The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Wait, I thought the nuclear threat was over?! Did that meanie Kim not tell the truth to pore, pour Donnie? Bad Kim! Bad Kimmie is so bad he even tricked the Best Negotiator In the History of the World!

"North Korea has accused the U.S. of undermining the spirit of last month’s summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un after what it says were “regrettable” talks with a delegation led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

A statement by the North Korean Foreign Ministry, accusing the U.S. of trying to unilaterally pressure the country into abandoning its nuclear weapons, came shortly after Pompeo’s delegation left the country.

"We had expected that the U.S. side would offer constructive measures that would help build trust based on the spirit of the leaders' summit ... we were also thinking about providing reciprocal measures," Pyongyang's Foreign Ministry said in a statement, according to The Associated Press."

I'm shocked! Shocked. Maybe the spokesperson was lying. Maybe Kim will shoot that mean man with a RPG for saying mean things about Donnie!

Goodnight Kimmie Stillnuked. You are a meanie!
Dont be a dumbass.
Tell me a good night story about Paulie Nobail.
I like those.
Tell me the one about how they make meatballs in the joint.
NY Times, huh?
North Korea accused the Trump administration on Saturday of pushing a “unilateral and gangster-like demand for denuclearization” and called it “deeply regrettable,” hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said his two days of talks in the North Korean capital were “productive.”
North Korea accused the Trump administration on Saturday of pushing a “unilateral and gangster-like demand for denuclearization” and called it “deeply regrettable,” hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said his two days of talks in the North Korean capital were “productive.”

Is this what is meant by "winning"?
North Korea accused the Trump administration on Saturday of pushing a “unilateral and gangster-like demand for denuclearization” and called it “deeply regrettable,” hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said his two days of talks in the North Korean capital were “productive.”
So, I guess we know who you believe.
It would be constructive, and possibly help clean up your image, if for once you showed something to back your assertions.
Once again you project what you feel..I'm fine with my image, apparently you feel you have a problem with your image, you do, you're an idiot.

"When our reality is too ugly, we deny reality. It is too painful to look at. Reality is too hard to accept."
"Mental health experts routinely say that denial is among the most common defense mechanisms. Denial is how the person defends his superior sense of self, her racially unequal society."
Once again you project what you feel..I'm fine with my image, apparently you feel you have a problem with your image, you do, you're an idiot.

"When our reality is too ugly, we deny reality. It is too painful to look at. Reality is too hard to accept."
"Mental health experts routinely say that denial is among the most common defense mechanisms. Denial is how the person defends his superior sense of self, her racially unequal society."
So again you come up dry . . . maybe someday . . . maybe.
Goodnight Nolan. Looking forward to you dying in prison...
Goodnight Paulie Nobail.
Goodnight Alex van de Slammer.
Goodnight Moon.
