T 2.0

Why are you and Trump so fixated on the name of a body of water? It's dumb, but its common for countries to have a different name for the same body of water.
A good example of that is what the English call The Channel is the same body of water the French call La Manche -- it has been that way for centuries.

However, it is not "common for countries" to change their names for bodies of water except in the case of extreme dictatorships playing to the masses they have subjugated,
T jokes are the new rage --

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Wait... were you confusing things with this?

“"I – at some point – you know – we are going to the border. We've been to the border," Harris replied. "So this whole – this whole – this whole thing about the border. We've been to the border. We've been to the border."

Harris was again pressed, with NBC’s Lester Holt reminding the vice president that she, herself, has not been to the border while in office.

"I – and I haven't been to Europe. And I mean, I don’t – I don't understand the point that you're making," Harris said, adding "I'm not discounting the importance of the border."
How do you get Liberals to change a lightbulb?

You don't. They light the room with gas and it blows up in their face. (I know, dont quit my day job).

Buh bye:

I heard Muppet Beaker Scarborough was forced to bend over for Trump while Mika was cucked and forced to cry in the corner.
They could be getting complete VA medical care, plus disability benefits in addition to their SS payments. That is something that you, along with Cadet Donald t "Fakey" Bonespurs and Immigrant X "Spacey" Rocketcar, likely wouldn't know anything about.
So it bothers you that Trump got deferments for bone spurs but not a word about Pedo Joe getting 5 deferments for asthma?

Why is that?
A good example of that is what the English call The Channel is the same body of water the French call La Manche -- it has been that way for centuries.

However, it is not "common for countries" to change their names for bodies of water except in the case of extreme dictatorships playing to the masses they have subjugated,
Oh sure, thats always the first sign of an extreme dictatorship, changing names of landmarks. Even Chicken Little is WTF.
A good example of that is what the English call The Channel is the same body of water the French call La Manche -- it has been that way for centuries.

However, it is not "common for countries" to change their names for bodies of water except in the case of extreme dictatorships playing to the masses they have subjugated,
Apologist will do narrative gymnastics to excuse the one they love.
“IT’S OVER... you lost”
“Some of you will wind up in handcuffs, notably, Jim Comey, Jim Baker, Andy McCabe and John Brennan. Some of you will suffer a worse fate...
“When the clear eyes of history look back on this, you will be on the wrong side of liberty, freedom and the bill of rights.
And to the media goons, lunatic hacks in the media, who tried to gas light us into believing that collusion was real and spying was fake,
know this:
“In the one moment you had to shine and save the REPUBLIC and do the right thing... you failed.
Your kids will be embarrassed by you, your grandkids will be embarrassed by you. History will use you as an example of exactly not to do when entering into the field of journalism.
You will become a STAIN on our country from this point on...
You people in the media will be remembered as accomplices in the biggest scandal in American history. You’re a disgrace, a disgrace to everything this country stands for.”

“I’m embarrassed for you, you disgust me.”
-Dan Bongino
The Super Bowl Champion Eagles have reportedly declined an invitation to visit the White House.

Will t declare that the Executive Branch will now rename them in all official correspondence and documents?