That and team continuity would cause teams to drop back down to bronze. The year my son played in CSL Bronze we had 3 teams that destroyed the bracket: 1 was a Silver team the previous year that was going to move to Gold, but lost too many players to keep continuity (although they retained all their stars), the other two teams were brand new to the league and legitimate Silver to Silver-Elite Teams (1 took the Presidents Cup championship ... skipped Governors altogether and a bronze team won Presidents). CSL's relegation/promotion model is/was broken when it comes to new teams or continuity. These flaws are one of the factors leading to the creation of the SCDSL.
One element that many do not appreciate is that there are competitive leagues trying really hard to break into the SoCal market, which up to this point has been controlled by two US Soccer affiliates (US Youth Soccer/Cal South and AYSO). The club scene is almost entirely dominated by Cal South, with the only legitimate incursion being US Club Soccer's ECNL, which recently
expanded to boys.
We now have at least two leagues actively soliciting clubs that I know about:
- US Club Soccer's - National Premiere League (has a footprint for spring, but is trying to expand into fall).
- United Soccer League's (Div. II) - Super Y League (its youth league that operates on the east coast) and affiliated with the second level professional division.
As others have pointed out, the landscape has evolved and continues to change with competitive leagues to CSL, SCDSL and Presidio/SDDA making a push for the better teams unattached to the DA or ECNL. This necessarily requires the leagues to do some soul searching and ask themselves what can we do better to serve our constituents.
This "discovery division" is that response and its features are a defensive maneuver to the ECNL (especially the new boys division - and the DPL, which is nothing more than a statement to the SoCal community that SCDSL top teams will now play in a new division called "discovery" that has some of these cool new features, so you clubs in the SDDA and CSL and those SCDSL teams thinking of jumping to US Club, bring your teams to SCDSL and come play in the Discovery Division (if you qualify).