The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

First thing that popped up from googling what did we get from KSM . . . maybe you could get some old Cheney quotes?

In its rebuttal, the CIA insisted that the information Mohammed provided under what it calls enhanced interrogation techniques led to the arrest of other suspects, confirmed information about future plots and provided a deeper understanding of the inner workings of Al Qaeda.

But the Senate report raises questions about the value of the information obtained from Mohammed during his torture and offers new details about how he and his interrogators faced off during his years in CIA custody.

"A significant amount" of what Mohammed told the agency during these interrogations "was later identified as fabricated," the report concludes, relying on the CIA's internal assessments at the time of the interrogations. Other times he merely confirmed intelligence already known to the United States or outright lied, later recanting his stories.
Osama bin Laden killed: CIA admits waterboarding yielded vital information
Leon Panetta, the CIA director, has confirmed that controversial "enhanced interrogation techniques" such as waterboarding yielded some of the intelligence information that ultimately led to Osama bin Laden. ....

American officials have said that one of the crucial clues that led to bin Laden was a piece of information about an al-Qaeda courier that came from September 11th mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed or from the so-called 20th hijacker, Mohammad al-Qahtani.

It is acknowledged that both Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and Mohammad al-Qahtani had been subjected to enhanced interrogation, a policy authorised by Mr Bush.

"We used this technique on three people, captured a lot of people and used it on three. We gained value; information to protect the country. And it was the right thing to do as far as I'm concerned," Mr Bush said in an interview in 2010.
Piss on these obstructionists.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The political battle over President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees escalated on Thursday when the Senate took the rare step of confirming the nomination of a Wisconsin attorney to serve as a federal judge despite the objections of one of his home-state senators.

The Senate voted along party lines to confirm Milwaukee attorney Michael Brennan to fill an opening on the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The tally was 49-46. The seat has been open for more than eight years, the longest for the nation’s appellate courts.
Hey Bob......Guess what I am......
Both Trump And Obama Got American Hostages Released – With One Glaring Difference

What an embarrassing piece of shit Obama was and is.

It has long been U.S. policy to not negotiate with terrorists or put a price on the heads of Americans held by hostile foreign powers. Obama, however, flouted this norm, opting on multiple occasions to make preconditions and payments to foreign actors in exchange for American lives.

One of the most well-known instances was Sgt. Bowe Bergdhal.

Bergdahl deserted his Army post in Afghanistan in 2009. He was captured by the Taliban and held hostage for nearly five years. Multiple American servicemen searching for him. Ultimately, the Obama administration agreed to trade five high-value Taliban lieutenants, currently imprisoned at Guantanamo, for Bergdahl. The controversial swap took place and Bergdahl returned home to an immediate court marshal.
Democrats demand Trump force 13 indicted Russians to stand trial - Washington ...
Washington Examiner › policy › democr...

That was then,
This is now,

Mueller never thought the Russians would show up,
the discovery might be a bitch.
I heard Mueller told the judge he isn't prepared for trial.

Russian company indicted by Mueller pleads not guilty to election meddling charges
1 day ago
Russian company, accused in Mueller probe of being troll farm, pleads not guilty ...
Fox News › politics › 2018/05/09
Obama. Erased. - Wayne Allyn Root

I live in Las Vegas. I'm the number one conservative talk show host in this town. I know every show on the Vegas Strip. Don't look now, but Donald Trump is the second coming of David Copperfield. And Obama is the rabbit. Trump has made Obama disappear. It's magic!

I told you so. Both before the election and after, I predicted Donald Trump would make Obama disappear. I predicted he'd erase Obama’s entire legacy. He’d make our long national Obama nightmare disappear. He’d make the misery of the Obamageddon economy go away. He’d erase Obama like he was never there.
Maxine Waters explodes on House floor: I resent ‘making America great again’!
May 11, 2018
[URL=''][URL=''][URL=''][URL='']California Congresswoman Maxine Waters doesn’t want to hear any talk about making America great, especially if it’s coming from a straight white man.[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]

Waters went off the rails at a recent House debate when Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly had the audacity to suggest the country needed to shift focus from what divides to what unites.

