The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

You Ok today?
You seem a little bit emotional that the Donald is laying down the law. You will be ok.
I am kind of enjoying this whole
"America First" idea.
How about you?

I'm extra OK, seeing our dear leader's campaign manager in jail, and knowing Mikey Cohen is headed there soon gives me even more confident that Killary and Obummer are GOING! TO! JAIL! And then we will really be able to make America great again. I'm pretty sure it's happening!!!! Hold on to your toupee!
It so weird. It's almost like the Dow craters every time there's loud international sabre-rattling on tariffs. What a coincidence.

It's almost like people think tariffs are domestic taxes or something. Doesn't anyone read an economics book? Geez.
“He speaks and his people sit up in attention. I want my people to do the same.”

-- Fascist t on criminal K.
I saw the interview clip. In my opinion, his “my people” is in reference to his WH staff, not the American people.

He points with his normal to larger than the average size right index finger to the West Wing right when he said this.

Having now seen this moron* once again mangle every element of English composition and expression, I would wager he actually was joking, not so much from a joke on the media or the public, but upon this idiot’s** remaining staff.

* quoting lifelong Republican and former Trump Sec of State Rex Tillerson.

** quoting lifelong Republican 4-star Marine General and current Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly.
I saw the interview clip. In my opinion, his “my people” is in reference to his WH staff, not the American people.

He points with his normal to larger than the average size right index finger to the West Wing right when he said this.

Having now seen this moron* once again mangle every element of English composition and expression, I would wager he actually was joking, not so much from a joke on the media or the public, but upon this idiot’s** remaining staff.

* quoting lifelong Republican and former Trump Sec of State Rex Tillerson.

** quoting lifelong Republican 4-star Marine General and current Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly.
Why not include quotes from John McCain and Benedict Arnold?
You're on a roll.
You people...
I respect your view that he actually meant his desire for the American people to sit up in attention when in his presence. It’s entitely consistent with his idiot[ic]* and moron[ic]** view of his present station. We’ll just have to agree to disagree.

* Kelly
** Tillerson
I respect your view that he actually meant his desire for the American people to sit up in attention when in his presence. It’s entitely consistent with his idiot[ic]* and moron[ic]** view of his present station. We’ll just have to agree to disagree.

* Kelly
** Tillerson
Are you sitting up?
Im entitled to know.
The important thing is Trump and his ministerial field marshals have established a network of hastily constructed facilities that result in a concentration of a particular ethic group into camps. Naturally, there is a process upon entry to register these displaced people into categories for various different assignments when they first arrive off the transports that brought them there. Then in some cases those in subcategories are sent to showers immediately.

Those not sent to showers are assigned to large block buildings for further assignments.

The very existence of these concentrations of a particular ethnic group of people into these camps was not known to the world until well after they were erected and processing of the people therein was well underway.

Humanitarian agencies have recently sought to bear witness to these camps of concentrated people. The commandants overseeing the camps do not allow photos or newsreel type cameras.

You know. I’m thinking this all reminds me of something from history. I’ll try to remember it, or we may find ourselves condemned to repeat it.
Night Night Paulie Noballs, former Donald Trump campaign manager. Don't let the bedbugs bite! I'm sorry we probably don't have 900 count Egyptian cotton sheets in the DC jail. But I'm sure the wine list, while undoubtably pedestrian, will be tolerable. The hole-bottle Listerine, Jan 2018 has apparently a particularly pungent nose with hints of rat feces and bouquet of gonad sweat. Perhaps while you lay in the calm silence of the jailhouse you can wonder what was in those 16 pages of shredded matrial, the Signal message and Blackberry data they pulled off Mikey Hack's blackberry. There are so many unanswered questions in a life well-lived. Perhaps you will find some answers today...
Fake president anyway.

Yes are correct !

Anyway you slice him, he was a Fake President. For eight whole years the
United States suffered thru a Fake Presidency that resulted in the American
public revolting against the " Criminal norm " and electing a Billionaire Reality
Star who has managed to piss off every single last Swamp creature in DC.
The Criminal Empire run out of the old White House came to a screeching
halt when he tented the shit hole in Phase one and the Swamp Creatures began
to run into the streets with rags over their noses because the smell of the TRUTH
was too much for them to handle.....
More work needs to be done, because the Swamp Creatures want their " Teet "
back from the American Public and they are going to Fight like Hell to get it
back....The second Phase could very well be a full blown Civil War....
Because the Criminal Republicans and Democrats will have to fight the
American Public that elected a President to change the course of the
Country that has resulted in Massive positive gains for Everyone !

No...The Criminal Politicians can't " Fake " this President .....

Night Night Paulie Noballs, former Donald Trump campaign manager. Don't let the bedbugs bite! I'm sorry we probably don't have 900 count Egyptian cotton sheets in the DC jail. But I'm sure the wine list, while undoubtably pedestrian, will be tolerable. The hole-bottle Listerine, Jan 2018 has apparently a particularly pungent nose with hints of rat feces and bouquet of gonad sweat. Perhaps while you lay in the calm silence of the jailhouse you can wonder what was in those 16 pages of shredded matrial, the Signal message and Blackberry data they pulled off Mikey Hack's blackberry. There are so many unanswered questions in a life well-lived. Perhaps you will find some answers today...

Yes Paul Manafort took one for the team, but just wait til the " Mule " gets kicked
in the head with a vicious blow this time....what he did today was the most
Criminal act to date....Bob " Mutant Horse Head " Mueller will regret this one..
The public knows full well what he did out of spite today, you don't put a man
in jail for White Collar Crimes such as these phony shit box crimes and a made
up " Witness Tampering " charge .....Mueller and his band of 13 dwarfs will
face charges for all of their actions ....especially this one. Just Watch !
The Judge who put Paul Manafort in Jail is not only an Obama appointee,
Mueller Judge shopped to get her as the Judge.....and she's shown her bias from the
first time she opened her filthy New York gutter slime mouth.....
He and Andrew Weissman have a Long history of making up charges and then
witnessing the whole enchilada being overturned. This time the whole American
public witnessed his Crooked Disgusting tactics....
I just can't shake the horrible image of that kid in the cage crying and shaking, the fear in his eyes, certain he'll never see his friends and family again...

And then I'm like: It's ok Paulie. At least you'll get 3 square and the Russian mob is less likely to whack you in there. Then I LMFAO and chant Lock Her Up until I'm giggling so hard I can't breath.

Ladies and gentlement, Paulie Noballs is currently behind bars in a VA jail. Hate to say "I told you so..." but guess what? I did! Paulie... You're a scumbag and You Are In Jail! ahahahahahahahahaaaaaa.

Hey, that Spain/Portugal game was something.