The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Where is the United Kingston?

They're United...


And from your era..." Old Man "...

PS : It's United Kingdom, dumb Rodent.
Attention to detail...
Isn't Jim Jordan the wrestling coach who
had some kids on his team complain about
how he forgot to tell the university the wrestlers
on his team were being fondled by the team doctor
during check ups?

No....That would be Senator Robert Menendez, and he did
the fondling.....
No....That would be Senator Robert Menendez, and he did
the fondling.....
Again, you come off as such a complete partisan hack with a streak of pure stupidity that you absolutely have to be a leftist plant mocking first, conservatives, then the t-party and now the party of t.
Again, you come off as such a complete partisan
hack with a streak of pure stupidity that you absolutely
have to be a leftist plant mocking first, conservatives,
then the t-party and now the party of t.

Geeee...did I strike a nerve there Mr " Rodent "....
Sen Bob " Robert " Menendez someone you are " fond "

You should choose your Senators more wisely.

Baltimore Rat Infestation Is So Bad They Made A Documentary About It 2 Years Ago
July 28th, 2019

Rats are trapped in a cageÊin Vertou near Nantes, France, June 5, 2019. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe
The Baltimore rat problem President Donald Trump tweeted about Saturday is apparently so extensive that it was the subject of a documentary two years ago.

The president’s tweets took aim at Democratic Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, who has been very critical of the administration’s immigration and migrant detention policies, calling his home district in Baltimore “rodent infested.”

Another “Fox News Sunday,” Another Trump Official Schools Anti-Trumper Chris Wallace On Racism

Posted at 2:30 pm on July 28, 2019 by Elizabeth Vaughn


President Trump’s harsh words for House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) on Saturday morning dominated the otherwise quiet, summer weekend news cycle. I about this story here. Actually, the far more amusing post covered the Democrats’ reaction to the comments. My colleague, Alex Parker, reported on that last night here. For those who are unfamiliar with the story, in a series of predawn tweets, Trump wrote:

Rep. Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous.

His district is considered the Worst in the USA. As proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cummings’ District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place.

Finally, he wrote: “Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!

Cummings is well-known for his frequent criticism of the President. Recently, he said the treatment of migrant children at the border facilities “is government-sponsored child abuse…on a grand scale.” And on Thursday, the House Oversight Committee, which Cummings chairs, voted to subpoena recordsof White House officials (including those of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner) and their aide’s use of social media for government business use.

Cummings never misses an opportunity to take a shot at the President.

Baltimore Rat Infestation Is So Bad They Made A Documentary About It 2 Years Ago
July 28th, 2019

Rats are trapped in a cageÊin Vertou near Nantes, France, June 5, 2019. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe
The Baltimore rat problem President Donald Trump tweeted about Saturday is apparently so extensive that it was the subject of a documentary two years ago.

The president’s tweets took aim at Democratic Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, who has been very critical of the administration’s immigration and migrant detention policies, calling his home district in Baltimore “rodent infested.”
It’s great that Trump is ensuring every day that, even if he wins, Dems will dominate all other elections outside of the dumb and racist south for awhile!
It’s great that Trump is ensuring every day that, even if he wins, Dems will dominate all other elections outside of the dumb and racist south for awhile!
I guess all those racist democrats moved out of the south? duuuuuuuuh . . . or did they just became republicans't?
No wonder you lefties are so fucked up,



The deeper meaning and history behind Trump's racist lie that The Squad 'hates America'
Jul 28, 2019 11:00am PDT by Ian Reifowitz, Community
“How did we get here?" is the essential question right now in American politics. How did we go from a society that elected Barack Obama twice to one that, popular vote loss aside, elected Donald Trump? Why have white anxiety, fear, and anger aimed at non-whites and about demographic change become far more strongly correlated with support for the Republican Party in recent decades, and in particular between 2008 and 2016? And since that time, how have we become, according to a new poll from CBS News/YouGov, a country where a strong majority of Republicans believe that Democrats try to “put the interests of racial minorities over whites,” while an even stronger majority of Democrats believe Trump and his party aim to do the opposite, to put white interests above those of non-whites?

