The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Silent Obama sends a message
JUNE 28, 2018
In the face of leftist violence and intolerance, the "I won! Deal with it!" former president's silence is deafening.
In 2013, while clashing again with Republicans, this time over the debt ceiling and the government shutdown, like a schoolmarm, the haughty former president instructed political adversaries, telling them:

You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about.

After the 2012 election, Obama's "I won!" mentality emanated from an egotistical belief that his re-election meant that the American voter was pleased with his handling of the economy, health care reform, the border, and everything from Easter egg rolls to gay rights.

The problem for Obama is that in 2016, Republicans took his advice, Americans rejected his eight-year reign of terror, and Trump won the election.
I wouldnt call it a "reign of terror". That sounds like the hyperbole we hear from the left today.
I would call it, a "reign of incompetence, and long, boring speeches".
I wouldnt call it a "reign of terror". That sounds like the hyperbole we hear from the left today.
I would call it, a "reign of incompetence, and long, boring speeches".
I don't know, this whole FBI/DOJ thing is pretty terrifying.
He did love to try and baffle us with his bullshit, sounds like our friends in here.
From our friends at the Huff Po.

06/27/2018 09:34 pm ET
We Already Know What A Post-Roe World Looks Like
If abortion is made illegal again? “We’d use a coat hanger, like our grandmothers did.”

By Molly Redden

JIM WATSON via Getty Images
So faced with a union-friendly corporation, what have Republicans in the state done? One might expect them to say, "Every company should have the freedom to decide how to deal with its own workers; we may not be big fans of unions, but that freedom is what capitalism is all about," or something like that. But no. The Republican governor and state legislators have begun issuing threats that there won't be any future tax incentives for the company if the union wins the election. In other words, tax incentives are vital to bring jobs to the state—but if they're union jobs, we don't want them. We'd rather see our constituents unemployed than see them get jobs with union representation. So what you now have is Republicans fighting against a corporation to try to impose their vision of management-labor relations, one the corporation doesn't want.

What this issue has revealed is that while one might have thought that as far as conservatives are concerned, the creation of workplaces in which employees are given low wages and few benefits, and generally treated like crap, was merely a means to an end, the end being corporate profits and maximum freedom for business owners. But what we're now seeing is that a powerless and beaten-down workforce isn't a means to a larger end, and it isn't a byproduct. It is the end in itself.It's the goal. Here you have a highly profitable company that wants to have a more cooperative relationship with its workers, and obviously sees a union as a path to that relationship, because they know that they can work that way with unions, since they do it already all over the world. But the Republican politicians don't care about what the corporation wants. They are so venomously opposed to collective bargaining that they'll toss aside all their supposed ideals about economic liberty in a heartbeat.
No private company wants the union.
Lezbe honest

None of the private companies I worked for had unions, but it was because they treated people well and didn't give anyone a reason to seek union help. I did run into a union restriction at a defense electronics show once, where I was told by our booth boss that I was not allowed to plug in an extension cord - that was a union job. I asked the union electrician when he came over to our booth if we were allowed to plug our equipment if we were allowed to plug our devices into the extension cord, and when he said yes I dug out a couple more for him to plug in just in case we needed them.