The evidence has all been posted, the verdict is in, you and yours opinions have been cultivated and swayed by by fascist propaganda.
You clicked on the wrong remark to respond to.....
But it's Ok ....I'll think for you....
MR rodent :
There is no evidence, it's ALL conjecture...all of it...including the 31 seconds of phone time
Mueller and his Criminal hacks based their most recent complaint. The complaint to reject
his bail due to " Witness " tampering....31's as laughable as the massive amount
of " socalled " data they claim to have accumulated on Concord Managment ( The Russian Firm )
of Russian Troll recordings of which NOTHING...yes NOTHING has been translated into English
to be examined....They LIED about the charges !!
Americans who voted for DJT have been/and are aware of the Criminal acts being conducted by
the Democratic Party of Human Traffickers, and the Lies being told to the public by the MSM.
Your Nazi Party has a 24/7 propaganda campaign in process due to the massive amount of
crimes being exposed by the current have No message nor solution for
the voters in November of 2018....Just a long list of Criminal acts that are and will be prosecuted !