The simplest answer is: President Trump. He not only has heightened racial division, but also connected it to partisanship by making it central to his politics. Trump labeled Mexican immigrants “murderers,” “rapists,” and “drug dealers”; also said there were “very fine people” among a bunch of neo-Nazis; and most recently told four congresswomen of color (aka The Squad) that they should “go back” to the countries they came from (all but one were born here) because, he claims, they “hate our country,” and, even worse, are not even “capable of loving our Country.”

Trump’s baldly racist sentiments and policies have clearly played a major role in convincing Democrats that his party favors whites. As for the belief expressed by Republicans in the CBS poll, Trump has also has an impact, as he has repeatedly accused Democrats of favoring Americans of color.

Let’s look at just a few examples. During the 2016 campaign, Trump often pitted racial groups against each other in a zero-sum game. He repeated on multiple occasions the falsehood that “illegal immigrants are treated better in America than many of our vets,” and likewise charged that Obama and Hillary Clinton showed more concern for the former than the latter. Trump also falsely stated that “illegal immigrant households receive far more in welfare benefits,” and declared that “immigrants are taking our manufacturing jobs. They’re taking our money. They’re killing us.” Such statements—which are clearly meant to evoke images of non-white immigrants—appear to have had an electoral impact, as the data shows that, in both the 2016 Republican primary and general election, “racialized perceptions of economic deservingness were ... strongly related to support for Donald Trump.”

However, Trump is far from the first Republican to adopt this tactic. Others—namely the right-wing media—have been spewing this kind of bile for many years. Leading the way has been the person who has maintained the largest audience of any radio host for going on three decades: Rush Limbaugh.

In researching my new book, I examined eight years of Limbaugh show transcripts and documented how Limbaugh painted Obama and his party as favoring minorities over whites, echoing the beliefs exhibited in the CBS poll.More broadly, while Obama was president Limbaugh constantly, almost daily, talked about him using a technique that scholars call “racial priming”—in other words, he race-baited.

Limbaugh aimed to convince his audience that Obama was some kind of anti-white, anti-American, radical, Marxist black nationalist, and possibly a secret Muslim to boot. This was neither a bug nor a supporting element of his presentation, but instead stood as a central feature deployed strategically in order to accomplish a very specific task. Limbaugh’s efforts helped lay the groundwork for the election in 2016 of a man who essentially adopted his view of the Obama presidency.

The reach of Limbaugh’s message, both during the Obama presidency and for the three decades prior, has made him the single most potent media voice worsening the tribalization of our politics. He has done this by strengthening the connection between white racial resentment and support for Republican candidates and causes. He was alt-right before the term even existed.

Racial fear stands at the core of Limbaugh’s telling of the story of the Obama administration—and white conservatives have been listening. According to Brown University political scientist Michael Tesler, “even after controlling for economic conservatism, moral traditionalism, religious beliefs and activity, and military support, racial attitudes became significantly stronger predictors of white partisanship in the Age of Obama ... the effect of racial attitudes on party identification increased relative to nonracial predispositions.” In sum, Tesler found that the data “suggest that Democrats and Republicans had increasingly separate realities about race in the Age of Obama—a logical upshot of the spillover of racialization into mass politics.”

Presaging Trump’s slandering of The Squad, Limbaugh over and over again falsely charged Obama with hating America—and the whites whom Limbaugh feels truly represent our country. What was the basis of this charge? Obama had the temerity to cite real problems we face and propose practical solutions.

In summary, Limbaugh branded President Obama as anti-American, by claiming that he hated America largely because of its racism; “not American,” by questioning his American birthplace (something Trump did even more vociferiously); and anti-white, by accusing him of wanting to redistribute resources from whites to minorities, most specifically to African Americans, in order to right historical wrongs. According to Limbaugh, Obama was essentially Santa Claus for (only) black people because he gave them welfare and free Obamaphones. Finally, the host scared whites by stoking fears that they would face race-based retributive violence since a black man was president.

