The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

"Oh mercy, please sir, oh mercy great omnipotent one! Please have mercy on my infant child!"

Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski called Ivanka Trump “sick” for thanking President Donald Trump for reuniting immigrant children and parents who were separated as a result of his own administration’s policies.

Brzezinski attacked the first daughter and other members of the Trump administration Friday after airing heart-wrenching footage of a Guatemalan mother seeing her 8-year-old daughter for the first time since they were forcibly separated at the U.S.-Mexico border 55 days earlier.

The footage was particularly difficult to watch “when you realize this happened because of policies in the United States of America,” Brzezinski said.

“For some reason, some people who work for President Trump, including his daughter, are twisting this and actually thanking President Trump for moments like this, moments he created,” she later noted.

Brzezinski continued: “How sick, how sick for someone in the White House to tweet ‘thank you’ to Donald Trump for these reunions. Because these reunions, they should have never happened. These children should never have been taken away from their parents. These children should have never been traumatized.”

After the president countermanded his administration’s family separation policy last month, Ivanka Trump tweeted a thank you to her dad for “taking critical action ending family separation at our border.”
Goodnight all you lying The Ohio University wrestlers.

Goodnight pore, pour, lonely Paulie Nobail.
Goodnight pore, pour, Kimmy Nonukes.
Goodnight pore, pour Russia Nocup.
Goodnight mush.
Goodnight little old Jimbo whispering "hush..."
Goodnight lockerroom talk.
Goodnight moon.
Goodnight all you lying The Ohio University wrestlers.

Goodnight pore, pour, lonely Paulie Nobail.
Goodnight pore, pour, Kimmy Nonukes.
Goodnight pore, pour Russia Nocup.
Goodnight mush.
Goodnight little old Jimbo whispering "hush..."
Goodnight lockerroom talk.
Goodnight moon.
The meatball story.
JULY 8, 2018
Sunday Schadenfreude: New York Times warns its readers
By Thomas Lifson
In an article that could alternatively be titled, “Boy, are we ever screwed,” Carl Hulse informs New York Times readers that red state Senate Democrats face a “terrible vote” over confirmation of the coming Supreme Court nominee of President Trump, which it calls “an agonizing choice.” In other words, President Trump has the Democratic Party right where he wants it, though the Times would never, ever, credit him for outmaneuvering liberals.


A decision by one or all of them to try to bolster their standing with Republican-leaning voters in their states by backing the president’s nominee would undermine Democratic leaders as they try to sustain party unity. And if their votes put the president’s choice on the court, it could hasten the move to the left by the party’s aggressive activist core, while intensifying the clamor for new, more confrontational leadership.

Note the clear implication that “the party’s aggressive activist core” demanding “new, more confrontational leadership” would be a problem. Certainly, it could be a problem for Chuck Schumer, though the Times won’t come out and say so. And, it would be a problem with voters, too. But again, the Times doesn’t out and admit that there is anything wrong with the crazy left. It’s just all left to implication:

But if they hold together on a “no” vote, those senators could not only surrender their own seats, but by expanding the Republican majority, they could also narrow the path of Democrats to a Senate majority for years to come by ceding those states to Republicans.

If, like me, you are a connoisseur of leftist hand-wringing and inability to fathom how they find themselves accountable to voters, yet stuck with a crazy base that will punish them for reflecting the values of their constituents, then this little article will bring a smile to your face.