The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Bernie Sanders, the man who came closest to being elected President of any Jew in USA history, says we should cut all aid to Israel if they are not going to respect the US Congress.
t is politicizing support for Israel. That isn't good for Israel. Netanyahu is throwing all his chips in on t.
Since when?

When the Zionist movement began to take traction in Europe in the 19th Century, Palestine was a province of the Ottoman Empire. The Turks were happy to welcome investment from European and then American Zionists, so they did not interfere with the process of Zionists acquiring undeveloped land and converting it to profitable agricultural and industrial uses, thus raising the tax base. In the early years of World War I, the governments of France and Great Britain came to an agreement about how to split off pieces of the Ottoman Empire, should the results of the war result in favor of the Allies. Critical to current politics, the Palestine province was to become a British Protectorate, not quite a colony but under British civil and military control. After the war concluded with the Treaty of Versailles, the newly-created League of Nations wiped out the Ottoman Empire, and the British and French got control of the areas they wanted as agreed. Associated with the agreement was a plan for the British to create a Jewish state in Palestine, hoping to secure European and American Jewish support for the effort. The British and French interests were eventually supposed to mature into independent states (roughly corresponding to present-day Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan). However, the whole world got distracted by WW2, so the plans sat on the back burner for a while. When peace returned, and it became apparent that a Jewish state would be formed somewhere in the British mandate area, there was a lot of local political resistance, but all parties wanted the British out. The UN had replaced the League of Nations as a focus of international diplomacy, and a UN plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish state and a traditional remnant led to a war between the Zionist Jewish forces, put in place, financed, and supported militarily by the Western democracies, and the traditional Moslem inhabitants. When Israel declared itself into existence in 1949, the USA was the first nation to recognize the new government.
Poll: Half of Hispanic Americans Approve of Trump Following ICE Raids

JOHN BINDER16 Aug 20191,443
After the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency raided multiple Mississippi food processing plants for hiring illegal alien workers, President Trump’s support among Hispanic voters has remained solid and a record total of black Americans now support him.

Last week, ICE agents conducted the largest workplace raid in more than a decade across seven food processing plants in Mississippi, netting the arrests of 680 illegal aliens. That same day, though, ICE officials said they released about 300 of the illegal workers back into the U.S. on “humanitarian grounds.” More than 200 of the illegal workers had prior criminal records.

The latest Zogby Analytics poll, conducted days after the highly-publicized ICE raids, finds that about 49 percent of Hispanic Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president. Another 51 percent said they disapprove.

Meanwhile, Trump’s support among black Americans has surged. Nearly three-in-ten black Americans now say they support the job Trump is doing as president — the second consecutive poll showing over a quarter of black Americans support Trump. About seven-in-ten black Americans said they disapprove of Trump.

Since the raids, the food processing plants have been forced to hold job fairs in the area, potentially increasing wages and bettering working conditions to attract and compete for American workers rather than relying on an underclass of exploited illegal workers. One potential worker said the processing plant was offering $12 an hour, but he would like to negotiate a salary of $15 an hour.

The country’s importation of 1.5 million illegal and legal immigrants every year is particularly burdensome on working class minorities, newly arrived immigrants, and black Americans.

Every one percent increase in the immigrant composition of American workers’ occupations reduces their weekly wages by about 0.5 percent, researcher Steven Camarotta has found. This means the average native-born American worker today has his weekly wages reduced by perhaps 8.5 percent because of current legal immigration levels — not factoring in the wage depression caused by the roughly 7.5 million illegal aliens currently holding U.S. jobs.

The poll surveyed nearly 900 likely U.S. voters nationwide between August 9 and August 12, with a margin of error of +/- 3.3 percentage points.
Poll: Trump at 45% in Wisconsin — Higher than When He Won the State in 2016

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
KRISTINA WONG16 Aug 2019825
President Trump is polling better in the critical state of Wisconsin than he did when he won the state in 2016, according to a poll conducted recently by progressive media company Crooked Media and research company Change Research.

