Surf Cup Is Happening! Schedule is up!

Hold on a sec. You pay your daughter to score goals but you can’t afford cable? Besides the fact that paying children to score is bad parenting, I really think you need to take a step back and re-evaluate what you’re hoping to accomplish in life.
Are you spreading the FALSE 3k a day COVID deaths amongst your kids? If so, that is bad parenting.
Wrong message to send my friend. Your basically saying she needs to be motivated! Players are motivated by training and playing the game. You play the game to make the right decision, to make the right pass and to congratulate your teammate for scoring because you made the right decision. Your message is a disaster waiting to happen with teammates who are open to score but a player has $10 on there mind from mommy and daddy to score.
It's called Satire friend. Do you still not get me or have you been ignoring me this whole time except for this response? All I said was I tried to pay my dd to score trick once when she was a little girl, like 8. Never needed to pay her to score after that, trust me bro...... All she needs to know is if their is a medal to win or a championship and she is all in. I was trying to highlight what some rich parents can pay up to $10 a goal and if they train like their supposed to, they can have allowance, see friends still, keep their phone and so on. I never pulled that ever bro. My dd trains and plays if she wants to. Crush shares with satire.......
I can remember when my DD wad a ulittle and as shy as can be. We had to push her to get out of her shell. No shame- bribed her with a Barbie to attend her very first U5 soccer practice. Ahh, the good ol days.
Hold on a sec. You pay your daughter to score goals but you can’t afford cable? Besides the fact that paying children to score is bad parenting, I really think you need to take a step back and re-evaluate what you’re hoping to accomplish in life.
Not now, gee wiz EOTL........ Look EOTL, I know I dum and such but let me explain like I just did with Bushes. I paid my dd to score when she was like 8 dude. We all did it once. Her first AYSO team had a mama bear pay her dd $1 goal I kid you not. That girl never passed but she scored and got all the praise that came with it. My son at the time was striking out at Mustange Pony Ball and was on the bench all the time because coach Dave had to win. So I figured I would pay my dd to help me look good. The truth is my dd played defense but I felt she should play offense when she was 8. So I bribed her once to take it all the way for a goal. I wanted to know what it felt like to see dd score in club.
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I can remember when my DD wad a ulittle and as shy as can be. We had to push her to get out of her shell. No shame- bribed her with a Barbie to attend her very first U5 soccer practice. Ahh, the good ol days.
I bribed my boys to score goals $20 a goal. In 4 years of soccer they scored maybe 4 goals.

One time they asked me if I would give them $100 if they scored 5 goals in a game.

My response “ son, let’s focus on scoring your first goal before we talk about $100”. They both quit soccer by the time they got to high school.
Trying to keep it to soccer.

Take Lovey69 and BruddDITZ with you when you go.

Too bad YOU can't keep it to soccer. That said, I'm not the disbeliever you accuse me of being. I just choose to wear a mask while watching soccer even though our glorious leader thinks it's okay to dine in large groups with no mask.

Maybe you should be putting your energy into shaming him instead of us.
Bafoonery is spelled just right. Look it up, very applicable. You have posted 10k times your hatred for Surf cup. We get it, your team didn't get accepted or chose not to go. Who cares? Why do you keep attacking the entity? Pretty pathetic but you fit right in with some of the other clowns here and their bafoonery also.
Sorry, I don't usually reference the Urban Dictionary. You seem pretty hostile towards others. I am ok with Surf Cup itself, they made a business decision to hold a tournament that they were legally allowed to hold. They were intelligent enough to give every team from CA an out due to the mandate. They also disclosed the risk involved with the tournament due to off the field activities. They did a good job of pushing all of the responsibility to the individual attendees as well as the clubs that send teams. I don't like the fact that by accepting teams from CA they didn't really accept the CA mandate, and find it foolish that they would advertise the violations. It is frustrating that the Stay at Home orders just got extended for the lower half of the state because people won't just stay home though. I am guessing you are intending to call me an idiot by your use of a pretend word, that's cool, although in my defense I mostly just used the material provided by Surf Sports on their website.

bafoonery - Urban Dictionary

(n) foolishness or nonsense that results from an idiot. That paper I wrote last night was bafoonery.
For Norcal that's going to lead to a pretty crazy April with tryouts happening in May for youngers, unless they delay tryouts to June.
Very good point. I almost think they should revamp the tryout process anyway. IMO, it takes longer than a day or two to really gauge someone's ability. But wth do I know.
For Norcal that's going to lead to a pretty crazy April with tryouts happening in May for youngers, unless they delay tryouts to June.

Not holding tryouts for youngers till May? From the advertisements on my social feeds, they’re already happening in Dec/Jan as usual... just not cattle call tryouts. They’re called ID Camps, Winter Camps, etc.
I bribed my boys to score goals $20 a goal. In 4 years of soccer they scored maybe 4 goals.

One time they asked me if I would give them $100 if they scored 5 goals in a game.

My response “ son, let’s focus on scoring your first goal before we talk about $100”. They both quit soccer by the time they got to high school.
Hey, at least you tried. I tried to pay my son money for some goals ((maybe $10 at most)) and he almost got one but missed and had a fit of rage unlike any kid I scene and boy was it a seen. He was kicking and screaming because he shanked his wide open shot for the easy ten bucks. I looked like a complete fool because he was screaming, "I want my $10, I want my $10" Every guy like Bushes gave me that look like I was a bad dad for trying to pay my kid to score. It was me trying to feel that rush that I know other dads felt when their kid makes all stars and my kid is barely playing and when he does, he never scores. It's hard on us dads that wanted to feel that feeling so we tried to pay for it instead. It is what it is :)
Anyone see Chelsea’s Chilwell take a beautiful side volley shot that missed far post by 3 or 4 inches? Potential game winner with moments to spare. But no cigars... beauty anyway.

i bet his dad was cringing and saying “wtf lad, you peg those in practice all day long!”

Pain and anguish of soccer parents around the world..
I bribed my boys to score goals $20 a goal. In 4 years of soccer they scored maybe 4 goals.

Not that I would ever encourage this, but if you're going to bribe your kids, pay them per completed pass, per successful dribble, per successful tackle, and per successful take-on. Goals are a result of the success of those four and kids are just as good at centerback or holding mid as you want them to be at a pure number 9.

A kid who never scores any goals but can't be dribbled past is invaluable and can be the difference between a team consistently losing 3-2 and a team consistently winning 2-0.