The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Reading Michael Wolff's book Siege about the t administration turmoil, I came upon an interview with a former production staffer who worked on The Apprentice. After describing what some might consider offensive behavior toward women by t on the set, the staffer pointed out that none of that made it on air, but it was all recorded by multiple cameras up to 20 hours a day during production - and it's all sitting out there waiting on DVDs.
Rumor has it that t has actually done many, many, covert operations, personally in Syria, Afghanistan and parts unknown to gather information and kill, many, many terrorist. He does know more than the generals.

Trump on the Parkland school shooting: "You know I really believe, you don't know until you're tested, but I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon"

I mean you have to admit it - Trump is one of the most couragious persons that he imagines himself to be.

Those fucking bone spurs!!! How many lives could Trump have saved in Vietnam? It's well known how good of a job he did avoiding the Clap and other STD's during those years.
Reading Michael Wolff's book Siege about the t administration turmoil,
I came upon an interview with a former production staffer who worked
on The Apprentice. After describing what some might consider offensive
behavior toward women by t on the set, the staffer pointed out that none
of that made it on air, but it was all recorded by multiple cameras up to
20 hours a day during production - and it's all sitting out there waiting
on DVDs.

Who the Hell cares.....Oh, YOU do....because it makes what you've
done in the past a little less disgusting....

Those 20 hours of recordings don't amount to squat and they
are irrelevant, especially when compared to what LBJ did with one sentence ...!

Of course YOU and YOURS will NEVER tell the TRUTH about what he
did !
Trump on the Parkland school shooting: "You know I really believe, you don't know until you're tested, but I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon"

I mean you have to admit it - Trump is one of the most couragious persons that he imagines himself to be.

Those fucking bone spurs!!! How many lives could Trump have saved in Vietnam? It's well known how good of a job he did avoiding the Clap and other STD's during those years.

Tertiary syphilis is a believable diagnosis for him at this point.
Sounds like something one gets while on shore leave......

Syphilis is rare among shore leave sufferers - gonorrhea or non-specific urethral infections (they don't know what it is, but it is not one of the VDs they are looking for) are more common. Tertiary syphilis afflicts those who thought they were cured and were not, or who didn't know they were infected, or who resisted treatment and just gritted their teeth through the worst of the symptoms. Syphilis can survive hidden in an infected body for years (it's one reason to get a blood test before getting married) and then comes back with symptoms resembling senile dementia - it's what killed Al Capone. T definitely has the dementia symptoms, and he has bragged about his habits of promiscuous unprotected sex.
Trump on the Parkland school shooting: "You know I really believe, you don't know until you're tested, but I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon"

I mean you have to admit it - Trump is one of the most couragious persons that he imagines himself to be.

Those fucking bone spurs!!! How many lives could Trump have saved in Vietnam? It's well known how good of a job he did avoiding the Clap and other STD's during those years.
You too?
Tertiary syphilis is a believable
diagnosis for him at this point.

You project a little too much on this Forum at times....
Seek treatment, although the neurological damage is
permanent...Your hatred for successful individuals
is well documented on this and two previous sites.
You pontificated the same style of hatred for GWB ....

You love misery don't you.......Spola...
Reading Michael Wolff's book Siege about the t administration turmoil, I came upon an interview with a former production staffer who worked on The Apprentice. After describing what some might consider offensive behavior toward women by t on the set, the staffer pointed out that none of that made it on air, but it was all recorded by multiple cameras up to 20 hours a day during production - and it's all sitting out there waiting on DVDs.
The family that drags nets together, stays together.

BREAKING: James Comey Referred for Prosecution, DOJ Responds

Posted at 10:47 pm on July 31, 2019 by Bonchie

According to sources, via The Hill, James Comey was referred for prosecution by IG Horowitz in his yet to be released report on the handling of the Trump-Russia investigation.

Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz’s team referred Comey for possible prosecution under the classified information protection laws, but Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors working for Attorney General William Barr reportedly have decided to decline prosecution – a decision that’s likely to upset Comey’s conservative critics.

Yes, you read that right. He was referred for prosecution but won’t be prosecuted because of a lack of intent despite the fact that the report itself is said to fillet him for his actions.

This is the same James Comey who publicly said he leaked the memos on purpose to get a special counsel appointed. Apparently, that doesn’t qualify as intent somehow.

As many of us have speculated for years, there will be no justice here because no one in D.C. ever pays for their actions. Comey is part of the protected class and is treated as such.

There is a chance the sources are wrong here about prosecution, but that’s unlikely.