It is worth noting that Trump has also criticized America—he referred to “American carnage” in our streets, rejected American exceptionalism (something Limbaugh falsely claimed Obama did many times), called America a “laughingstock,” and defended Putin’s murders by saying: “What, you think our country is so innocent?”

Yet Limbaugh never denounced Trump as an America-hater. The host did, however, saythat Obama was “our first anti-American president,” that he “hates America,” “doesn’t like much of what’s American,” sees “this country as a great Satan,” and believes “by virtue of its character, America was evil.” And that’s just from one particularly bile-filled 11-week stretch in 2010.

In order to further establish Obama’s supposed anti-Americanism, Limbaugh said that the president rejected the original principles of our country, as well as the Constitution itself, and the [white] men who crafted it. “Obama talks about ‘remaking’ America [which] means destroying these traditions, institutions that have defined America and its greatness since the founding,” the host stated on July 3, 2009. He added on December 15, 2009, that the president was not proud of our country: “America as talked about by Barack Obama—is an America of guilt ... guilty of racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, discrimination, imperialism, colonialism.” Two years to the day later, Limbaugh asserted that Obama believed America was “criminal.” The host also said on December 30, 2011, that the president considered America to be “exceptionally evil.” For good measure, he included
Michelle Obama as well, citing her “bilious disgust with America” on October 31, 2011.

Perhaps most explosively, Limbaugh askedin March 2011 if the military had a “contingency plan for—I don’t want to say an anti-American president, ‘cause that’s gonna cloud my real intent here.” After being criticized for appearing to call for a military coup, the host fell back on his usual shtick, that this “was a media tweak ... That’s what’s called stirring the excrement.”

Even when discussing proposals that did not obviously relate to race, Limbaugh repeatedly characterized Obama and Democrats as favoring Americans of color over whites. For example, on February 22, 2009, just before Obamacare passed, he characterized it as “a civil rights bill. This is reparations.” On July 20, 2010, Limbaugh warned that, under Obamacare, “minorities” in “the federal bureaucracy” serving a black president could decide whether “the rest of us” live or die. Expanding his policy horizons, on July 22, 2009, the host declared: “Obama’s entire economic program is reparations!”

The language Limbaugh used when the topic was Black Lives Matter or immigration was just as racist. On the latter, more than a week of attacks on Obama over the violent death of Kathryn Steinle culminated in a diatribe on July 15, 2015, in which Limbaugh juxtaposed Obama not reaching out to her family while instead having written to four dozen felons he had set free by commuting their sentences, and connecting with Michael Brown’s family in Ferguson, Missouri. Limbaugh’s point was to remind his listeners that Obama cared more about prisoners (read: black and Latino people) and black people killed by cops than a white woman who was murdered by someone here illegally.

As America moved into the party conventions in the summer of 2016, Limbaugh declared on July 12 that Hillary and Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Barack Obama all believed “there’s nothing redeemable about that America. It has to be ‘transformed,’ I think is the word Obama uses.” Later in that same broadcast, he stated that, “Obama stands with people he thinks have been given the shaft ever since this country was founded. I think his objective is to even the playing field, as he defines it. And the way he does it is to transfer discrimination from one group to the next, rather than end it. His prescription is payback.” This is how you convince Republicans that the Democratic Party has it in for whites.

On July 28, after Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention—a speech that soared with positive language about our country, including the words “America is already great”—Limbaugh dismissed those words as insincere: “That’s not Barack Obama. That’s not what he believes. That’s not who he is ... Obama is the guy who thinks America’s founding was unjust and immoral. He doesn’t relish it. He doesn’t cherish it.”

