Yes, it’s not supposed to be a money maker, but USSF 100% went in hoping to profit from it after watching how ECNL grew. ECNL happened in the first place because the federation didn’t think they could get any ROI. Maybe not legally, but USSF is as for profit as it gets. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t cut it off like they are about to.But again, the DA isn't supposed to be a money maker. This isn't the for-profit ECNL. The DA is designed to be a money loser and is a place for the Federation to invest dollars for the hopeful return of developing better players. It seems flimsy that the reason for killing the DA is that costs were surprisingly spiraling out of control (nor should Covid-19 be having an outsized impact given the business model).
There's plenty of money to see out a lawsuit that they likely win and still stand up the DA. Perhaps the Federation doesn't want to invest in the DA anymore, and there's good reasons for why that might be, but it seems to me the argument that their hand is being forced due to financial ruin is questionable.
DA is an investment in youth development. How on earth would it generate profit. That makes no sense.Yes, it’s not supposed to be a money maker, but USSF 100% went in hoping to profit from it after watching how ECNL grew. ECNL happened in the first place because the federation didn’t think they could get any ROI. Maybe not legally, but USSF is as for profit as it gets. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t cut it off like they are about to.
ugh - YSR's rankings are about as good as Fauci's Covid models. Please find another source to support whatever point you are trying to make. No offense.Below is how the ECNL and GDA teams compare for the 2006 age group only. ECNL has a big gap from OC to West LA.
View attachment 6799
I would actually be in favor of the dismantling of DA. However, I can't believe something that huge is not being written about or leaked on any other more traditional soccer publication/source or by a few of the hundreds of DA families on this forum.Bro.....this is based on a lot more than that tweet........if you know people in the know, ask them and they'll tell you.....the second half of your posting I agree with.....time will tell I suppose![]()
It is, or that’s what it’s supposed to be anyway. You would not be surprised though if you know anything about the people at the top of this organization unfortunately.DA is an investment in youth development. How on earth would it generate profit. That makes no sense.
ugh - YSR's rankings are about as good as Fauci's Covid models. Please find another source to support whatever point you are trying to make. No offense.
Remember, this was released on March 10--adding clubs, etc. Granted, Covid happened in meantime, but a decision to completely end the league would have been in the thought process at the time of this presser. I'm calling BS or at least a gross exaggeration via the grapevine:
U.S. Soccer Development Academy
Agree. I’m hearing it’s just a rumor.Remember, this was released on March 10--adding clubs, etc. Granted, Covid happened in meantime, but a decision to completely end the league would have been in the thought process at the time of this presser. I'm calling BS or at least a gross exaggeration via the grapevine:
U.S. Soccer Development Academy
We're now on page #5 of this thread, so hopefully everyone already got in their $0.02.Agree. I’m hearing it’s just a rumor.
What? Cone comes in and her first decision before getting her feet wet is to completely eliminate both the boys and girls DA programs and leave 60+ clubs without a league? Doesn't sound like any new CEO move I've ever heard of...then again it is US Soccer. Still, it just doesn't pass the sniff test to me.Yes, but how much does this factor into the decision making:
In early March 2020, Parlow Cone was named President of U.S. Soccer after Carlos Cordeiro suddenly resigned after a growing outcry from players, board members, supporters and sponsors over assertions made in court documents
DA is an investment in youth development. How on earth would it generate profit. That makes no sense.
We're now on page #5 of this thread, so hopefully everyone already got in their $0.02.
Does anyone actually have any tangible details to share?Please share if you do.
Nothing tangible has come to light. At all. Just rumors (often from people with a previous anti-DA slant and perhaps a vested interest). Doesn't mean it isn't true, but I'll take a seat on your bus that's awaiting more substantial confirmation.
What? Cone comes in and her first decision before getting her feet wet is to completely eliminate both the boys and girls DA programs and leave 60+ clubs without a league? Doesn't sound like any new CEO move I've ever heard of...then again it is US Soccer. Still, it just doesn't pass the sniff test to me.
From what I hear, even the DA's aren't be told 100% this is happening. Only, they are having a call/update middle of next week I believe. Sadly, that could be just US soccer being themselves.I would actually be in favor of the dismantling of DA. However, I can't believe something that huge is not being written about or leaked on any other more traditional soccer publication/source or by a few of the hundreds of DA families on this forum.
Covid does give it some cover, but still, to end the league's existence immediately would be the ultimate F.U. to all the clubs that trusted the U.S. system, not to mention all of the players who followed their overly-stringent rules. My kids are not in DA, so won't affect us. I just can't believe US Soccer would be THAT inept. I could be wrong, but my guess is that the headline should be "DA as we know it now is gone." Not, DA is gone. I have been wrong once or twice though.![]()
You get an F- in Business 101. If there are a “bunch of mini-monopolies”, this means there are no monopolies at all. Clubs still have tremendous incentive to provide value to their customers because there are so many other options. If Blues doesn’t float your boat for any reason, there are other ECNL clubs. If you don’t want want to pay what it costs to play for an ECNL club, go to any of the other multitude of clubs. If your kid isn’t good enough to play ECNL, also go to one of those clubs, or play on a lower team at a club that has ECNL.
An open system of promotion/relegation makes no financial sense for ECNL clubs. At most, you’ll see ECNL provide a (still closed) system of maybe two tiers but probably not even that on the girls side. Why? If it can slay the US Soccer dragon without them, why would it screw up a system that works?
The successful business model of ECNL depends on the high quality of the member clubs. But even if they do go to two tiers, they still aren’t going to let any yahoo team with a 12-year old superstar into their league. You keep demanding access to things that cost a lot of money without having to pay for it and without doing the work to earn it.
When are you going to figure out that ECNL does not care that your daughter’s team U12 team is really good? They care only that member clubs are financially stable, which is necessary to ensure members can pay the substantial costs necessary to participate, and also that clubs can regularly field quality and committed teams at all age levels.
You also claim ECNL was created to extract money from the pockets of parents, which is just dumb. Really dumb. Just like virtually every single legitimate business in America, ECNL was created to provide a service or goods in exchange for compensation, and in a sustainable manner that allows the business to reap an appropriate profit. The ECNL/GDA battle is a perfect example of the market working. GDA was financially unsustainable, so it failed. ECNL and all the other SoCal youth soccer leagues that remain are financial sustainable and, go figure, they still exist. If ECNL becomes inefficient and stops proving good value for the market - as it did when it excluded too many SD clubs - rivals like GDA will again rise up to fill the gap. Maybe the next one won’t be as dumb as USSF.
From what I hear, even the DA's aren't be told 100% this is happening. Only, they are having a call/update middle of next week I believe. Sadly, that could be just US soccer being themselves.
Also, I bet you the new CEO is making this call more than Cone....especially since money will be a big driving force in this decision but how dumb would US soccer look especially on the girls side since GDA only a few years old.