The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

What one Magoo.
Insults you bet. I've never claimed otherwise.
Lies? What lies...don't be bashful Magoo. Speak up.
If it's easier, just highlight theses "lies" you see.

You posted a dishonest insult about me just a short time ago - an insult with a lie wrapped up in it.
It appears that the Republican Party is dividing into three groups - the traditional GOP composed mainly of old-timey conservative small businessmen and family farmers, a lunatic descendant of what was once called the Tea Party, and a criminal personality cult centered around the worship of Big t. If the split becomes formalized, I could join the first group. In fact, I think I voted for a couple of Republicans who I would put in the first group in the last couple of elections.
So did I, BFD, two fucking open border liberal fucks.
I'm not aggrieved, I'm not a victim.
I am tired of your continued willing ignorance and your nonsensical posts. That's why you have the moniker Daffy Duck.
Those are all facts.
You're continued "physiological" diagnoses of me and others here that you disagree with is amusing & laughable.
I had a construction business & my General Contractors licence at 24, made enough money to buy a house on a hill in Camarillo, sent my kids to private high school. I now work building dialysis clinics all over the country & get paid three figures.
Both my kids have college degree's and are happy, healthy & love me.
Those are all facts.
You have nothing I envy, fear or loath. Amusing disgust is generally what I feel for you.
You do have your moments, but unfortunately, it seems like you spend your time trying real hard to one up whomever you're posting with.
I've never heard voices in my head, perhaps that's just you and that projecting thing you are so good at?
Rat officially went off the deep end a couple weeks back.
I called it the exact moment it happened.
Poor Paulie Nobail. Storage locker evidence admissible. Goodnight court case. Goodnight procedurual challenges. Goodnight freedom.

Goodnight brush
Goodnight mush
Goodnight criminal President whispering "hush."
Goodmorning Paulie Nobail...
Maybe our Faux-waiian's many economical books can 'splain this one:

Asked if the U.S. runs a trade surplus in steel with Canada, Comerce Secretary Wilbur Ross replied, "We have a surplus in dollars; we do not have a surplus in physical value." WTF does that mean?
Maybe our Faux-waiian's many economical books can 'splain this one:

Asked if the U.S. runs a trade surplus in steel with Canada, Comerce Secretary Wilbur Ross replied, "We have a surplus in dollars; we do not have a surplus in physical value." WTF does that mean?

That R is willing to lie to support the t agenda.
Rat officially went off the deep end a couple weeks back.
I called it the exact moment it happened.
I'm just sick of you people acting like this all good for America. Did you ask others in your family if they are ok with babies being taken from mothers who worked their ass off and risked it all to keep their children safe and to try for a better life? . . . and what did she say?
I'm just sick of you people acting like this all good for America. Did you ask others in your family if they are ok with babies being taken from mothers who worked their ass off and risked it all to keep their children safe and to try for a better life? . . . and what did she say?
Ah yes, the party of baby killers is preaching about illegal criminals being separated from their illegal kids. Boo fucking Hoo.