The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I’ve no intent to read Will’s long winded tome. Am I right to assume this life long conservative Republican wants a Democrat majority House, if not Senate as well, come November? If so, yet another patriot with whom I hold general political philosophical differences that in our current era I couldn’t agree more.

It's not that long, and it ends (more or less) with this --

In today’s GOP, which is the president’s plaything, he is the mainstream. So, to vote against his party’s cowering congressional caucuses is to affirm the nation’s honor while quarantining him. A Democratic-controlled Congress would be a basket of deplorables, but there would be enough Republicans to gum up the Senate’s machinery, keeping the institution as peripheral as it has been under their control and asphyxiating mischief from a Democratic House.​
In other news: NK still has nukes, and still will when Trump leaves office.

In other news: I still have no takers on any bet otherwise.
It's not that long, and it ends (more or less) with this --

In today’s GOP, which is the president’s plaything, he is the mainstream. So, to vote against his party’s cowering congressional caucuses is to affirm the nation’s honor while quarantining him. A Democratic-controlled Congress would be a basket of deplorables, but there would be enough Republicans to gum up the Senate’s machinery, keeping the institution as peripheral as it has been under their control and asphyxiating mischief from a Democratic House.​
Seriously, really. Even what you’ve summarized I’m not willing to devote to reading. Does Will want a Demo HR / Senate or not? Reagan was lampooned for wanting succinct memos. But at least if that were true, he actually read them and came to considered decisions. A nostalgic era, from today’s perspective.

I won’t watch Maddow in real time anymore. She spends 47 minutes leading up to her 3 minutes of making her point. A good point, mind you. But 47 minutes of wasted time for me. But I only watch her on days when Trump and company have already done something even lower in ethical and/or illegal conduct worse than the previous week’s limbo dance. Best on a Thursday.
Seriously, really. Even what you’ve summarized I’m not willing to devote to reading. Does Will want a Demo HR / Senate or not? Reagan was lampooned for wanting succinct memos. But at least if that were true, he actually read them and came to considered decisions. A nostalgic era, from today’s perspective.

I won’t watch Maddow in real time anymore. She spends 47 minutes leading up to her 3 minutes of making her point. A good point, mind you. But 47 minutes of wasted time for me. But I only watch her on days when Trump and company have already done something even lower in ethical and/or illegal conduct worse than the previous week’s limbo dance. Best on a Thursday.

I watch some of the youtube snippets, which usually contain the "points".
I watch some of the youtube snippets, which usually contain the "points".
Are there easily searchable “points” she makes? I’d love the search terms rather than fast forwarding? But truly, I don’t watch much TV, other than Netflix and Amazon. One can go weeks without and cable news and no really miss anything new.

I’m just waiting, if ever, for open, live, impartial, substantive, conclusive, Watergate-style select joint House/Senate committee hearings on Emoluments/Russia.
Are there easily searchable “points” she makes? I’d love the search terms rather than fast forwarding? But truly, I don’t watch much TV, other than Netflix and Amazon. One can go weeks without and cable news and no really miss anything new.

I’m just waiting, if ever, for open, live, impartial, substantive, conclusive, Watergate-style select joint House/Senate committee hearings on Emoluments/Russia.

If he has a good plea-bargain lawyer, he will trade resignation and probation on the emoluments charge to avoid the penalties for treason.
If he has a good plea-bargain lawyer, he will trade resignation and probation on the emoluments charge to avoid the penalties for treason.
It’s not a legal bargaining issue. It’s whether Pence has an an actual set of testicles to not preemptively pardon him.

Although it seems now that a preemptive pardon (vis a vis Ford) may not have been a constitutionally sound act after all. Yet no one in 1974 had the stomach to press the issue.
It’s not a legal bargaining issue. It’s whether Pence has an an actual set of testicles to not preemptively pardon him.

Although it seems now that a preemptive pardon (vis a vis Ford) may not have been a constitutionally sound act after all. Yet no one in 1974 had the stomach to press the issue.