“Trump is more popular here [than nationally]. The President’s job approval rating among Wisconsin voters is 48-51%. His personal favorability rating is 45-51%. His approval rating on the economy is 50-48%,” Crooked Media said in a press release on Thursday.

Regarding the candidate whom respondents would vote for in 2020, the survey showed that Trump trails the Democrat candidate by only 1%.

“[Thirty-nine percent] of voters say they’ll ‘definitely vote’ for the Democratic candidate, and 38% say they’ll ‘definitely vote’ for Trump. When we include ‘probably vote’, the Democrat leads 46-45%. Another 3% say they’ll vote for a third party candidate, and 6% are undecided,” the survey said.

The poll found that 94% of those surveyed would vote along the same party line as they did in 2016, Change Research said in a separate press release.

Trump’s 45% is higher than the average 40% who said they would vote for him in 2016, according to RealClearPolitics.

The Crooked Media/Change Research poll also found more good news for Trump: of the “up-for-grabs” voters, independents lean Trump, 43-41%. The third-party voters in 2016 (only 19% of undecided voters) lean Democrat, 41-18%. The 2016 nonvoters (21% of undecided voters) lean Democrat, 45-30%.

Crooked Media’s Dan Pfeiffer, who was a senior adviser to former President Barack Obama, wrote in a blog post about the poll, “Anyone who thinks Donald Trump will be easy to beat in Wisconsin is sorely mistaken, and the path to the White House for a Democrat gets very narrow without Wisconsin.”

However, he added, the poll — which tested which negative messages against Trump worked best — reveals a path to defeating him in 2020.

“[O]ur poll also indicates that there is a wealth of negative information about Trump that causes Wisconsin voters to say that they’re significantly less likely to vote for him,” he wrote. Pfeiffer recommended that an aggressive digital media campaign begin “yesterday.”

“Democrats can thus make gains by: 1. Eroding Trump’s strength on the economy; 2. Hitting him on Medicare cuts; 3. Hitting him on his failure to drain the swamp,” he wrote.

The poll also found that of the Democrat candidates, Elizabeth Warren leads with 29%, Bernie Sanders is next with 24%, and Joe Biden comes in third at 20%.

The poll also found the top issue among Wisconsin is immigration.

The voluntary poll was conducted online August 8-9, 2019, and surveyed 1,966 registered voters and newly eligible voters likely to vote in 2020, as well as 935 likely Democrat primary voters. The margin of error is ± 2.2% for the full sample and ± 3.2% for the Democrat primary voters.
Child Rapist, Homicide Fugitive Arrested by Border Patrol

John Moore/Getty
BOB PRICE16 Aug 2019148
Border Patrol agents arrested a previously deported Mexican child rapist who illegally re-entered the U.S. in Arizona. In a separate incident, Border Patrol agents in Texas arrested a French citizen wanted in his home country for murder.

Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents assigned to the Brian A. Terry Border Patrol Station arrested 37-year-old Carlos Blancas-Rojas for being in the U.S. illegally. A background check on the Mexican national revealed a conviction from a Washington state court for the Rape of a Child in 2008, according to Tucson Sector officials.
When the Zionist movement began to take traction in Europe in the 19th Century, Palestine was a province of the Ottoman Empire. The Turks were happy to welcome investment from European and then American Zionists, so they did not interfere with the process of Zionists acquiring undeveloped land and converting it to profitable agricultural and industrial uses, thus raising the tax base. In the early years of World War I, the governments of France and Great Britain came to an agreement about how to split off pieces of the Ottoman Empire, should the results of the war result in favor of the Allies. Critical to current politics, the Palestine province was to become a British Protectorate, not quite a colony but under British civil and military control. After the war concluded with the Treaty of Versailles, the newly-created League of Nations wiped out the Ottoman Empire, and the British and French got control of the areas they wanted as agreed. Associated with the agreement was a plan for the British to create a Jewish state in Palestine, hoping to secure European and American Jewish support for the effort. The British and French interests were eventually supposed to mature into independent states (roughly corresponding to present-day Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan). However, the whole world got distracted by WW2, so the plans sat on the back burner for a while. When peace returned, and it became apparent that a Jewish state would be formed somewhere in the British mandate area, there was a lot of local political resistance, but all parties wanted the British out. The UN had replaced the League of Nations as a focus of international diplomacy, and a UN plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish state and a traditional remnant led to a war between the Zionist Jewish forces, put in place, financed, and supported militarily by the Western democracies, and the traditional Moslem inhabitants. When Israel declared itself into existence in 1949, the USA was the first nation to recognize the new government.
Why not? Libs hate Jews, always have.
The current state of Israel is a creation of the western democracies.
See what I mean?
When the Zionist movement began to take traction in Europe in the 19th Century, Palestine was a province of the Ottoman Empire. The Turks were happy to welcome investment from European and then American Zionists, so they did not interfere with the process of Zionists acquiring undeveloped land and converting it to profitable agricultural and industrial uses, thus raising the tax base. In the early years of World War I, the governments of France and Great Britain came to an agreement about how to split off pieces of the Ottoman Empire, should the results of the war result in favor of the Allies. Critical to current politics, the Palestine province was to become a British Protectorate, not quite a colony but under British civil and military control. After the war concluded with the Treaty of Versailles, the newly-created League of Nations wiped out the Ottoman Empire, and the British and French got control of the areas they wanted as agreed. Associated with the agreement was a plan for the British to create a Jewish state in Palestine, hoping to secure European and American Jewish support for the effort. The British and French interests were eventually supposed to mature into independent states (roughly corresponding to present-day Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan). However, the whole world got distracted by WW2, so the plans sat on the back burner for a while. When peace returned, and it became apparent that a Jewish state would be formed somewhere in the British mandate area, there was a lot of local political resistance, but all parties wanted the British out. The UN had replaced the League of Nations as a focus of international diplomacy, and a UN plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish state and a traditional remnant led to a war between the Zionist Jewish forces, put in place, financed, and supported militarily by the Western democracies, and the traditional Moslem inhabitants. When Israel declared itself into existence in 1949, the USA was the first nation to recognize the new government.

A flashback that isn’t: EU set to require warning labels on Jewish products

ANDREW MALCOLM Posted at 6:01 pm on August 16, 2019

Some Americans may find modern day concerns about anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli sentiment overblown, especially if they haven’t experienced some centuries of religious discrimination.

Such concerns typically appear when Israel is in the news, as it is this week by denying entry to a pair of Muslim congresswomen. Ed wrote about that controversy here.

Now, comes the European Union with a clever idea to add consumer warning labels to products from Israel as being from that Jewish state. No, seriously.

Of course, this is not the first time Jews have been singled out for such public alerts.

In Germany and Eastern Europe in the 1930’s and ’40s the Nazis forced Jews to wear yellow stars of David on their outerwear as a public humiliation and isolating tactic to deter others from having any contact. Before that, the Russian tsar required Jews to wear animal skins as head coverings, an intended humiliation.

The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice recently issued an opinion that EU law requires Israeli-made products be labeled as originating from “Israeli colonies” or “settlements.”

As the Free Beacon reported:

The decision was seen as a major win for supporters of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, or BDS, which seeks to wage economic warfare on Israel and its citizens.

Pro-Israel activists, as well as Jewish businesses involved in the legal dispute, see the decision as an ominous warning sign they say is reminiscent of Holocaust-era boycotts of Jewish businesses.

The Court’s 15-member panel is poised to issue its binding ruling. But that threatens to ignite U.S. anti-boycott measures intended to protect Israel from international discrimination.

And it could prompt additional discriminatory labeling requirements by the EU and other countries on goods from more disputed territories.

Brooke Goldstein, a human-rights lawyer, said, “Could the discrimination be any clearer?”

The ruling stipulates that items made by Muslims must be labeled as coming from ‘Palestine’ while products made by Jews must be labeled as coming from ‘Israeli colonies.”

Goldstein warned such a ruling would become a nightmare for European importers and an invitation for labeling requirements by innumerable others.

She added, “If the EU Court justifies this bigotry, it will degrade the rule of law in Europe and it will undoubtedly have many unintended consequences for EU traders.”