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NEW: ACLJ Has Obtained Obama DOJ’s Immunity Agreements With Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys

Posted at 6:35 am on July 30, 2019 by Elizabeth Vaughn


On Monday night’s edition of Hannity, it was announced that The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has obtained the Obama DOJ’s immunity agreements with Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson. These records were obtained via a FOIA request filed by the ACLJ two years ago.

Mills served as Clinton’s chief of staff and Samuelson served as a senior advisor and White House liaison during her tenure as Secretary of State. Both women became her personal attorneys after she left State.

According to ACLJ executive director and radio host Jordan Sekulow, Mills and Samuelson agreed to turn over their laptops in exchange for:

Immunity from prosecution for anything found on their laptops violating multiple felony criminal statutes governing the mishandling of classified information and/or the removal or destruction of records, including Espionage Act provisions. Further, the DOJ and FBI also agreed to evade the statutory requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by purporting to deem the contents of the laptops as not under DOJ or FBI “custody or control.”

According to the DOJ Inspector General, who identified these as the “culling laptops,” “[a]ll 62,320 emails pulled from the Clinton servers were stored at one time on these laptops.” Having taken control of these laptops, agreeing to severely limit its searches, agreeing to unlawfully shield the laptops from FOIA, then agreeing to dispose of the laptops, it appears the Comey FBI and Lynch DOJ did everything in their power to protect Clinton’s senior aids and lawyers from both criminal liability and public scrutiny.

While these immunity agreements and related news have been publicly discussed to some extent, the ACLJ has now obtained the actual documentsso the public may see and judge them accordingly.

The pair were essentially given the green light “to dispose of evidence and refuse to comply with federal law.”

During former FBI agent Peter Strzok’s Congressional testimony last summer, he disclosed that Clinton’s lawyers had negotiated immunity agreements with Loretta Lynch’s DOJ which was shocking. Now, we have proof.

Sekulow explained to Hannity:

They take over her emails. They’re called “culling computers” and each one had one. These were the backups of the infamous server out in Colorado that had the 62,000 emails on them.

Each [Mills and Samuelson] had it and guess what, each was going through as now Hillary Clinton’s lawyers deleting emails. So, when this investigation began, they wanted to make sure right off the bat that they were immune from the Espionage Act, the Records Act, and the Classified Information Act. Crimes that bring prison time of up to 28 years if you combine them for each of these actors and yet they get full immunity, but not just that. They also get the FBI and the DOJ to agree to not allow the American people to access this information on their computers via FOIA. I’ve got that document right here. And they’ll destroy the computers for Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson and the Clinton Team.

This arrangement has been described as “highly unusual.” These women went through over 62,000 emails which had been subpoenaed and decided which were okay for the public to see and which should be withheld.

In an article published on Monday, Sekulow goes into the details of the agreements and also discusses the FBI’s attempts to stonewall the ACLJ’s attempts to obtain these records. He wrote that the DOJ/FBI “expressly attempted to evade FOIA’s requirements.” The language included in the immunity agreements with Mills and Samuelson was meant to “circumvent” FOIA requests. Or so they thought. Read the details here.

These immunity agreements represent the most irrefutable evidence yet of America’s two-tier system of justice. Although we’ve suspected this all along, we now have proof. We’ve waited a long time to see justice served, as government agencies have tried their best to stonewall the release of key documents. Although the progress has been painfully slow, important information is being revealed and a picture of extensive abuse of power by officials at the highest levels of the Obama DOJ and FBI is emerging.

This should horrify anyone is the USA.
Study: Baltimore’s Murder Rate Outpaces Central America’s Most Dangerous Countries

Mark Makela/Getty Images
JOHN BINDER29 Jul 2019456
The murder rate of Baltimore, Maryland, is set to continue to be higher than Central America’s most dangerous countries, analysis finds.

Research by Princeton Policy Advisors’ Steven Kopits reveals that Baltimore has long had a higher murder rate than the most crime-ridden nations of Central America, where thousands of migrants flee from every year.

Based on the current rate of murders in Baltimore, Kopits projects that Baltimore’s murder rate for 2019 will come in at about 56 murders per 100,000 people — making it more than twice as dangerous as the country of Guatemala.

To date, there have been nearly 200 murders in Baltimore since the beginning of the year.

(Screenshot via Princeton Policy Advisors)

Meanwhile, El Salvador had a murder rate of 50 murders per 100,000 people in 2018, lower than Baltimore’s despite the violent MS-13 gang holding its headquarters in the small Central American country.

Likewise, Honduras is projected to have a murder rate of 38 murders per 100,000 people this year, while Guatemala had a murder rate of about 22 murders per 100,000 people in 2018.
Delingpole: Leftist Bullies Make Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Delete Tweet Praising Boris Johnson

Getty Images
JAMES DELINGPOLE29 Jul 20192,868
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson may need to change his nickname.

The actor, producer and professional wrestler has been caught performing a humiliating and craven reverse ferret when he deleted a tweet praising his ‘namesake’ – Britain’s new prime minister Boris Johnson.

His original tweet went:

“Breaking: PM Boris Johnson is in fact my cousin [though we clearly look more like twins].

“Jokes aside, PM did say something in his speech I liked – ‘the people are our bosses’.

100% agree. The people/audience/consumer will always matter most. #ourboss.”
Delingpole: Leftist Bullies Make Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Delete Tweet Praising Boris Johnson

Getty Images
JAMES DELINGPOLE29 Jul 20192,868
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson may need to change his nickname.

