EVERY organization is in business to make money.That's great, I hope you have fun. Please understand that you have been sold an experience by an organization that is only being driven by the money, knowing that your olders "needed new game footage" is really going to be crap and college coaches are going to think twice about a player from a family who is doing this in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100+ years. That is the absolute 100% truth no matter how much it stings. Maybe that's more negative bullshit, I don't know, but doing something extremely sketchy for kids that "shouldn't have taken from them" is pretty positive bullshit too.
There won't be any college that says oh gezz this is a great defender and i need a great defender but they went to surf cup 2 years ago. Nice scare tactic but it doesnt work on everyone.
And from your earlier post i think you do secretly hope people get covid from going to surf cup