Tell your boy to keep up the good work, and if there isn't an older referee there to deflect dumb asses like the express coach, make sure you're there to keep an eye on it. Report behavior like that to his assignor. It's absolutely uncalled for and out of line.
I hope to see your boy on a game sometime learning and growing as a referee.
If the coach is questioning calls in a nice tone, why are you concerned? Speaking of setting examples, if you let your kid ref without proper license, what example are you setting?At least the Express coach had a nice tone of voice when he was questioning calls. My bigger concern was the example he was setting for his players. Overall he coached them well (very positive, no yelling, age appropriate tactics), but because he is probably well liked by his team they are more likely to think such behavior is acceptable. At least with the a*&hole screamer coaches most of the kids know not to emulate them. With regards to the Grade 8 issue, he has completed most of the courses. I think the choices for Presidio were to either cancel the game, or use the available referee. I would not have let him ref a high level game, but there are no high level games at U8.
we have a really big problem in this country if we need referees at U8 games.....
My 13 year old son just started reffing this year. This past weekend was his first U8 competitive game after reffing about a half a dozen U6 rec games. While he is still not a grade 8, they were so desperate for refs that they used him anyway. When he showed up to the game, there was only one AR who was about the same age as my son. The two teams (Albion and Express) actually impressed me with how well they played a heads up passing game. Express had a few more coordinated kids and dominated the game. Even though his team was dominating the game, the Express coach felt some need to question many calls and non-calls, all though he was otherwise a very positive coach with his team. To his credit the Albion coach never questioned the refs and also did a good job coaching his team. Remember, this is U8 soccer. Why on earth did the Express coach even need to talk to the refs? As I said, they were desperate for refs that day. Coaches like the Express coach are part of the reason why. And for the record, I kept my mouth shut.
I didn't know you could ref a competitive game if you did not have a grade 8 card.
Because the Express coach was evidently a f'ing moron. You should have video taped the moron and sent it into the league and ref assoc. Presidio is good about protecting the youth referees and would have suspended te moron. Tell him to stick with it.
Seriously, what positive outcome can arise from an adult coach questioning the calls of a 13 year old referee in a U8 match? Is going to gain an edge?Interesting, i am not associated w express and don't know anything about that particular match, but why is express coach "f moron"? Coaches regularly interact with refs during the game, asking for explanations on certain calls or questioning certain calls...its funny when the protected class lashes out, but when people raise issues about the quality of refereeing some are too quick to play the role of perennial victims. I grew up in Europe and our refs earned their respect with knowledge and authority, what i have seen in the last four years (U8-12 boys soccer scdsl/coast) is ridiculous, I even took my father in law who was second division ref in Yugoslavia to some of my son's matches and he could not believe how low the quality of officiating is at the U9/10/11 level...there is lots of talk about regulative body that sanctions the refs, how is moving awful ref from officiating lets say U16 games down to U10 beneficial? In these four years i only witnessed a few great officials in the gaming circuit where my son played, i wish there is more of them...
Seriously, what positive outcome can arise from an adult coach questioning the calls of a 13 year old referee in a U8 match? Is going to gain an edge?
Ridiculous. That's what the discussion is, not what you or father in law think of youth referees.
Upset me? You can't upset me.Sorry for upseting you ref, we dont know what type of "questioning" occured, maybe "f coach" asked for an explanation of certain decision made by the ref? If you are not to question, ask, communicate w refs in u8, 10, 15 well let me know when is ok to ask for an explanation, at what age level is ok to do that? This type of an attitude feeds spectators and coaches, officials in cal south deserve such spectators and vice versa...its ridiculous to expect people on sidelines to behave properly when officials are so trigger happy to attack people with different opinions or even worse label someone moron...
Upset me? You can't upset me.
But you didn't answer my question, did you.
Instead you made something up about someone attacking someone and that's the excuse for a U8 coach questioning calls of a youth referee.
I know people like you don't get it. But what you're defending is not acceptable.
I guess......I dont get it because you know who i am, my background etc.? This coach questioned a call of a ref in u8 and thats something that warrants all this nonsense? In certain European countries we question calls even in youth games, we have a friendly talk with ref, i guess here thats prohibited in youth soccer, but educate me when is it allowed? Again, sorry i am not raised in the US, so all this fuss with ejecting parents from youth level games, coming up with these arbitrary rules with what type of support is allowed by parents and coaches is pretty foreign and ridiculous to me...yes i dont get it, its pretty amusing and shocking, it can only "fly" here in the states i guess?
I guess......
I'd explain it again but there seems to be a lack of comprehension
And still no answer to my question, but I didn't expect one..... Have a great
Yeah it must be a lack of comprehension...jesus, the wonderful world of cal south refshave a nice evening!
Serbian or Croatian?I am not defending anything, i am just asking a question.
Sorry for upseting you ref, we dont know what type of "questioning" occured, maybe "f coach" asked for an explanation of certain decision made by the ref? If you are not to question, ask, communicate w refs in u8, 10, 15 well let me know when is ok to ask for an explanation, at what age level is ok to do that? This type of an attitude feeds spectators and coaches, officials in cal south deserve such spectators and vice versa...its ridiculous to expect people on sidelines to behave properly when officials are so trigger happy to attack people with different opinions or even worse label someone moron...
Given that there is a shortage of referees in SoCal, and given that referees need to start and learn somewhere, you don't see any problem with a coach who is a fully grown man questioning the decisions of a 13 year old boy that is learning to be a ref during a U8 game? While his tone of voice was not unpleasant, the fact that he was questioning many calls during the game may discourage some children from continuing as referees as well as the fact that he was setting a poor example for his team of 7 year old players. Remember, this was a U8 game and the results will never matter. No body got hurt and the coach that was questioning the call had a team that was dominating the game and went on to win 8-1. I wonder how he acts when his team is losing?
What a load of malarkey. Our society this, our society that, bla, bla, bla. One thing is true, read your post and you will understand.If this thread is an indication of the atmosphere of the games that this young ref is going to be exposed to then I hope every coach that he is exposed to questions some of his calls. I have no problem with a coach tactfully questioning a ref . Apparently the refs on this site do. It seams they believe that they have unquestionable authority to do whatever they want and when people question them, critique them, or challenge them they chalk up them up as physco parents, uneducated soccer followers, and overbearing coaches. If this young ref is unable to handle a coach such as that perhaps he chose the wrong part time job, shortage of refs or not. He probably got more of an education by being questioned and either having to explain his reasoning or ignoring the coach than if not. Our society has weakened our kids by never holding them to any standard for fear of discouraging them, everybody gets a trophy, lets not keep score, etc etc. Somebody is gonna question him as a ref sooner or later. I say sooner is better. But according to the refs on here, I dont get it, i am a moron, and i am making my kids into sociopaths, and I probably flip burgers for a living......
huh?What a load of malarkey. Our society this, our society that, bla, bla, bla. One thing is true, read your post and you will understand.