I dont need no stinking badges.Are you contending that that justifies the picture you posted?
I dont need no stinking badges.Are you contending that that justifies the picture you posted?
Anyone who thinks "snopes" is some kind of scientific truthiness standard is a herd animal.
Anyone who thinks snopes plays it down the middle is a tool.
They report the meme as "false" then turn around and say they dont know.
They dont have the numbers.What did they get wrong about the immigrant children separation situation?
All I see when you post is, "Baaaaah,....baaaaaaaahh,....baaaaaah.."Did you decide that before you read it?
They dont have the numbers.
They readily admit that in their "fact" check.
If they had integrity, they would have concluded something like, "not proven".
All I see when you post is, "Baaaaah,....baaaaaaaahh,....baaaaaah.."
Ultimate projection! We have winner!I see them as knuckle dragging nutters.
Put the right label on it and these suckers will go in head long.
Yet you writhe in pleasure when it comes from the right.Anyone who thinks "snopes" is some kind of scientific truthiness standard is a herd animal.
YawnGoodnight all you lying The Ohio University wrestlers.
Goodnight pore, pour, lonely Paulie Nobail.
Goodnight pore, pour, Kimmy Nonukes.
Goodnight pore, pour Russia Nocup.
Goodnight mush.
Goodnight little old Jimbo whispering "hush..."
Goodnight lockerroom talk.
Goodnight moon.
You find it hard to blame others for your ignorance.It's hard to blame some of these people, they are just ignorant. They really aren't fascist they just do all the same things fascist are known for . . . but don't call then fascist!
What did they get wrong about the immigrant children separation situation?
That was the 5nos hidden quote trick.Ultimate projection! We have winner!
We have a winner?Put the right label on it and these suckers will go in head long.
I never quote snopes.Yet you writhe in pleasure when it comes from the right.