The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

The evidence has all been posted, the verdict is in, you and yours opinions have been cultivated and swayed by by fascist propaganda.

You clicked on the wrong remark to respond to.....
But it's Ok ....I'll think for you....

MR rodent :

There is no evidence, it's ALL conjecture...all of it...including the 31 seconds of phone time
Mueller and his Criminal hacks based their most recent complaint. The complaint to reject
his bail due to " Witness " tampering....31's as laughable as the massive amount
of " socalled " data they claim to have accumulated on Concord Managment ( The Russian Firm )
of Russian Troll recordings of which NOTHING...yes NOTHING has been translated into English
to be examined....They LIED about the charges !!
Americans who voted for DJT have been/and are aware of the Criminal acts being conducted by
the Democratic Party of Human Traffickers, and the Lies being told to the public by the MSM.
Your Nazi Party has a 24/7 propaganda campaign in process due to the massive amount of
crimes being exposed by the current have No message nor solution for
the voters in November of 2018....Just a long list of Criminal acts that are and will be prosecuted !
You clicked on the wrong remark to respond to.....
But it's Ok ....I'll think for you....

MR rodent :

There is no evidence, it's ALL conjecture...all of it...including the 31 seconds of phone time
Mueller and his Criminal hacks based their most recent complaint. The complaint to reject
his bail due to " Witness " tampering....31's as laughable as the massive amount
of " socalled " data they claim to have accumulated on Concord Managment ( The Russian Firm )
of Russian Troll recordings of which NOTHING...yes NOTHING has been translated into English
to be examined....They LIED about the charges !!
Americans who voted for DJT have been/and are aware of the Criminal acts being conducted by
the Democratic Party of Human Traffickers, and the Lies being told to the public by the MSM.
Your Nazi Party has a 24/7 propaganda campaign in process due to the massive amount of
crimes being exposed by the current have No message nor solution for
the voters in November of 2018....Just a long list of Criminal acts that are and will be prosecuted !
Sorry, but it is glaringly obvious from here that you have been influenced over time to be where you are now. You use to espouse American ideals as if they were exclusively yours, now you deny such ideals and see them as dangerous to your supreme leader.
Sorry, but it is glaringly obvious from here that you have been influenced over time to be where you are now. You use to espouse American ideals as if they were exclusively yours, now you deny such ideals and see them as dangerous to your supreme leader.

That's funny....your sentence structure is off, your rhetoric is off, your memory
is off and worst of all .....I think you just visited Maxine you're
off your rocker !
Your vapid responses don't change the fact that you are a fascist.

Did you comprehend either after you looked them up...!


I stimulated you and powerfully extracted a " Vapid "
response of extreme ignorance....

adjective: vapid
offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging

us /ˈfæʃˌɪz·əm/

political system based on a very powerful leader, state control of social and
life, and extreme pride in country and race, with no expression
political disagreement allowed

Did you comprehend either after you looked them up...!


I stimulated you and powerfully extracted a " Vapid "
response of extreme ignorance....

adjective: vapid
offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging

us /ˈfæʃˌɪz·əm/

political system based on a very powerful leader, state control of social and
economic life, and extreme pride in country and race, with no expression
of political disagreement allowed

Seems I nailed it on the head . . . and you as well, vapid fascist boy.
Seems I nailed it on the head . . . and you as well, vapid fascist boy.

Seems....? seem flustered....and you're not
right in the head if you agree with what you posted....

It takes a strong person to admit they are wrong ...!

Seek the TRUTH !

Your Cult is Criminal, and you are nothing but a Tool....
Did you comprehend either after you looked them up...!


I stimulated you and powerfully extracted a " Vapid "
response of extreme ignorance....

adjective: vapid
offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging

us /ˈfæʃˌɪz·əm/

political system based on a very powerful leader, state control of social and
economic life, and extreme pride in country and race, with no expression
of political disagreement allowed

The definition when I first looked up fascism probably forty years ago was, "a system of government where a private economy is controlled by an authoritarian state"
The definition today is a combination of definitions that may or may not have anything to do with the original definition, and seem to have been added on over the years to obfuscate the actual meaning.
In the great green room,
there was a telephone
and a neo-fascist authoritarian and his crooked, money laundering, mercenary campaign advisor.
Goodnight Paulie Nobail!

I'm awesome. Have to travel again soon, though, so I miss laughing at your racist stupidity for a week or so.

I hope I don't miss the Killary arrest, or Obummer's indictment. I'm really surprised it hasn't happened yet. But I'm sure it's coming down really soon! So keep your chin up, Racist Joe!
The definition when I first looked up fascism probably forty years ago was, "a system of government where a private economy is controlled by an authoritarian state"
The definition today is a combination of definitions that may or may not have anything to do with the original definition, and seem to have been added on over the years to obfuscate the actual meaning.

I'm awesome. Have to travel again soon, though, so I miss laughing at your racist stupidity for a week or so.

I hope I don't miss the Killary arrest, or Obummer's indictment. I'm really surprised it hasn't happened yet. But I'm sure it's coming down really soon! So keep your chin up, Racist Joe!
Aren't you the same guy that defended a pedophile?
Yes you are.