’s campaign colluded and Trump was trying to get a big project made during the election season while he was promoting pro-Russian positions. But be patient.