The inertia might be such that Pence would be impeached for that act alone. Even more interesting would be the timing - would this happen at a time when the Speaker was a Democrat?

People at the time were happy to see Nixon gone, and didn't expect much better from Jerry "where's my helmet?" Ford.
The inertia might be such that Pence would be impeached for that act alone. Even more interesting would be the timing - would this happen at a time when the Speaker was a Democrat?

People at the time were happy to see Nixon gone, and didn't expect much better from Jerry "where's my helmet?" Ford.
Speaker in 74 was a Democrat. Albert? But then 1/3 of Democrats were southern conservatives still. FDR’s extraordinary coalition still intact, but faltering, as I witnessed first hand as a congressional aide back in that era. Man was DC different back then.

Pence seems like wildcard. His lickspiddlery is unnaturally disturbing. I think he would pardon, if that situation arose, but wouldn’t be impeached for doing so.

Today, plenty of state criminal charges against Trump in NY would likely follow, outside the pardon range to hold him criminally accountable.
It’s not a legal bargaining issue. It’s whether Pence has an an actual set of testicles to not preemptively pardon him.

Although it seems now that a preemptive pardon (vis a vis Ford) may not have been a constitutionally sound act after all. Yet no one in 1974 had the stomach to press the issue.
1974 called, and it wants its woodward and bernstein back.
1974 called, and it wants its woodward and bernstein back.
That’s humor? You’ve been waiting Gutfeld, haven’t you?

Humour is subjective, but some jokes are objectively below the threshold of even grin. You should try stealing jokes from professionals. Isn’t that old SNL guy Miller still considered funny? Try some of his material.
That’s humor? You’ve been waiting Gutfeld, haven’t you?

Humour is subjective, but some jokes are objectively below the threshold of even grin. You should try stealing jokes from professionals. Isn’t that old SNL guy Miller still considered funny? Try some of his material.
People will be laughing at me for the rest of my life.
The inertia might be such that Pence would be impeached for that act alone. Even more interesting would be the timing - would this happen at a time when the Speaker was a Democrat?

People at the time were happy to see Nixon gone, and didn't expect much better from Jerry "where's my helmet?" Ford.
Muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....please continue..... Magoo.

Poor Poor Shit Slinger....stuck in a depressed area of Southern California by his own Choice.
Don't run away from Change !
Embrace the Change that is coming and educate the Poor Poor masses that have followed
Democrats over the Cliffs of poverty....Pick them up at the base and show them the way to
prosperity....Explain to them that Democrats very subsistence relies on the Trafficking of
Illegal Humans they have supported crossing Criminally at the Border. These actions have
been exposed for ALL to see yet the Main Stream Media continues to support the actions
taken by the Democratic party. Show how they created the KKK to enforce their Criminal
Policies set forth after losing a Civil War that Freed the very Humans they wanted enslaved.
Those same policies carried thru with similar actions in the 1900's, in the 1920 - 30's...
Throughout the 40's & 50's then came the Civil Rights era and they tried to flip one on
the American Public with LBJ, follow what they have done up thru the " Golden Child "
and his policies......All I have to cite is " Chicago "- a gun infested shithole that should
have been corrected....Nope ....abandoned by the Democrats and ruined further by
Rahm Emanuel...There plan was to " Fundamentally " change America....
Well they almost did until Hillary decided to run a failed Campaign a second time and
got her ass handed to her....Now the process of reversal is in order....

The Democrats policies as YOU well Know want followers ( Lemming ) voters who
respond without thinking......You can Change that thru Education and explaining
the TRUTH to them...!

That’s humor? You’ve been waiting Gutfeld, haven’t you?

Humour is subjective, but some jokes are objectively below the threshold of even grin. You should try stealing jokes from professionals. Isn’t that old SNL guy Miller still considered funny? Try some of his material.

Miller stopped being funny when he got bitter after he realized that he wasn't going to be making money at the Belushi/Chase/Murray/Aykroyd level.