Hearing this for eight years certainly helped convince Republicans that Democrats prioritize the interests of minorities over whites and, by extension, that only Republicans would protect white interests. By further defining America as essentially equivalent to white America, Limbaugh made clear that anyone who “hates America” hates whites.

This context is vital to understanding why Trump lied about The Squad supposedly hating America. In this, as in his broader rhetoric on immigration and, in fact, in the way he defines Americanness, Trump is following the trail blazed by right-wing media figures, and none more so than Rush Limbaugh.

Since the day he descended on that escalator at Trump Tower, the racist-in-chief has been speaking the language of racially resentful and alienated whites, language Limbaugh broadcasted to millions of Americans five days a week after Barack Obama became president in 2009. Trump presented himself as the champion of those white people in the struggle against their enemies, people like President Obama and other liberals, as well as those whom liberals championed—particularly Americans of color and immigrants.

Trump’s road to the White House was significantly smoother than it would otherwise have been because Limbaugh had already paved the way for him. Going forward, the clash between the Obama and Limbaugh/Trump definitions of Americanness—exemplified by President Individual 1’s most recent attacks on Ilhan Omar and the rest of The Squad—will remain central to our public discourse for the foreseeable future.

Paul Marotta/Getty Images

July 28, 2019

As the media and Democratic Party tries to portray President Donald Trump's tweets about Baltimore as racist, a resurfaced clip from last year shows Democratic Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh complaining about the poor conditions in part of the city, specifically "rats" and "dead animals."


Forget Books, You Can Check Out Dead Animals From This Library

Pugh made the remarks during a Fox 45 segment while touring a Baltimore neighborhood that was supposed to highlight her "violence-reduction initiative."

As Pugh toured the neighborhood, she said: "What the hell? We should just take all this sh*t down. ... Whoa, you can smell the rats. ... Whew, Jesus. ... Oh, my God, you can smell the dead animals."


The viral video clip came in response to media figures and Democrats falsely claiming that the president's tweets on Saturday were racist. Nowhere in Trump's tweets did he refer to race as he called out the poor living conditions inside Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings' (MD) district.

"Rep. Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous," Trump tweeted. "His district is considered the Worst in the USA as proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place."
More than a year before Donald Trump criticized Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) in a tweet on Saturday for ignoring his Baltimore district’s “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess,” PBS aired a documentary titled Rat Filmabout the city’s rodent problem.
The Baltimore Sun reported on February 26, 2018, that the documentary “about Baltimore’s rodent fight” was scheduled “to air on PBS” that evening:

Across walls, fences, and alleys rats not only expose our boundaries of separation but make homes in them. “Rat Film” is a feature-length documentary that uses the rat—as well as the humans that love them, live with them, and kill them–to explore the history of Baltimore. “There’s never been a rat problem in Baltimore, it’s always been a people problem.”

“Rat Film,” a documentary that takes the decades-long fight waged against Baltimore’s rat population and uses it as a lens through which to look at how the city has addressed myriad social issues over the decades, airs tonight on PBS.

The hour-long documentary from Baltimore filmmaker Theo Anthony, a crowd favorite at last May’s Maryland Film Festival, airs at 10 p.m. on Maryland Public Television as the latest episode of PBS’s “Independent Lens” series. It repeats at 1 a.m. and 4 a.m.

A longer version of Anthony’s film played festival, as well as at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Parkway in September. In chronicling Baltimore’s decades-long battle against its unwelcome rodent population, Anthony details some disturbing parallels with the ways city leaders have tried to deal with various urban situations.

The Sun reviewed the documentary in an article titled “‘Rat Film’ highlights Baltimore’s rat warfare, urban planning failures,” five months earlier in September 2017, four months after it premiered at the Maryland Film Festival:

It started with a rat trapped inside Theo Anthony’s outdoor trash can.

“Absolutely, what you see is really how it came about,” the Baltimore-based filmmaker says of his first documentary feature, “Rat Film,” which opens Friday in Baltimore, New York and Chicago. “I had come home one night, and I heard this sound in my trash can. So I whipped out my cellphone and just started filming.”

