The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread


Phillips joined the Marine Corps, serving in the Vietnam War as a 'Recon Ranger' and Infantryman.[8][9][10][11][12][13] This is contentious claim, since the the last combat troops left Vietnam in 1971, while Nathan served in the U.S. military from 1972 to 1976.[14]

The USN ships on Yankee Station were still making one-way ordnance deliveries through April of 1975. Before your time, I guess.

"Last awarded 30 April 1975"
Rudi! OMG.

"I've listened to the tapes... I mean... uh..."

That dude is LIT!

Apparently, he wants us to believe that he has listened to and read all the evidence that he says does not exist.

There will be some interesting movies coming out in the next few years - comedies, with the likes of Ben Stiller as Crazy Rudy.
Question for Gillibrand: Was it “racist” when you held all of the same immigration positions as Trump?
Allahpundit Jan 21, 2019 7:21 PM

“I did not think about suffering in other people’s lives.”
Matteo Salvini: ‘I Am Proud’ to Have Halted Illegal Immigration


Getty Images
22 Jan 201920

Italy’s indomitable interior minister Matteo Salvini said Tuesday he is “proud” to have put an end to illegal immigration in Italy.
“You enter Italy by saying ‘May I come in’ and ‘Please,’” Mr. Salvini said in a Tweet to his followers, explaining that by combatting illegal immigration he was also fighting human trafficking and the drug trade.

Decrying smugglers and human traffickers, Salvini said he had evidence that “with the money they make—around 3,000 euro for every person they put on the boat—they buy arms and drugs. So stopping the trafficking of human beings does not just mean stopping immigration, but it also means blocking weapon and drug trafficking.”
Lifting sanctions on murderous Russian criminals, who just happened to be apart of the elect t coalition from Russia, seems a bit suspect . . . with Mitch's help of course.