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Donald Trump: Rashida Tlaib’s Grandmother a ‘Winner’ After Canceled Visit

CHARLIE SPIERING16 Aug 20197,402
President Donald Trump ridiculed Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s political stunt on Friday after she canceled a visit to Israel to visit her aged grandmother.

Israeli officials granted her permission, but Tlaib soon rejected the visit, citing, “racism, oppression & injustice.”

“The only real winner here is Tlaib’s grandmother,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “She doesn’t have to see her now!”

Trump accused Tlaib of grandstanding, praising Israel for their generosity in allowing her to visit despite having earlier blocked her entry to the country because of her support for the BDS movement
Palestinian Organizer of Omar, Tlaib’s Trip Promoted Antisemitic Blood Libel Trope

HANNAH BLEAU16 Aug 2019414
The Palestinian group behind Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) trip to Israel once promoted an accusation of blood libel, an antisemitic trope used to justify acts of violence and mistreatment against the Jewish people throughout history.

The anti-Israel group Miftah, led by BDS supporter Hanan Ashrawi, co-sponsored and organized the lawmakers’ trip to Israel.

The group has a history of making wildly inaccurate and extreme statements, from accusing Israel of committing “massacres” to claiming the prominence of “ethnic cleansing.” In 2013, it defended spreading antisemitic blood libel, which smears Jewish people, accusing them of using the blood of Christian children for baking unleavened bread for Passover (which is actually made only of flour and water). The bizarre allegation has been used throughout history to justify acts of violence against the Jewish people.

Miftah was forced to apologize after promoting the antisemitic rumor in a 2013 article, criticizing the Obama administration for holding a Passover Seder in the White House.

“Does Obama in fact know the relationship, for example, between ‘Passover’ and ‘Christian blood’..?! Or ‘Passover’ and ‘Jewish blood rituals?!’” the article, written by Nawaf Al Zaru read.

“Much of the chatter and gossip about historical Jewish blood rituals in Europe are real and not fake as they claim; the Jews used the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover,” the article continued.

The organization originally refused to apologize, calling criticisms “a smear campaign.” Nevertheless, it eventually conceded and claimed that the offensive piece was “accidentally and incorrectly published by a junior staff member.”

Statement per the Times of Israel:

It has become clear to us after investigating this incident that the article was accidentally and incorrectly published by a junior staff member. The said staffer has been reprimanded and all our staff has been informed as to the disgusting and repulsive phenomena of blood libel or accusation, including its use against Jews. Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, as founder, has nothing to do with the day to day management at Miftah and was no way involved in this incident.

The group’s roots go far beyond spreading baseless antisemitic conspiracy theories.

As Breitbart News reported:

Ashrawi was a political leader of the violent First Palestinian Intifada and served as deputy to late PLO leader and arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat. She is known for espousing anti-Israel conspiracy theories and attempting to justify Palestinian “resistance” against the Jewish state.

In a 2001 speech to the World Conference Against Racism, Ashrawi referred to the creation of Israel as a “Nakba” or “catastrophe.”

At the height of the deadly Palestinian intifada campaign of suicide bombings and shootings, Ashrawi wrote the following in October 2001 of the carnage: “I see it as an expression of the will to resist, of the spirit of a people that will not succumb to coercion and subjugation. … Popular protests and acts of resistance — political, human resistance — are necessary to demonstrate the people’s will.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed in a statement Thursday that Tlaib and Omar’s planned trip, co-sponsored by Miftah, centered around delegitimizing Israel.

“Israel is open to all critics and any criticism, with one exception: The law in Israel that prohibits entry to people calling and advocating for boycotting the country, just like in other democracies that bar entry to those who they believe will do harm to their nation,” he stated.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) admitted in a series of tweets Friday that she planned to “witness firsthand what is happening on the ground in Palestine” and called on the U.S. to use aid as leverage against Israel
The ‘Squad’ Reacts to Israel Fallout, AOC Pledges to Cease Trips to Israel

Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images
HANNAH BLEAU16 Aug 2019502
Members of the far-left “Squad” are reacting to the fallout between Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Israel, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) promising to cease trips to Israel “until all members of Congress are allowed.”

Israel barred Tlaib and Omar Thursday, citing their ongoing support of the BDS movement. Fellow “Squad” members Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) reacted to Israel’s initial position with force. Ocasio-Cortez proclaimed that Trump is “exporting his bigotry & making matters worse” and pledged to cease trips to Israel “until all members of Congress are allowed”:
The ‘Squad’ Reacts to Israel Fallout, AOC Pledges to Cease Trips to Israel

Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images
HANNAH BLEAU16 Aug 2019502
Members of the far-left “Squad” are reacting to the fallout between Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Israel, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) promising to cease trips to Israel “until all members of Congress are allowed.”

Israel barred Tlaib and Omar Thursday, citing their ongoing support of the BDS movement. Fellow “Squad” members Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) reacted to Israel’s initial position with force. Ocasio-Cortez proclaimed that Trump is “exporting his bigotry & making matters worse” and pledged to cease trips to Israel “until all members of Congress are allowed”:

Vindication: Trump Gets Grilled for Claiming His Rally Attracted a Bigger Crowd Than Elton John. But Look

Posted at 12:30 pm on August 17, 2019 by Alex Parker

Elton John performs in concert during the opening night of his “Farewell Yellow Brick Road World Tour” at the PPL Center on Saturday, Sept. 8, 2018, in Allentown, Pa. (Photo by Owen Sweeney/Invision/AP)

On Thursday night, Donald Trump unleashed a tweet that got a heck of a blowback. After his rally in Manchester, he tweeted the following:

“Tonight, we broke the all-time attendance record previously held by Elton John at #SNHUArena in Manchester, New Hampshire!”


Let’s take a look on how the grateful Muslim immigrants are doing across the pond, shall we?

Sudanese Migrant Jailed for ‘Extremely Savage’ Murder of Woman Who Refused Sex

West Yorkshire Police
A migrant who arrived in the country as an asylum seeker four years ago was jailed for murdering a young woman who refused his sexual advances.

Karar Ali Karar, 29, was sentenced to life imprisonment on Thursday after pleading guilty to murdering 21-year-old Jodi Miller in Harehills, Leeds, in February, after she had refused to have sex him. He stabbed Jodi 15 times, and so violently that the knife was broken into three pieces, according to the Metro.

Prosecutor Jason Pitter QC had told Leeds Crown Court that Karar was “so enraged and frustrated by her rejection that he decided, in his mind, to teach her a lesson. To confront her and ultimately kill her,” only pausing in his assault to kick his victim and call her a “prostitute”.

The murder, who took place in the home of a friend of Jodi’s, was witnessed by two others in the room, including a 15-year-old boy, who tried to stop the attack, but Karar threatened to kill them, as well.

The judge ordered he serve a life sentence, serving a minimum of 25 years in prison.

Karar had come to the UK from Sudan in 2015 seeking political asylum, arriving in Newcastle before moving to Leeds.
After Bay Area violence, California debates classifying ‘antifa’ as a street gang

Experts counter that the idea of classifying antifa as a gang could be seen as punishing a political viewpoint.
SEP. 4, 2017
5 AM
Not long after dozens of black-hooded protesters were filmed pummeling people on his city’s streets, Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin made clear his disgust for the self-stylized vigilantes.