100%. That "Anyone but Trump" driver was blown to pieces. What a complete moron and stupid idiot. He did this because his wife hates Trump as much as you do Husker DuExcept the driver and seven others . . .
I'm hearing from the grape vine rumor mill that General Musk and the other top commanders knew what this idiot was trying to do and they took him out first. Trumps windows withstood the blast.Well the driver got what he deserved. The symbolism intended by this terrorist spectacularly backfired (pardon the pun). He did more to prove the counterpoint. I love irony.
Do you know the definition of "seriously", the true nature of the injuries may not have been covered on your meme website.
Of the seven people injured, Touchstone said, two were taken to University Medical Center of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas. But the injuries of all seven people are considered minor, he said.