The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Sorry, but it is glaringly obvious from here that you have been influenced over time to be where you are now. You use to espouse American ideals as if they were exclusively yours, now you deny such ideals and see them as dangerous to your supreme leader.
I don't defend you, Joe. I despise you. Get a dictionary.
Some people just like that sort of thing, you should get into counseling asap.
I guess child rape is still ok with you?
I bet you are a Roman Polanski fan too, just as long as the people they employ keep their jobs, do I have that about right?
The definition when I first looked up fascism probably forty years ago was, "a system of government where a private economy is controlled by an authoritarian state"
The definition today is a combination of definitions that may or may not have anything to do with the original definition, and seem to have been added on over the years to obfuscate the actual meaning.

Oh Good're a mess.