The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

CNN Legal Analyst Laments Overturning Roe v. Wade – Gets Reminded Of His Own Inconvenient History
June 27th, 2018
NN’s Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin spent hours on air Wednesday fear mongering that another Donald Trump appointed justice to the Supreme Court would spell the end of abortion rights in America. Toobin said on multiple segments that it might be just a matter of months before the landmark Roe v. Wade was overturned if Trump were to appoint a pro-life Justice to replace a retiring Justice Kennedy.

(RELATED: CNN’s Toobin Circles The Four Horsemen, Says 20 States Will Ban Abortion In 18 Months)

Journalist Mark Hemingway saw some hypocrisy in Toobin’s fretting, given his past.

In 2010 a married Toobin was taken to court by the daughter of a colleague with whom he was having an affair. The affair had resulted in a child out of wedlock, in spite of Toobin asking the mother to have an abortion and offering to pay for it. Toobin also refused to sign the child’s birth certificate and is not allowed to see the child.
Hope everyone had the chance to see Trump's in North Dakota tonight.
He loves the American People like no President I have ever seen.
Silent Obama sends a message
JUNE 28, 2018
In the face of leftist violence and intolerance, the "I won! Deal with it!" former president's silence is deafening.
In 2013, while clashing again with Republicans, this time over the debt ceiling and the government shutdown, like a schoolmarm, the haughty former president instructed political adversaries, telling them:

You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about.

After the 2012 election, Obama's "I won!" mentality emanated from an egotistical belief that his re-election meant that the American voter was pleased with his handling of the economy, health care reform, the border, and everything from Easter egg rolls to gay rights.

The problem for Obama is that in 2016, Republicans took his advice, Americans rejected his eight-year reign of terror, and Trump won the election.
Snowflakes in the summer.
Too Funny

......and the horse you rode in on.

Hot take: With Justice Kennedy retiring, it’s time to report to the death camps
10 hours ago

Literally in tears. Haven’t felt this hopeless in a long time. With Justice Kennedy leaving, we now have two options as Americans: get fitted for your Nazi uniform or report directly to your death camp. How do you fight the darkness without light? My spark is going out. #SCOTUS
12:09 PM · Jun 27, 2018


Liberal Meltdown Over Justice Retirement...


The day conservatives have been waiting for...