The actor, producer and professional wrestler has been caught performing a humiliating and craven reverse ferret when he deleted a tweet praising his ‘namesake’ – Britain’s new prime minister Boris Johnson.

His original tweet went:

“Breaking: PM Boris Johnson is in fact my cousin [though we clearly look more like twins].

“Jokes aside, PM did say something in his speech I liked – ‘the people are our bosses’.

100% agree. The people/audience/consumer will always matter most. #ourboss.”

Aww Rock,.. dont puss out.
Rumor has it that t has actually done many, many, covert operations, personally in Syria, Afghanistan and parts unknown to gather information and kill, many, many terrorist. He does know more than the generals.
I noticed there is no detail beyond the headline about how "leftists" bullied The Rock.

Most likely by "leftist" they mean his agent called him from Los Angeles and asked if he was really going to blow his movie career hitching his wagon to Boris. Personally I think the deleted post speaks pretty loud about which way he went...
If this doesn’t sum things up nothing will.

Federal judge to DNC: Your Russia-collusion lawsuit over 2016 hack “entirely divorced from the facts”

ED MORRISSEY Posted at 8:01 am on July 31, 2019

Conspiracy theories may get a lot of traction on social media, but they don’t fare nearly as well in federal court. The Democratic National Committee learned that the hard way yesterdayafter having their lawsuit against Donald Trump’s campaign over Russian collusion dismissed for being “entirely divorced from the facts.” Not only did the DNC not provide any evidence of collusion, the sharing of DNC e-mails after their publication is covered by the First Amendment, Judge John Koetl ruled:

A federal judge in New York on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit filed by the Democratic National Committee against the Russian government, President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and Wikileaks that alleged a vast, international conspiracy to tip the scales of the 2016 presidential election.

In an 81-page opinion, Judge John Koeltl wrote that the Russian government was the “primary wrongdoer” in the alleged plot to hack into the DNC’s systems and steal a trove of emails and documents. …

On Tuesday, Judge Koeltl ruled against the DNC, emphasizing that they did not allege that anyone other than the Russian government participated in the hacking of their systems, and failed to “raise a factual allegation that suggests that any of the defendants were even aware that the Russian Federation was planning to hack the DNC’s computers until after it had already done so.”

“The DNC argues that the various meetings and conversations between the defendants in this case and with persons connected to the Russian government during the time that Russian GRU agents were stealing the DNC’s information show that the defendants conspired with the Russian Federation to steal and disseminate the DNC’s materials,” Koeltl wrote. “That argument is entirely divorced from the facts actually alleged in the Second Amended complaint.”

After three years of shrieking hysteria over Russia collusion, and three years of prominent Democrats like Adam Schiff insisting that proof of it exists, the DNC couldn’t make a single proffer on it. Instead, they relied on an argument that the Trump campaign’s sharing of the information post-hack was evidence of the conspiracy pre-hack, which as Koetle concluded is simply nonsense. “While the court is required to accept the factual allegations in the Second Amended Complaint,” Koetl wrote, “it is not required to accept conclusory allegations asserted as facts.”

Not A Single Democrat Attended The 9/11 Bill Signing. Now They Claim They Weren’t Invited
July 30th, 2019

NEWARK, NJ - SEPTEMBER 06: U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) speaks to the media as he arrives at federal court for his trial on corruption charges on September 6, 2017 in Newark, New Jersey. Menendez is accused of accepting bribes in regard to his relationship with campaign donor Salomon Melgen, a Florida-based ophthalmologist. (Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
Not a single Democratic member of Congress attended Monday’s ceremonial bill signing for 9/11 victim relief legislation, according to a senior White House official, and some lawmakers claim it’s because they were never invited.

Trump signed the “Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act,” which provides compensation to victims of and first responders to the 9/11 attacks, in the White House Garden alongside the families of the namesakes of the legislation. (RELATED: Trump Signs 9/11 First Responders Relief Bill)

While several Republican lawmakers attended the event — primarily those who represent New York and Pennsylvania, where the 9/11 terror attacks occurred — there were no Democrats in attendance, according to a White House official. Democratic New York Sen. Chuck Schumer previously blamed his absence on a prior engagement, but others on Capitol Hill insisted to the Daily Caller on Tuesday that they didn’t receive an invite.
Needs audio to be more informative.

Officer Teague was "decommissioned" the next day (desk duty while under investigation) and resigned today. Criminal and the inevitable civil cases continue.
Needs audio to be more informative.

Officer Teague was "decommissioned" the next day (desk duty while under investigation) and resigned today. Criminal and the inevitable civil cases continue.

I forgot to mention that the initial stop by the unmarked car was for expired tags. Not sure why they handcuffed the driver's male companion. Six police cars arrived in emergency mode with the concurrent risk to innocent civilians plus another cop walks in from the right margin. Must have been the highlight of the day in that neighborhood.
I forgot to mention that the initial stop by the unmarked car was for expired tags. Not sure why they handcuffed the driver's male companion. Six police cars arrived in emergency mode with the concurrent risk to innocent civilians plus another cop walks in from the right margin. Must have been the highlight of the day in that neighborhood.

Further research - both were arrested for "resisting arrest" (isn't that an oxymoron?) - the non-violent tool cops keep next to their collapsible baton.