That brief footage, of the trapped rat desperately trying to jump a few inches higher than conventional wisdom says a rat should be able to jump, kicks off an 80-minute rumination on Baltimore’s decades-long battle against its unwelcome rodent population, and some disturbing parallels Anthony discovered with the ways city leaders have tried to deal with various urban situations.

“With rats and urban planning and all the other things the film goes into, there was an incredible wealth of material out there, such as Dawn Day Biehler’s Pests in the City and Antero Pietila’s Not in My Neighborhood, and so it was really a matter of following a path that had been charted by the generous scholarship, histories, and experience of others that came before me. The film is a documentation of me trying to make sense of that path,” filmmaker Theo Anthony toldPBS in 2018.

Asked by PBS if there was “anything you learned while researching and making Rat Film that really surprised you?” Anthony responded, “I wouldn’t call it surprising necessarily, but the ways in which all of these seemingly different moments in history—pest control, eugenics, urban planning—seemed to dovetail in the same institutions and ideologies was certainly unexpected.”
JULY 29, 2019
A failure to assimilate
By Richard Jack Rail
Donald Trump is going after black racism head-on. After Elijah Cummings (D-MD) attacked Trump over comments about the Squad, Trump fired back with tweets about Baltimore being a rodent-infested mess that its Congressman, Cummings himself, should invest his time on improving rather than poking his nose into other people's business around the country.
Of course, the Leftiverse lost its mind and now shouts of racism fill the airwaves. That nothing Trump said touched on race in any way is irrelevant. He trampled all over the Sacredness of Anything Black and must pay the penalty.
At long last we have someone in a position of power who isn’t afraid to utter the truth in public. Indeed, Trump relishes this sort of fight and is good at it. Decent Americans of all colors have silently watched out-of-control black criminals destroy city after city because raising any questions, doubts or objections bring down storms of career-destroying, job-ending accusations of white racism or Uncle Tomism.
This is the race conversation America has needed for so long, a conversation where black destructiveness and visceral hatred of anything not black gets called out and held to account rather than excused and let go. For decades in the inner-city thugs have murdered, raped, and destroyed with impunity as beleaguered police come under attack for doing their jobs.
We get the distinct impression that black “leaders” like Elijah Cummings deliberately keep things roiling and boiling so they can siphon off a share of the billions of federal dollars that have gone to cities across America without the promised improvement.
What we have here is failure to assimilate. The black inner city doesn’t accept anything about America and it’s time to do something about it. Donald Trump is leading the way. Godspeed, M.r President.
They're United...
PS : It's United Kingdom, dumb Rodent.
What’s great about this post is the insight into this idiot’s news sources. Fox News. Or worse. Complete ignorance of the news story of 3-4 days ago about how that nincompoop Ivanka tweeted her support of Boris Johnson’s selection for PM of the UK by misspelling Kingdom with “Kingston”. This moron had no idea of her blunder, because he only knows news from the Limbaugh and Hannity worldview.

Oh. And here’s the Amazing Fivenos’ prediction for the retort post that will follow this post. An animated fishing analogy to suggest Foreskin’s post was actually a set up. Plus the bonus response of a Fandangle “like”.
What’s great about this post is the insight into this idiot’s news sources. Fox News. Or worse. Complete ignorance of the news story of 3-4 days ago about how that nincompoop Ivanka tweeted her support of Boris Johnson’s selection for PM of the UK by misspelling Kingdom with “Kingston”. This moron had no idea of her blunder, because he only knows news from the Limbaugh and Hannity worldview.

Oh. And here’s the Amazing Fivenos’ prediction for the retort post that will follow this post. An animated fishing analogy to suggest Foreskin’s post was actually a set up. Plus the bonus response of a Fandangle “like”.
There, there.
I gave you a like too.
All better now?