The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Hell Just Froze Over: LGBT Group Endorses Donald Trump

Posted at 10:33 pm on August 18, 2019 by T.LaDuke


I never get sick of saying the phrase ” Will Miracles Never Cease” because in the AGE OF TRUMP all the rules seem to be broken.

In a 180-degree turn from just 3 years ago, the Log Cabin Republicans have decided to endorse Donald Trump for re-election in 2020. The same group refused to endorse him in 2016.

What gives? From USA Today…

In an op-ed published Thursday in The Washington Post, Robert Kabel, the group’s chairman, and Jill Homan, the vice chairwoman, declared that “The Log Cabin Republicans endorse Donald Trump for reelection as president.”

“To be treated equally, fairly and justly under the law is our goal, and we know that ‘Inclusion Wins’ is a mantra we share with the president,” the group added.

Kabel and Homan noted the party’s progress on LGBTQ representation.

They highlighted how Peter Thiel, the billionaire entrepreneur who co-founded PayPal and Palantir, was able to take the stage at the 2016 GOP convention and declare he was gay, a Republican, and an American – a far cry from the 1992 convention, when Pat Buchanan had decried gay marriage and slammed the “pro-lesbian” and “pro-gay” platform of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

Well, that blows conventional wisdom out the window and most of the talking points from CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and anything you hear on The Young Turks. The Donald Trump is a racist or homophobe line of reasoning is not new in how it is used in politics against Republicans. However it is new against a guy who has spent over 40 years in the public eye and never once did you hear anyone breathe he was racist, homophobic or a bad tipper.

There are a lot of things you could try making an argument policy-wise against Trump. Yet when the left resorts to this it means that they have literally run out of ammo.

Of course, this did not make some people on twitter happy and they let it be known. Jon Cooper let it be known that he has seen polling data and this is unacceptable.
The Mooch says he that he is getting former t Cabinet members together to take t out at the knees before the Republican primaries in 2020. I wonder who he has in mind - Mattis? Tillerson? Kelly? Nielsen? Haley?
The Mooch says he that he is getting former t Cabinet members together to take t out at the knees before the Republican primaries in 2020. I wonder who he has in mind - Mattis? Tillerson? Kelly? Nielsen? Haley?
T has no cabinet. I hear a lot of congresspeople and administration officials are looking for an escape hatch from crazy Trumpland.
I assume that at least Biden and Kamala are quietly in conversations with traditional republicans about the next election campaign.
T has no cabinet. I hear a lot of congresspeople and administration officials are looking for an escape hatch from crazy Trumpland.
I assume that at least Biden and Kamala are quietly in conversations with traditional republicans about the next election campaign.

Republican "tradition" used to mean big-city rich people guarding their fortunes against tax raids by the masses and small-town conservatives trying to keep government small and operating within a reasonable budget. T fits the first part, but the other traditional Republicans are starting to wake up to what a disaster he is to their country and party. I remember when Northern New England (Vermont, Maine, most of New Hampshire) was so solidly Republican that in every small town everyone knew who the local Democrat was. What broke the back of that tradition was the candidacy of one man - Goldwater in 1964.
QUOTE="espola, post: 282440, member: 3"

The Mooch says he that he is getting former t
Cabinet members together to take t out at the
knees before the Republican primaries in 2020.
I wonder who he has in mind -
None...! This is a joke and YOU fell for it...!


Urine Idiot Spola......!
  • President Donald Trump has frequently accused protesters and activists of being paid by powerful liberal forces, but many the attendees at his own events were financially compensated to be there.
  • Despite his own disdain for supposedly paid protesters, Trump himself has benefited from people being paid to attend his events, both in his capacity as a political candidate and as president.
  • President Donald Trump has frequently accused protesters and activists of being paid by powerful liberal forces, but many the attendees at his own events were financially compensated to be there.
  • Despite his own disdain for supposedly paid protesters, Trump himself has benefited from people being paid to attend his events, both in his capacity as a political candidate and as president.
How much do they get paid?
Since January, James Comey & His Wife Have Given a Ton of Money to Democrats – Here’s How Much, & to Whom

Posted at 8:20 pm on August 18, 2019 by Alex Parker

On Oct. 28, 2013, President Barack Obama and James Comey participate in the installation ceremony for Mr. Comey as FBI director at the bureau’s Washington headquarters. PHOTO: CHARLES DHARAPAK/ASSOCIATED PRESS

“For years, I dreamed of an end to talk of Russian collusion. Decades, even. Sadly, it never, ever came.”

Those are the feared words of my autobiography.

Written when I’m 97…

…as I hear MSNBC discuss the investigation by nursing home legend and Lifespan-World-Record-Holder Robert Mueller

It just can never end. It just can’t.