The Senate Confirmed 13 Trump Judges While America Watched Democrats Debate
August 1st, 2019

A man walks up the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

The Senate confirmed 13 judges President Donald Trump chose while America had its eyes on the Democratic primary debates Tuesday and Wednesday.

Though Senate Republicans had initially planned to confirm 19 Trump judges before leaving Washington, D.C., for August recess, they successfully confirmed four nominees Tuesday and nine Wednesday
Eritrean Refugee Charged with Murdering German Child Was Poster Boy of Swiss Integration

Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa via AP
The Eritrean refugee charged with killing a child by pushing him in front of a train was a ‘poster boy’ for successful integration in Switzerland.

German interior minister Horst Seehofer had said during a news conference that the suspect, who is accused of fatally pushing an eight-year-old boy in front of a moving train in Frankfurt on Monday, had been considered “an example of successful integration” and was “mentioned in publications” in Switzerland.

Zurich prosecutors confirmed to German news magazine Focus that Habte Araya, 40, had been in psychiatric treatment since 2019 and had not worked for a year. Prior to that, he had worked for several years at transport companies in the Swiss capital and two years ago, was portrayed as a model of integration in a publication of the Swiss Workers’ Assistance.

Araya, whose full name was revealed in British media, had gained employment through a refugee integration programme and said in a pamphlet for the Swiss Workers’ Relief Organisation that he liked “almost everything” about Switzerland.

“In the beginning, communication was difficult because of the language difference, but not anymore,” Araya continued. “Whether you are rich or poor, everyone can eat and your livelihood is secure. I also like the schools very much. Here, it is the first world.”

In a press conference on Tuesday, German Federal Police President Dieter Romann said that the “well integrated” migrant had arrived illegally in Switzerland in 2006, and was granted asylum in Switzerland in 2008.

Romann said that “since 2011, he has been holding the Swiss Settlement Permit Category C in Switzerland, which means well integrated” and was considered “exemplary from the point of view of the immigration and asylum authorities in Switzerland”.
AUGUST 1, 2019
Thank You, Representative Ilhan Omar
By Eileen F. Toplansky
As a congressional representative, Ilhan Omar has masterfully manipulated American freedom in order to make anti-Semitism a more accepted idea. She has admirably done the work of the Muslim Brotherhood in normalizing anti-Semitism in the land of the free. By cloaking the evil as merely an expression of her freedom of speech, she has removed the "racist portrayalof Jews from the neo-Nazi fringe into the mainstream." She has mastered the art of psychological warfare as she couples "Muslim anti-Semitismwith the American left's vague notion of 'social justice.'" She has shown her bona fides as a representative of the jihad on free speech while vigorously claiming this vital freedom.

As Ayaan Hirsi Ali notes, Omar hails from Somalia, where anti-Semitism is taught at an early age. Thus, she was taught that to destroy the Jews, the Zionists, and the state of Israel is a worthy goal. Religious teaching is coupled with the political narrative where jihad is the solution to all the ills of the Muslim world. In addition, there is very little freedom of expression in Muslim-majority countries, and the state-owned media propagate daily expressions of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda. Everything is tainted with this hatred, from the mosques to the Islamic college campuses. Refugee camps are another "zone of indoctrination."

Omar asserts that American Jews have a dual loyalty that should make them suspect. This anti-Semitic meme has been used since time immemorial to besmirch Jews and to cast aspersions upon them. Then there is the "all about the Benjamins, baby" statement, which revives the stereotype of Jews using their money and influence to pressure those in power to advance the interests of a foreign nation over their own.

In fact, as Ayaan Hirsi Ali points out, it is ironic that the "resources available to propagate Islamist ideologies, with their attendant anti-Semitism, vastly exceed what pro-Israel groups spend in the U.S." In fact, "Saudi Arabia has spent vast sums with estimates of as high as $100 billion to spread their fundamentalist Wahhabi Islam abroad."

Yet Omar amplifies that she wants "to talk about the [Jewish] political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country."

Interesting projection, since it is actually Ilhan Omar who is using her political influence to usher in the principles of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group ardently devoted to infiltrating and ultimately destroying America. Almost a decade ago, the Center for Security Policy issued "Shariah: The Threat to America," which explained the political, religious, social, and economic operative goals required to secure ultimate Islamic domination of the West. They include "establishing an effective and stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood; adopting Muslims' causes domestically and globally; expanding the observant Muslim base; unifying and directing Muslims' efforts; presenting Islam as a civilization alternative supporting the establishment of the global Islamic State wherever it is" (page 277).

