The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

With the deal in place, our inspectors could have gone anywhere they wanted and looked at anything they wanted.

Perhaps you think that nuclear weapons can be developed without anyone seeing what is going on.
What a dope, you sound just as stupid as the guy who put that deal together.
What is the big deal?
Waterboarding never killed anyone and saved American lives.

Kamala Harris to Gina Haspel: Do you believe enhanced interrogation was moral or immoral?
8 hours ago
How did it, wait you guys are making me laugh so hard it's tough to type . . . how did it save any lives? What information was gleaned? You guys are on a clown car roll! No backing, no sense, no idea, classic nutters!

. . . that and she couldn't/wouldn't even answer the question! Sound familiar?
Nothing going on here...nothing to see...keep moving along.....idiots!

Iran says military sites are off-limits for nuclear inspections despite U.S. pressure

AUG 30, 2017 | 11:40 AM| TEHRAN

As the Trump administration calls for stricter monitoring of the Iranian nuclear agreement, officials in Iran insist they are complying with its terms and will not allow international inspectors into military sites.

Iran, which agreed in 2015 to grant inspectors broad access to nuclear-related facilities in exchange for the removal of severe economic sanctions, accuses President Trump of trying to sabotage what he has called the United States' "worst deal."