So what of the man who started it all, under whose watch was initiated Operation Crossfire Hurricane?

Here’s a bit of interesting info, perhaps: According to filings by the Federal Election Commission, so far this year, James Comey and his wife have contributed nearly $20,000 to Democrats.

Comey got canned within four months of Trump taking the White House, and he’s been outspokenly proud to be magnanimously anti-MAGA.

In fact, he’s called on America to decimate The Donald.

From a December appearance in New York City:

“All of us should use every breath we have to make sure the lies stop on January 20, 2021.”

So here’s how some of his donations break down:

Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota got $2,700; so did Virginia’s Jennifer Wexton and Abigail Spanberger.

Comey’s wife, Patrice, gave the same amount to Kamala Harris, with an additional $2.8K going to her primary campaign.

Patrice also threw $1,000 to Emily’s List — a liberal PAC supporting pro-choice candidates.

As for that scandalous night when Donald J. snagged the most powerful position on earth, Patrice wanted Hillary Clinton to win — as she confided George Stephanopoulos — “really badly.”

Things used to be a fair bit different: James was, at a time, a Republican.

He once gave wads of dough to male 2008 and 2012 hopefuls — John McCain and Mitt Romney.

As I said, things have definitely changed.

Bonus, from The Washington Free Beacon:

Patrice gave a $10,000 contribution to the Fair Fight PAC, a committee linked to failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, in mid-May. Abrams recently pushed $1.2 million from the PAC to Fair Fight Action, an affiliated dark money group that is ramping up voter-related initiatives for the 2020 elections.


Ben Ari, who belonged to Israel’s National Union coalition of right-wing parties, requested a visa in order to attend two conferences — a request which was denied by the Obama administration in February of 2012. The American consulate denied the visa on the grounds that Ben Ari “belonged to a terrorist organization.”

The American consulate never publicly released the name of the terrorist organization to which they believed Ben Ari belonged, but he told Israeli outlet Haaretz that he suspected it was his association with Kach — a far-right political movement that was considered a terrorist organization and had been banned in Israel 18 years prior in 1994.

Ben Ari responded to the move saying, “The U.S. government, who receives with open arms [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad, who calls for the destruction of Israel, [Palestinian President Mahmoud] Abbas, who planned the murder of children in Jerusalem, and [Israeli Arab MK] Ahmed Tibi, who enthusiastically encourages shahids, chose to bar me from meeting with Jewish communities in the U.S. and to encourage aliyah to Israel, with claims that I am a terrorist.”

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin called the move “unacceptable,” saying in a letter to then U.S. Ambassador Dan Shapiro, “National Union is a completely legitimate faction of the Israeli parliament, and Ben Ari an elected representative of the State of Israel, a close American ally. To impugn him as belonging to a terrorist organization and bar him from visiting the country is unacceptable.”

Ben Ari, now a part of the far-right Otzma-Yehudit party, was banned from running for office in March of 2019. The High Court of Justice voted 8-1 to ban him, citing his “anti-Arab ideology,” marking the first time an individual candidate has been banned from elections. The court approved a far-left Jewish candidate and an Arab party slate.
I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Freddie Gibbs: ‘F**k Colin Kaepernick’
August 19th, 2019

LOS ANGELES, CA - MAY 03: NFL player Colin Kaepernick speaks onstage during VH1's 3rd Annual "Dear Mama: A Love Letter To Moms" - Inside Show at The Theatre at Ace Hotel on May 3, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Leon Bennett/Getty Images)

Rapper Freddie Gibbs made it clear in a recent video that he’s not a fan of Colin Kaepernick.

Gibbs said “f**k Colin Kaepernick” in a video posted to his Instagram story that has gone viral, and he couldn’t really have been more blunt about his feelings about the NFL situation with Jay-Z.

“All y’all n*ggas marched for Colin Kaepernick and he took a settlement and ain’t tell y’all what he got or nothing. He settled. Let it go. Y’all hating on Jay-Z for tryna own something in the NFL. Y’all n*ggas some muthaf**kin’ crabs,” Gibbs said, according to (RELATED: Colin Kaepernick Shares Workout Video, Doesn’t Throw A Single Football In It)
Planned Parenthood Chooses Abortion Over Serving Low-Income Women
Withdraws From Title X Funding

Paul Hennessy/NurPhoto via Getty Images

August 19, 2019

On Monday, Planned Parenthood proved it cares more about abortion than the health needs of low income women, as the abortion giant withdrew from Title X, the federal program that serves the need of low-income Americans, rather than follow a Trump administration guideline.