Revulsion of the Jew and hatred of Western liberty and freedom are integral components of this desire to establish a global caliphate.

Now Omar is ramping up the hate by using the national platform to engage in the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign that seeks the ultimate destruction of Israel. As David French has stated, "the resolution itself is clever. It doesn't mention Israel, and is crafted as an ode to free speech." But the fundamental truth about the BDS movement is that it is "anti-Semitic in its intent and effect."

Josh Hammer asserts that Omar compares "the genocidal BDS campaign which seeks the annihilation of the state of Israel and the tossing of all the [Jews into the Mediterranean Sea], to the lineage of proud American boycotting that dates all the way back to the Boston Tea Party itself." To do this, she lies about the "free, liberalized, and pluralistic state of Israel and compares it to genocidal Nazi Germany, the gulag state that was the Soviet Union and apartheid South Africa alike."

In fact:

Criticizing Israel does not necessarily make someone anti-Semitic. The determining factor is the intent and content of the [speaker]. Legitimate critics accept Israel's right to exist, whereas anti-Semites do not. Anti-Semites use double standards when they criticize Israel, for example, denying Israelis the right to pursue their legitimate claims while encouraging the Palestinians to do so. Anti-Semites deny Israel the right to defend itself, and ignore Jewish victims, while blaming Israel for pursuing their murderers. Anti-Semites rarely, if ever, make positive statements about Israel. Anti-Semites describe Israelis [by] using pejorative terms and hate speech, suggesting, for example, that they are "racists" or "Nazis."

But the BDS campaign targets Israel's right to exist. It opposes coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians. BDS puts Palestinians, Israeli Arabs, and Israeli Jewish jobs at risk. BDS also puts many American jobs at risk. Consider that "[d]irect Israeli investment in the U.S. totaled approximately $11.9 billion in 2017. U.S. exports to Israel support an estimated 75,000 American jobs and Israeli owned companies provide an additional estimated 20,000 jobs to U.S. workers." What hurts Israel economically hurts America as well. Actually, BDS is a lineal descendant of the Arab League boycott, begun in 1948 and still in existence.

Consider, for example, how Ireland's BDS bill will harm Israeli and American tech giants. As Alexander Titus notes, "Ireland is home to corporate offices and subsidiaries of Google, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft." Thus, these "tech companies would be forced to either violate U.S. law or the new Irish law since an American company cannot legally participate in a boycott that is not backed by the U.S. government."

How ironic that the Irish BDS would mean that "buying a souvenir from a Jewish trader or taking a tour with a Jewish tour guide could land an [Irish Catholic] with a criminal record and punishments befitting that of a class A drugs smuggler."

Finally, is, as Omar claims, the BDS movement constitutionally secured by the First Amendment? The answer is a resounding "no."

Josh Hammer writes that "[a]s law professor and constitutional law expert Eugene Kontorovich explainedin The Washington Post in 2017, it is the 'distinction between ... expression and ... commercial conduct' that makes all the constitutional difference in the world."
AUGUST 1, 2019
Trump Exposes the Real Rats
By K. Barrett Bilali
The score is three to one.

President Trump leads Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in being publicly called a “racist” in the past week.

Of course, Trump has been called all kinds of names since his successful 2016 campaign. But slurs don’t stick in the presence of truth. And Trump keeps winning.

But if Trump and Republican Party want to win in 2020 and beyond, they need to continue fearlessly addressing the issue of race and urban decay in all its painful ugliness.

The latest news cycle has Trump being called a “racist” for insulting a 13-term black congressman.

Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland is one of many hypocritical Dems in need of a come-to-Jesus moment. And Trump brought him to church.

For weeks if not months, Cummings and his comrades have been crying crocodile tears over alleged inhumane conditions for children being held by border control along our Southern border.

“None of us would have our children in that position,” Cummings screamed at the head of border control in a House hearing. “They are human beings.”

Cummings was upset by reports of children being held in cages, without showers and sleeping in their own feces. Cummings emotional outburst on July 19 may have prompted Trump to take a swing back.

Trump called him a “brutal bully” and tweeted a reminded to Cummings about the condition of his own congressional district.

“The border is clean, efficient & well-run, just very crowded. Cumming district is a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess,” tweeted the President at 4:14 AM. (Does the President ever sleep?)

Trump went further to say that Cummings should address the issues in his own district, which he described as a “very dangerous and filthy place.”

