The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

What did they get wrong about the immigrant children separation situation?
They dont have the numbers.
They readily admit that in their "fact" check.
If they had any integrity, they would have concluded something like, "not proven" in order to save face for their leftist followers.
Goodnight all you lying The Ohio University wrestlers.

Goodnight pore, pour, lonely Paulie Nobail.
Goodnight pore, pour, Kimmy Nonukes.
Goodnight pore, pour Russia Nocup.
Goodnight mush.
Goodnight little old Jimbo whispering "hush..."
Goodnight lockerroom talk.
Goodnight moon.
QUOTE="Nonononono, post: 208289, member: 2987"

Couldn’t agree more with your vitriolic and utter contempt for the “Fuckin LIAR !” that said this.

Sept. 7, 2012 - Donald Trump

"Unemployment rate only dropped because more people are out of labor force & have stopped looking for work. Not a real recovery, phony numbers.”


That's a Lame Ass use of a non verifiable Quote.

Show the source with a verifiable link....

And only a pussy ass Fuckin Liar like you would post something as his own and
then claim it to be someone else's and try to use it to embarrass a poster.
You are a Fucking Coward and a Fucking Pussy.....

Just as the MSM lies about daily facts, so to do you ....Enjoy your new
status as the Fucking Coward of the Forum, Pussy Ass Coward Muther Fucker....