The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

.and? Where's the problem? Besides Trump's response, actually lack thereof . . . . . and no, throwing paper towels at reporters and government officials didn't help. Puerto Rico is Trump's Katrina, tone deaf and uncaring.
The left's 'Katrina' narrative on Trump collapses, in both Hawaii and Puerto Rico
JUNE 15, 2018
President Trump has sent aid swiftly in response to Hawaii's request, while San Juan, Puerto Rico's grandstanding leftwing mayor is under investigatio...
So you think illegal alien criminals should get special treatment over US citizens? US citizens who are thrown in jail are separated from their kids, why the fuck would we treat illegals any different? The parents of these illegal kids made that call when they decided break our laws to come here.
If you can't do the time don't do the crime.

Racist Joe, popping his racist nut.

Asylum is not illegal.
Crossing border without papers is a misdemeanor.

Being a stupid cracker racist drywall hanger: worthless.
The important thing is that locked, chain link fenced, children of immigrants arriving at our border, requesting asylum at our border and/or entry without having ever illegally entered our country are not subjected to any condescending racist quote by Trump on the wall facing their cells, such as “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war”, in both English and Spanish, and are instead treated to humanitarian acts of Judeo/Christian compassion that are not anything as past president’s might state, such as “We are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too.”

The important thing is that locked, chain link fenced, children of immigrants arriving at our border, requesting asylum at our border and/or entry without having ever illegally entered our country are not subjected to any condescending racist quote by Trump on the wall facing their cells, such as “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war”, in both English and Spanish, and are instead treated to humanitarian acts of Judeo/Christian compassion that are not anything as past president’s might state, such as “We are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too.”

Its also good that nobody would ever use these children as political pawns to undermine the immigration policies and laws of the United States.

Double Whew.
Some folks bow, some salute.
Potatoe - potato, tomato - tomatoe ....



Rules are rules, unless of course, you are a future democrat voter.

Yep. Rules are rules. Asylum requests are not illegal.
Funding a legal case with your family charity trust (and signing the receipt! What a dumb-ass) is illegal. Hopefully they'll take the kids from Drumpf (for their own protection - esp Tiffany!) and put them in a tent in El Paso.

OMG!!! wait. The IG report came out Today is The Day Hillary Gets Locked Up!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG... oh, wait, that Paulie Noballs and Mikey Pancakes. Sorry. I got a little overexcited.
Hey Racist Joe - anything happening to the Dow today?

Ask your genious buddy Iz. He'll tell you it's cause of the omnibus.
You Ok today?
You seem a little bit emotional that the Donald is laying down the law. You will be ok.
I am kind of enjoying this whole
"America First" idea.
How about you?
Hey, little Paulie Noballs getting separated from his kids! I'm sure Killary is next! Lock her up! Lock her up!

Poor Paulie, what's Murica come to when a guy can't launder money, hide income, lie to investigators and try to quid pro quo the republican platform. Sad day for our freedoms.