Every news outlet pounced, calling Trump a racist. One CNN commentator was triggered to tears by the word “infested” which, he said, Trump uses only for Black people.

These sanctimonious crybabies can call “racism” all day long. But the truth prevails.

More in Home

Too Many Candidates Undermine Democratic Elections


Political Correctness: Tool of Totalitarianism

The Reports of Iceland's Glacial Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Debate: Tulsi Gabbard knocks Kamala Harris from her pedestal

IG Horowitz reportedly has made a criminal referral on James Comey
Baltimore ranks among the top ten most rat-infested cities in America, according to an annual nationwide study done by Orkin Pest Control. Of course, all of the top ten, including Dallas-Fort Worth, are run by Democratic regimes.

I have witnessed piles of garbage, dead animals, old furniture, and rotting food in these neglected ghettos. Part of the rat problem stems from the lack of sanitation services provided in Baltimore and other inner-city neighborhoods.

Even Baltimore’s former mayor said her city smelled of rats and dead animals in front of TV cameras. Catherine Pugh (no pun intended) would later have to resign for corrupt behavior. The current mayor of Baltimore, Jack Young, challenged Trump to send federal assistance. Instead of funds, Trump should send a federal investigation.

Shamefully, Democrats have maintained Cummings’ district since 1953 and nothing has gotten any better for black Baltimoreans.

Instead, things are actually worse. Baltimore is ranked as one of the most violent cities in the nation. The poverty rate is extremely high at 23.8 percent with 65 percent of the residents being African-American.

According to, the infant mortality rate in Mexico in 2017 is 11.5 per one thousand live births. The City of Baltimore has a 12.2 infant mortality rate, according to the Maryland department of health in 2017.

The important point is that Mexico's infant mortality rate is decreasing over the past 10 years while blacks in Baltimore are dying in infancy at an alarming rate.

Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who was recently called a “racist’ by the socialist Squad of her party, defended Cummings as a “champion in the Congress and the country for civil rights and economic justice.”

How can there be an increase of civil rights and economic justice with the statistics listed above?

Cummings responded:

"Mr. President, I go home to my district daily. Each morning, I wake up, and I go and fight for my neighbors.”

Neighbors? Cummings certainly doesn’t live in the squalid and fetid city which he has represented since 1996. He lives among the many wealthy black Balitmoreans.

Maryland has some of the most affluent black communities in the country. Prince George’s County is 63 percent black with a median annual income of over $110,000. This educated and upwardly-mobile population would be a great place to encourage support for more conservative policies. Sadly, only 8.4 percent of the county voted Republican in 2016.

But a far more urgent need is outreach to the rat-invested American inner cities. Yes, Baltimore is full of rats, but some of those rats are on two legs. They are walking the streets doing voter registration en masse and pushing a new progressive collectivist socialist message. These Soros-funded activists are on a mission to maintain the Black vote at any cost.

As an independent journalist covering urban issues, I find myself in these nasty neighborhoods. I see the liberal activists but I also hear the local folks openly support Trump’s economic success and immigration policy.

In a pawnshop in Miami I heard several laborers saying they don’t care what people say about Trump. They had just gotten construction jobs working at a local convention center, which they attributed to the Trump economy.

“We’ve been here 400 years,” yelled a man in a parking lot in front of Winn Dixie supermarket in Liberty City. “Why do they get to come over the border and take our jobs!”

This enterprising man was selling mangoes out of a shopping cart to earn his daily bread.

If we are to become one American people again, those enterprising and politically-aware urban residents need to be recognized. They should not be forgotten because of their zip code nor their race. Even the worst communities can be restored, as well as the human beings within them.

Urban-dwelling Americans simply need to be shown that they really don’t deserve the rats who represent them.

And President Trump is doing just that.
As long as you continue posting, I'll keep reading lies...
Show me one.
AUGUST 1, 2019
Trump Exposes the Real Rats
By K. Barrett Bilali
The score is three to one.

President Trump leads Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in being publicly called a “racist” in the past week.

Of course, Trump has been called all kinds of names since his successful 2016 campaign. But slurs don’t stick in the presence of truth. And Trump keeps winning.

But if Trump and Republican Party want to win in 2020 and beyond, they need to continue fearlessly addressing the issue of race and urban decay in all its painful ugliness.

The latest news cycle has Trump being called a “racist” for insulting a 13-term black congressman.

Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland is one of many hypocritical Dems in need of a come-to-Jesus moment. And Trump brought him to church.

For weeks if not months, Cummings and his comrades have been crying crocodile tears over alleged inhumane conditions for children being held by border control along our Southern border.

