The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

It's all about the money (laundering), money (laundering), money...

Poor Paulie Nobail. Court spikes another Hail Mary. Clock running down. Not a lot of time-outs left... Sad.
If they don't care about their kids, why should we?

You shouldn't, because you're a subhuman racist.

But us actual humans tend to value a touch of empathy now and again. Golden Rule, suffer the little children, that sort of thing? There's a decent bit of human tradition on the whole "caring about others" subject. You should look into it. There's even this collection of ancient and traditional writings, sometimes call The Bible that speaks a bit to this very subject.
You shouldn't, because you're a subhuman racist.

But us actual humans tend to value a touch of empathy now and again. Golden Rule, suffer the little children, that sort of thing? There's a decent bit of human tradition on the whole "caring about others" subject. You should look into it. There's even this collection of ancient and traditional writings, sometimes call The Bible that speaks a bit to this very subject.
I love it when I make the Godless talk about the bible. Too Funny.
Baby Killer.
I love it when I make the Godless talk about the bible. Too Funny.
Baby Killer.
It seems you may actually have a conscience as you keep dehumanizing posters, the immigrants and the children that have been taken from them all in an attempt to convince yourself they aren't worth worrying about. Good luck with all that.
You shouldn't, because you're a subhuman racist.

But us actual humans tend to value a touch of empathy now and again. Golden Rule, suffer the little children, that sort of thing? There's a decent bit of human tradition on the whole "caring about others" subject. You should look into it. There's even this collection of ancient and traditional writings, sometimes call The Bible that speaks a bit to this very subject.
Lying mother fuckers, all of ya.

Breitbart: Report: Tesla Plans to Close a Dozen Solar Facilities Across Nine States
TIME Magazine: Cover Image of Crying Honduran Girl Is Fake but Accurate

Fake News: ‘girl was not carried away screaming’ but Mag Claims ‘Our cover and our reporting capture the stakes of this moment’

TIME Magazine issued a major correction Friday on a story about the infamous sobbing Honduran toddler Yanela Denise — but insisted that its cover image linking the migrant girl to President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” border enforcement policy is still accurate.
Tired of winning?

President Trump’s tariff on steel imports that took effect June 1 has caused a southeast Missouri nail manufacturer to lose about 50% of its business in two weeks. Mid Continent Nail Corporation in Poplar Bluff – the remaining major nail producer in the country – has had to take drastic measures to make ends meet. The company employing 500 people earlier this month has laid off 60 temporary workers. It could slash 200 more jobs by the end of July and be out of business around Labor Day.

Tired of winning?

President Trump’s tariff on steel imports that took effect June 1 has caused a southeast Missouri nail manufacturer to lose about 50% of its business in two weeks. Mid Continent Nail Corporation in Poplar Bluff – the remaining major nail producer in the country – has had to take drastic measures to make ends meet. The company employing 500 people earlier this month has laid off 60 temporary workers. It could slash 200 more jobs by the end of July and be out of business around Labor Day.

Really Fake News
Tired of winning?

President Trump’s tariff on steel imports that took effect June 1 has caused a southeast Missouri nail manufacturer to lose about 50% of its business in two weeks. Mid Continent Nail Corporation in Poplar Bluff – the remaining major nail producer in the country – has had to take drastic measures to make ends meet. The company employing 500 people earlier this month has laid off 60 temporary workers. It could slash 200 more jobs by the end of July and be out of business around Labor Day.

Lying mother fuckers, all of ya.
Breitbart: Report: Tesla Plans to Close a Dozen Solar Facilities Across Nine States
TIME Magazine: Cover Image of Crying Honduran Girl Is Fake but Accurate
Fake News: ‘girl was not carried away screaming’ but Mag Claims ‘Our cover and our reporting capture the stakes of this moment’

TIME Magazine issued a major correction Friday on a story about the infamous sobbing Honduran toddler Yanela Denise — but insisted that its cover image linking the migrant girl to President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” border enforcement policy is still accurate.
You know its bad when fake news CNN is bust'n Time for their fake news cover.
The leftist true believers in here are too smart to fall for it.
Especially conservative commies and pinkos.

Christopher Steele Visited Obama State Department to Brief Officials on ‘Pee’ Dossier



Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images
22 Jun 2018153
NEW YORK — Anti-Trump dossier author Christopher Steele visited the Obama State Department to brief officials there about the infamous, largely discredited dossier in October 2016, it was revealed during a Senate hearing.
Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, revealed contents of the State Department’s visitor logs while he was grilling Victoria Nuland, who served as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs under John Kerry.

At the hearing on Wednesday, Burr asked: “I know you talked extensively with our staff relative to Mr. Steele. Based upon our review of the visitor logs of the State Department, Mr. Steele visited the State Department briefing officials on the dossier in October of 2016. Did you have any role in that briefing?”

“I did not,” Nuland replied. “I actively chose not to be part of that briefing.”

“But were you aware of that briefing?” Burr asked.

“I was not aware of it until afterwards,” Nuland retorted.

Nuland did not explain how she can actively chose not to be part of Steele’s briefing, as she claimed, yet say she was unaware of the briefing until after it occurred. Nuland was not asked about the discrepancy during the public section of the testimony, which was reviewed in full by Breitbart News