"I love the poorly educated" - Don the Con Trump
I pity idiots like YOU who cannot think for themselves......
Look up the word " Intent "......
"I love the poorly educated" - Don the Con Trump
You ooze it, can't help yourself and aren't able to see past your hate.
What happens when you get played by CNN.
This story is what one guy in a red hat refers to as, "fake news".
You have a problem with racial issues, fries.
Only you people won't believe your own eyes, too funny.
Fries U! What a deal!
Just make sure you plan the discussion on your weekend.I've seen the videos, Racist Joe, from many angles and many starting points.
If those were my kids, there would be a serious discussion.
At least some on the left are decent at times, it takes a big man to admit when he is wrong, I understand your reluctance little fella,I've seen the videos, Racist Joe, from many angles and many starting points.
If those were my kids, there would be a serious discussion.
I've seen the videos, my hombre, from many angles and from many starting points.
If those were my kids, there would be a serious discussion.
But we all get to raise our kids how we wish, I guess.
I've seen the videos, my hombre, from many angles and from many starting points.
If those were my kids, there would be a serious discussion.
But we all get to raise our kids how we wish, I guess.
Following the lead of the "at least ..." crowd -- At least they weren't wearing Redskins hats.
So these kids stand in the way while others kids in your party choose to use violence to protest...I've seen the videos, Racist Joe, from many angles and many starting points.
If those were my kids, there would be a serious discussion.
www.frienance_kek.edu/register/at”last”twocourses.We teach all about bank assets and who owns the money printing press. You could use at last two courses.
He is just an angry little union boy.Freisland is a disgusting piece of Donkey dung that endorses Racism and Hate
Speech !