“None of us would have our children in that position,” Cummings screamed at the head of border control in a House hearing. “They are human beings.”

Cummings was upset by reports of children being held in cages, without showers and sleeping in their own feces. Cummings emotional outburst on July 19 may have prompted Trump to take a swing back.

Trump called him a “brutal bully” and tweeted a reminded to Cummings about the condition of his own congressional district.

“The border is clean, efficient & well-run, just very crowded. Cumming district is a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess,” tweeted the President at 4:14 AM. (Does the President ever sleep?)

Trump went further to say that Cummings should address the issues in his own district, which he described as a “very dangerous and filthy place.”

Every news outlet pounced, calling Trump a racist. One CNN commentator was triggered to tears by the word “infested” which, he said, Trump uses only for Black people.

These sanctimonious crybabies can call “racism” all day long. But the truth prevails.

More in Home

Too Many Candidates Undermine Democratic Elections


Political Correctness: Tool of Totalitarianism

The Reports of Iceland's Glacial Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Debate: Tulsi Gabbard knocks Kamala Harris from her pedestal

IG Horowitz reportedly has made a criminal referral on James Comey
Baltimore ranks among the top ten most rat-infested cities in America, according to an annual nationwide study done by Orkin Pest Control. Of course, all of the top ten, including Dallas-Fort Worth, are run by Democratic regimes.

I have witnessed piles of garbage, dead animals, old furniture, and rotting food in these neglected ghettos. Part of the rat problem stems from the lack of sanitation services provided in Baltimore and other inner-city neighborhoods.

Even Baltimore’s former mayor said her city smelled of rats and dead animals in front of TV cameras. Catherine Pugh (no pun intended) would later have to resign for corrupt behavior. The current mayor of Baltimore, Jack Young, challenged Trump to send federal assistance. Instead of funds, Trump should send a federal investigation.

Shamefully, Democrats have maintained Cummings’ district since 1953 and nothing has gotten any better for black Baltimoreans.

Instead, things are actually worse. Baltimore is ranked as one of the most violent cities in the nation. The poverty rate is extremely high at 23.8 percent with 65 percent of the residents being African-American.

According to, the infant mortality rate in Mexico in 2017 is 11.5 per one thousand live births. The City of Baltimore has a 12.2 infant mortality rate, according to the Maryland department of health in 2017.

The important point is that Mexico's infant mortality rate is decreasing over the past 10 years while blacks in Baltimore are dying in infancy at an alarming rate.

Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who was recently called a “racist’ by the socialist Squad of her party, defended Cummings as a “champion in the Congress and the country for civil rights and economic justice.”

How can there be an increase of civil rights and economic justice with the statistics listed above?

Cummings responded:

"Mr. President, I go home to my district daily. Each morning, I wake up, and I go and fight for my neighbors.”

Neighbors? Cummings certainly doesn’t live in the squalid and fetid city which he has represented since 1996. He lives among the many wealthy black Balitmoreans.

Maryland has some of the most affluent black communities in the country. Prince George’s County is 63 percent black with a median annual income of over $110,000. This educated and upwardly-mobile population would be a great place to encourage support for more conservative policies. Sadly, only 8.4 percent of the county voted Republican in 2016.

But a far more urgent need is outreach to the rat-invested American inner cities. Yes, Baltimore is full of rats, but some of those rats are on two legs. They are walking the streets doing voter registration en masse and pushing a new progressive collectivist socialist message. These Soros-funded activists are on a mission to maintain the Black vote at any cost.

As an independent journalist covering urban issues, I find myself in these nasty neighborhoods. I see the liberal activists but I also hear the local folks openly support Trump’s economic success and immigration policy.

In a pawnshop in Miami I heard several laborers saying they don’t care what people say about Trump. They had just gotten construction jobs working at a local convention center, which they attributed to the Trump economy.

“We’ve been here 400 years,” yelled a man in a parking lot in front of Winn Dixie supermarket in Liberty City. “Why do they get to come over the border and take our jobs!”

This enterprising man was selling mangoes out of a shopping cart to earn his daily bread.

If we are to become one American people again, those enterprising and politically-aware urban residents need to be recognized. They should not be forgotten because of their zip code nor their race. Even the worst communities can be restored, as well as the human beings within them.

Urban-dwelling Americans simply need to be shown that they really don’t deserve the rats who represent them.

And President Trump is doing just that.
The Kusher co. has been fined over 100 times on an attempt to get them to do basic maintenance in Baltimore. Jared is a slumlord.