“We are trying to make sure we are making America great every day in every way and the best way to do that is to stop stalking about discrimination and start talking about the nation,” Kelly said Tuesday, directing his comments to Waters. “We’re coming together as a people, in spite of what you say.”

Committee chairman Tom McClintock reminded lawmakers to direct comments to him, rather than each other, before yielding to “the gentlelady from California.” Waters ignored his request and immediately attacked Kelly, pointing to her special double victim status as a black woman.

“Mr. Kelly, please do not leave. Because I want you to know that I am more offended as an African American woman than you will ever be. And this business about making America great again, it is your president that’s dividing this country,” she said.

“And don’t talk to me about the fact that we don’t understand … that’s the attitude that’s been given toward women time and time again.”

Kelly attempted to chime in, but Waters refused to yield for a response. McClintock reminded Waters to direct her remarks to him, and she ignored the request a second time.

“I respect the chair, but don’t stop me in the middle when you didn’t stop him in the middle, and so I shall continue,” Waters said, turning back to Kelly. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that and think that somehow women don’t understand what goes on on the floor of automobile dealers.”
McClintock again requested that Waters respect the rules, which sent the 79-year-old politician into a tirade about Trump.

“I don’t appreciate that you did not interrupt him when he was making those outrageous remarks about him knowing more about discrimination than I know about discrimination,” Waters shouted. “I resent that and I resent the remark about making America great again.

“He’s down here making a speech for this dishonorable president of the United States of America. Having said that, I reserve the balance of my time. And no, I do not yield, not one second to you,” she yelled at Kelly.

She added an echo for dramatic effect.

“Not one second,” she shouted. “Not one second to you.”

The hearing centered on Obama-era anti-discrimination regulations for auto lenders, which Republicans and some Democrats voted to reverse. The measure, which was previously approved by the Senate, is now awaiting Trump’s signature, The Hill reports
Maxine Waters explodes on House floor: I resent ‘making America great again’!
May 11, 2018
California Congresswoman Maxine Waters doesn’t want to hear any talk about making America great, especially if it’s coming from a straight white man.

Waters went off the rails at a recent House debate when Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly had the audacity to suggest the country needed to shift focus from what divides to what unites.

“We are trying to make sure we are making America great every day in every way and the best way to do that is to stop stalking about discrimination and start talking about the nation,” Kelly said Tuesday, directing his comments to Waters. “We’re coming together as a people, in spite of what you say.”

Committee chairman Tom McClintock reminded lawmakers to direct comments to him, rather than each other, before yielding to “the gentlelady from California.” Waters ignored his request and immediately attacked Kelly, pointing to her special double victim status as a black woman.

“Mr. Kelly, please do not leave. Because I want you to know that I am more offended as an African American woman than you will ever be. And this business about making America great again, it is your president that’s dividing this country,” she said.

“And don’t talk to me about the fact that we don’t understand … that’s the attitude that’s been given toward women time and time again.”

Kelly attempted to chime in, but Waters refused to yield for a response. McClintock reminded Waters to direct her remarks to him, and she ignored the request a second time.

“I respect the chair, but don’t stop me in the middle when you didn’t stop him in the middle, and so I shall continue,” Waters said, turning back to Kelly. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that and think that somehow women don’t understand what goes on on the floor of automobile dealers.”
McClintock again requested that Waters respect the rules, which sent the 79-year-old politician into a tirade about Trump.

“I don’t appreciate that you did not interrupt him when he was making those outrageous remarks about him knowing more about discrimination than I know about discrimination,” Waters shouted. “I resent that and I resent the remark about making America great again.

“He’s down here making a speech for this dishonorable president of the United States of America. Having said that, I reserve the balance of my time. And no, I do not yield, not one second to you,” she yelled at Kelly.

She added an echo for dramatic effect.

“Not one second,” she shouted. “Not one second to you.”

The hearing centered on Obama-era anti-discrimination regulations for auto lenders, which Republicans and some Democrats voted to reverse. The measure, which was previously approved by the Senate, is now awaiting Trump’s signature, The Hill reports
I love how you and yours misinterpret the simplest things. All ya all are so mad you even make things up to be mad about, hilarious . . . you guys are comedy gold!