The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

T shows his expertise on nuclear weapons development --

“You know what uranium is, right? It’s this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium. Including some bad things. But nobody talks about that.”
Our allies are doing business with Iran, as are some of our biggest corporations, directly and some through European channels. This will hurt them and will only strengthen Iran's resolve . . . but of course that plays right into Bolton's game plan for war.

Is this pull out based on just being against anything Obama did or the fear that Netanyahu tried to gin up with his presentation of old, dated information, presented as if it was news worthy when it was designed for an audience of one.
Are you still looking for reasons?
I am just imitating HUSKER, he was yelling at me a while ago.
Maybe you should try it, what have you got to lose?
You can't look any dumber.
One can only ask a question so many times in so many ways before it starts to get a bit trying . . . have you formulated an answer yet? What advantage do we gain by exiting the Iran nuclear deal?
I realize I am trying to get logic out of nut, but I wanted to give you a chance to stand up like a man. Obviously I mistook you for someone who had some idea what they were talking about, I was wrong.
You are only jerking yourself off at this point. At your age it just might be a good day.
I realize I am trying to get logic out of nut, but I wanted to give you a chance to stand up like a man. Obviously I mistook you for someone who had some idea what they were talking about, I was wrong.

He's not interested in honesty or integrity. He said so today.
So keeping them from developing a nuclear device is a bad idea because they are, "bad hombres"?
What exactly was in "the deal" that kept Iran from developing nuclear devices?
Was in the 150 billion in cash we delivered?
Did they sign a piece of paper that said, "we wont develop nuclear weapons, I promise."?