The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Are there easily searchable “points” she makes? I’d love the search terms rather than fast forwarding? But truly, I don’t watch much TV, other than Netflix and Amazon. One can go weeks without and cable news and no really miss anything new.

I’m just waiting, if ever, for open, live, impartial, substantive, conclusive, Watergate-style select joint House/Senate committee hearings on Emoluments/Russia.

Just present HRC & Bent Willy on a stolen Whitehouse platter .....
Let's see if ol Bobby Mueller and his band of Thugs heads Splatter.....
That R is willing to lie to support the t agenda.

Ross hit the news lately when it was discovered that after he was interviewed by a reporter about his role in management of a publically traded company which he should have known would result in a negative impact on its market price once published, he sold short on the company's stock (note for Izyy - that's a financial instrument that returns a profit to the short-seller if the stock price declines soon) between the time of the interview and publication of the reporter's article. That's an original kind of insider trading, since no one else except he and the reporter would have had the information.
The inertia might be such that Pence would be impeached for that act alone. Even more interesting would be the timing - would this happen at a time when the Speaker was a Democrat?

People at the time were happy to see Nixon gone, and didn't expect much better from Jerry "where's my helmet?" Ford.

More on Nixon -- in 1968 I was a Nixon supporter, and I would have voted for him (the first election year I was old enough) except that I lived in 4 different states that year and ended up not registered to vote in any of them. However, by 1972 I knew more about him so that wasn't going to happen. Yesterday my nephew brought up Hunter S. Thompson (because it turns out that years ago HST had predicted that the USA would soon elect a President who would attempt to be dictator for life) which led me to read this from HST's wikipedia article --

Thompson went on to become a fierce critic of Nixon, both during and after his presidency. After Nixon's death in 1994, Thompson described him in Rolling Stone as a man who "could shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time" and said "his casket [should] have been launched into one of those open-sewage canals that empty into the ocean just south of Los Angeles. He was a swine of a man and a jabbering dupe of a president. [He] was an evil man—evil in a way that only those who believe in the physical reality of the Devil can understand it."[37] Following Nixon's pardon by Gerald Ford in 1974, Hunter ruminated on the approximately $400,000 pension Nixon maneuvered his way into, by resigning before being formally indicted. While The Washington Post was lamenting Nixon's "lonely and depressed" state after being forced from the White House, Hunter wrote that 'f there were any such thing as true justice in this world, his [Nixon's] rancid carcass would be somewhere down around Easter Island right now, in the belly of a hammerhead shark.'[38]

Pass the Wild Turkey.
The inertia might be such that Pence would be impeached for that act alone. Even more interesting would be the timing - would this happen at a time when the Speaker was a Democrat?

People at the time were happy to see Nixon gone, and didn't expect much better from Jerry "where's my helmet?" Ford.
Spoken like a true John "commie" McCain republican.
I love it when moral mercinaries and situational ethicists deny their own guide book because they are souless creeps. But I don't find it funny. I find it disgusting and sad.
You are hypocritical racist creep who is no more Christian than I am Martian.
But you know that.
I live at the foot of the Cross.
Jesus loves me
This I know
For the Bible tell me so
Not a historical reference: A fascist is a follower of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government — and no tolerance for opposing opinions.
I am nothing but tolerant, you lefties are the ones who can't tolerate the person you who beat the hag you tolerated as your nominee.
Not a historical reference: A fascist is a follower of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government — and no tolerance for opposing opinions.
Let's ask Ben Shapiro and Ann Coulter about the little fascist protestors that are academia.
Goodnight Wall... that isn't built and Mexico hasn't paid for...
Goodnight Witchunt, that has produced a bunch of guilty pleas...
Goodnight Trade Ware, which is so easy to win...
Goodnight NK nutes, which are still in NK and still nukes...
Goodnight Paulie Nobail. Tomorrow is another day... in jail.
In an interview with Slate, the historian of fascism Robert Paxton warns against describing Donald Trump as fascist because “it’s almost the most powerful epithet you can use.” But in this case, the shoe fits. And here is why.

Like Mussolini, Trump rails against intruders (Mexicans) and enemies (Muslims), mocks those perceived as weak, encourages a violent reckoning with those his followers perceive as the enemy within (the roughing up of protesters at his rallies), flouts the rules of civil political discourse (the Megan Kelly menstruation spat), and promises to restore the nation to its greatness not by a series of policies, but by the force of his own personality (“I will be great for” fill in the blank).

To quote Paxton again, this time from his seminal "The Anatomy of Fascism": “Fascist leaders made no secret of having no program.” This explains why Trump supporters are not bothered by his ideological malleability and policy contradictions: He was pro-choice before he was pro-life; donated to politicians while now he rails against that practice; married three times and now embraces evangelical Christianity; is the embodiment of capitalism and yet promises to crack down on free trade. In the words of the Italian writer Umberto Eco, fascism was “a beehive of contradictions.” It bears noting that Mussolini was a socialist unionizer before becoming a fascist union buster, a journalist before cracking down on free press, a republican before becoming a monarchist.
In an interview with Slate, the historian of fascism Robert Paxton warns against describing Donald Trump as fascist because “it’s almost the most powerful epithet you can use.” But in this case, the shoe fits. And here is why.

Like Mussolini, Trump rails against intruders (Mexicans) and enemies (Muslims), mocks those perceived as weak, encourages a violent reckoning with those his followers perceive as the enemy within (the roughing up of protesters at his rallies), flouts the rules of civil political discourse (the Megan Kelly menstruation spat), and promises to restore the nation to its greatness not by a series of policies, but by the force of his own personality (“I will be great for” fill in the blank).

To quote Paxton again, this time from his seminal "The Anatomy of Fascism": “Fascist leaders made no secret of having no program.” This explains why Trump supporters are not bothered by his ideological malleability and policy contradictions: He was pro-choice before he was pro-life; donated to politicians while now he rails against that practice; married three times and now embraces evangelical Christianity; is the embodiment of capitalism and yet promises to crack down on free trade. In the words of the Italian writer Umberto Eco, fascism was “a beehive of contradictions.” It bears noting that Mussolini was a socialist unionizer before becoming a fascist union buster, a journalist before cracking down on free press, a republican before becoming a monarchist.
I believe it was Obama that said he was evolving on issues, wasn't it? Yes it was.
Seems the pressure is getting to you.


Yes ....That is You Rodent !