The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

What exactly was "the deal"?
Not arguing the fine points, just looking for the reason Trump felt we needed to leave the deal and our allies holding the bag. T-Rex shut down the State Dept sanctions office and our lead Treasury dept sanctions guy just quit . . . so who's gonna do the work?
Not arguing the fine points, just looking for the reason Trump felt we needed to leave the deal and our allies holding the bag. T-Rex shut down the State Dept sanctions office and our lead Treasury dept sanctions guy just quit . . . so who's gonna do the work?
Our allies can take care of themselves for a change. How will it hurt them?
T-Rex was for the deal and that just might be why he is gone.
Too good to check,

Attorney Michael Avenatti on "Morning Joe," May 9, 2018. (YouTube screen capture/MSNBC)
Avenatti Accuses The Wrong Michael Cohens Of Making ‘Fraudulent’ Payments


Chuck Ross

2:14 PM 05/09/2018

Michael Avenatti, porn star Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, released a seven-page dossier on Tuesday containing a list of payments purportedly made to Michael Cohen, the lawyer for President Donald Trump.

But there is one problem with the document: two of the allegedly “fraudulent” payments were made to men named Michael Cohen who have no affiliation with Trump.

Avenatti’s report includes a section listing “possible fraudulent and illegal financial transactions” involving Trump’s lawyer. One of the payments is a $4,250 wire transfer from a Malaysian company, Actuarial Partners, to a bank in Toronto.

The other is a $980 transfer from a Kenyan bank to Bank Hapoalim — the largest bank in Israel.

Zainal Kassim, a representative for Actuarial Partners, told The Daily Caller News Foundation Avenatti’s report is a case of mistaken identity. He forwarded an email the falsely accused Michael Cohen sent to Avenatti requesting the lawyer “correct this error forthwith and make it known publicly” there is no connection to Trump’s Michael Cohen.
QUOTE="Sheriff Joe, post: 195812, member: 1585"

Too good to check,

Attorney Michael Avenatti on "Morning Joe," May 9, 2018. (YouTube screen capture/MSNBC)
Avenatti Accuses The Wrong Michael Cohens Of Making ‘Fraudulent’ Payments


Chuck Ross

2:14 PM 05/09/2018

Michael Avenatti, porn star Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, released a seven-page dossier on Tuesday containing a list of payments purportedly made to Michael Cohen, the lawyer for President Donald Trump.

But there is one problem with the document: two of the allegedly “fraudulent” payments were made to men named Michael Cohen who have no affiliation with Trump.

Avenatti’s report includes a section listing “possible fraudulent and illegal financial transactions” involving Trump’s lawyer. One of the payments is a $4,250 wire transfer from a Malaysian company, Actuarial Partners, to a bank in Toronto.

The other is a $980 transfer from a Kenyan bank to Bank Hapoalim — the largest bank in Israel.

Zainal Kassim, a representative for Actuarial Partners, told The Daily Caller News Foundation Avenatti’s report is a case of mistaken identity. He forwarded an email the falsely accused Michael Cohen sent to Avenatti requesting the lawyer “correct this error forthwith and make it known publicly” there is no connection to Trump’s Michael Cohen.


Micheal Avenatti is in a world of hurt right now.....his " Little " circus sideshow
is coming to a screeching halt !
So is his money !
But he's still in Bankruptcy and has creditors crawling up his ass.
Not to mention a pending Divorce.
And NOW accusations that he punched women ( Girlfriends ) while in college.
This guy has " Anger Management " written all over his face.......
Can you say "Pay to Play"?

The curious relationship between one of the world’s biggest drug makers and President Trump’s personal lawyer began early last year when Michael Cohen, a longtime fixer for the president, reached out to Novartis’s then-chief executive officer Joe Jimenez, promising help gaining access to Trump and influential officials in the new administration, according to an employee inside Novartis familiar with the matter.

Jimenez took the call and then instructed his team to reach a deal with Cohen. A one-year contract worth $1.2 million was signed with Cohen in February 2017. The company’s hope was that Cohen could help it navigate a bevy of uncertain issues facing the drug maker — from potential changes to the Affordable Care Act and tax reform to navigating reimbursement challenges for medicines.
Our allies are doing business with Iran, as are some of our biggest corporations, directly and some through European channels. This will hurt them and will only strengthen Iran's resolve . . . but of course that plays right into Bolton's game plan for war.

Is this pull out based on just being against anything Obama did or the fear that Netanyahu tried to gin up with his presentation of old, dated information, presented as if it was news worthy when it was designed for an audience of one.
Our allies are doing business with Iran, as are some of our biggest corporations, directly and some through European channels. This will hurt them and will only strengthen Iran's resolve . . . but of course that plays right into Bolton's game plan for war.

Is this pull out based on just being against anything Obama did or the fear that Netanyahu tried to gin up with his presentation of old, dated information, presented as if it was news worthy when it was designed for an audience of one.
That's a rather broad, unspecific comment. How will it do that? You may as well just admit you don't know.
Broad, yeah, that's it.
Iran responsible for deaths of 500 U.S. service members in ...
Sep 13, 2015 · The Iranian Islamic regime was directly involved in the killing of more than 500 American service members in Iraq by supplying Shiite extremists with advanced roadside bombs, rocket-propelled explosives and other munitions, military officials say.

The faster we shut off the money to this bankrupt shithole the faster they will come to the table, just ask pajama boy.
I think it's a great move and I am messing with you people much of the time about Trump. It is funny to hear you people bash him so and yet your best couldn't beat this guy.
Maybe some of my humor is lost on you.

Humor? Your new position is that you laugh at people who take politics seriously?