The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

What happens when you get played by CNN.
This story is what one guy in a red hat refers to as, "fake news".

You have a problem with racial issues, fries.

I've seen the videos, my hombre, from many angles and from many starting points.

If those were my kids, there would be a serious discussion.

But we all get to raise our kids how we wish, I guess.
I've seen the videos, my hombre, from many angles and from many starting points.

If those were my kids, there would be a serious discussion.

But we all get to raise our kids how we wish, I guess.

Chicken Shit.....You know the TRUTH and yet you would LIE to your offspring to conceal it!
I've seen the videos, my hombre, from many angles and from many starting points.

If those were my kids, there would be a serious discussion.

But we all get to raise our kids how we wish, I guess.

Following the lead of the "at least ..." crowd -- At least they weren't wearing Redskins hats.
Even though messy has recognized the error of his ways I hope he can get his money back from his psych degree.

The self proclaimed coward, Fries,

Those kids believe their "domicile" is on the bank's balance sheet as an asset, that the Fed has a printing press to print money, and they aren't racist little shitheads.

And they are as right about the 3rd points as they are about the first 2.

The self proclaimed financial genius/psychologist /elitist, Messy,
The idiocy of the first two are just the product of fantasy, the third comes from a feeling of inferiority and being economically “replaced.”
It’s oddly more logical than the first two.

messy, Saturday at 9:35 PM Report
Here is more evidence that the left has lost it, as if you needed any more examples.

Twitter Allows ‘Verified’ Calls for Violence Against Conservative High School Kids


Twitter has spent years assuring the public that it will crack down on trolling, harassment, and violent threats. It’s also pledged to tackle “misinformation” and “unhealthy conversation,” using these loaded terms as excuses to ban a wide range of anti-progressive dissidents from the platform.

Blue Wave?

  • Dems Angry As Lindsey Graham Uses New Judicial Committee Chair to Investigate Obama Era Scandals

Dems Angry As Lindsey Graham Uses New Judicial Committee Chair to Investigate Obama Era Scandals

Posted at 2:29 pm on January 21, 2019 by Brandon Morse

Democrats are less than thrilled over the fact that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has decided to use his new position as chairmen of the Senate Judicial Committee to look back into the scandals of the Obama Administration.

According to The Hill, Graham has turned his attention to scandals such as the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant applications targeting former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Some Democrats have immediately turned to mocking Graham over the investigations, saying he’s wasting their time:

“This is going to be like the History Channel it turns out. Instead of taking a look at the current issues, Lindsey Graham wants to go back and answer important questions about the Bermuda Triangle and Hillary Clinton,” Durbin told The Hill.

Durbin said he was “concerned” about Graham’s plans but quipped that “you know there is that question about Jimmy Carter which he probably wants to ask.”

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), another member of the panel, said maybe Graham should “investigate Benghazi some more too” — an apparent reference to a years-long House probe that Democrats considered a political stunt.

The Democrats have indicated that, instead of investigating oddities and unanswered questions about what Democrats were doing during the time in power at the executive level, they should be focusing on a bipartisan effort to take down President Trump for…something, according to The Hill:

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) sent a letter to Graham on Friday asking him to call Cohen to testify before the committee.

“Our committee must conduct a thorough investigation of the President’s involvement in these crimes and whether he obstructed justice to hide them. … The hour to put country before petty partisan differences has come,” he added.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the top Democrat on the panel, added in a statement, without directly mentioning Graham, that Republicans should “join in a bipartisan effort to get the facts to the American people, who deserve to know the full story of what happened during and after the 2016 election.”

Graham has spoken in the past that he wants to open up the FISA issue, and that the FBI “phoned in” the Clinton investigation, and now it seems he’s going to make good on his word.

According to Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), noted that “as long as it’s focused on oversight of those institutions, the FBI and DOJ, it’s clearly in the Judiciary Committee’s jurisdiction.” Thus, Graham is well within his right to pursue answers.
I've seen the videos, Racist Joe, from many angles and many starting points.

If those were my kids, there would be a serious discussion.

So these kids stand in the way while others kids in your party choose to use violence to protest...

And you choose to complain about the kids standing in the way.
I got a kick out of this,