Say bye-bye-bye to Girls and Boys DA

Just got a whiff of adidas in partnership with MLS/NWSL preparing a nationwide "DA type" program that isn't exclusive to their academy teams. It will be broken down to regions, then local where it makes sense. Cannot get a straight answer from anyone on timeline, just throat clearing either out of secrecy or they don't know. Don't think they would have time to implement this season unless this has been in the works for longer than we think.
If they do, we are back where we started. A quick ECNL statement accepting DA teams could still give us a unified landscape, but that may not be what they care about. they are smart enoug
My god, get it together. GDA’s inevitable collapse was plain to see. Companies come and go, that is life. You hitched your wagon to a business that never made financial sense and you should have known better. You also hitched your wagon to a club that thought it (like you) could cut to the front of the line without having to put in the work, effort and investment that is needed to get your desired outcome. There are no shortcuts, however, and the idea that families don’t have to pay what it really costs for the best club services is a fantasy. The idea that clubs could jump their competitors by slapping a USSF badge in their uniforms is also a fantasy. Take responsibility for your role. Don’t be the next Ellejustus who keeps wondering why constantly barking at the moon doesn’t cause it to rain soccer money and college scholarship offers.

For those who failed to heed my advice and are now paying for it, I’ll give you another chance. There are only a handful of queenmaker coaches who really make a difference. They work at clubs that - go figure - have been around a long time and put in the years, the investments and the hard work that makes them well positioned to emerge from the GDA collapse. They are the clubs that the whiners at this site commonly complain are “monopolies”, have demanding coaches (which they often mistake as “abusive”), and expect you to pay for the valuable services they provide.

These coaches can help develop your daughter as a soccer player, but that is not what sets them apart. What sets them apart is they have earned the respect of college coaches. They have Cromwell and Radcliffe (and everyone) on speed dial, and colleges answer when they call. When they tell colleges they have a player for them, the recruiting process is 90% done. All your daughter needs to do is present well when she meets with the staff and not choke when they show up to watch her play, which they always will if you have the right coach. They also tell you they won’t make the call if they don’t think you are right for a program.

So here is my advice. Find the clubs that have these coaches. They are the top ECNL clubs and very few others. They earned their status, plain and simple. They aren’t the only path to playing in college but, if your daughter is college material, they make getting there much easIer and will almost always get her the best fit. If you don’t, you leave a lot to chance, and your kid’s college options may be limited to the sheer luck of whatever college coach happened to see your daughter play on some random day. Even if your kid is the greatest player on the planet, not playing at a top club is a red flag. You are leaving college coaches speculating what is wrong with your kid. Are you at a 2nd tier club because you’re cancer and the good ones didn’t want anything to do with you? Are you as good as you appear when you’re beating up weaker opponents? Because when your kid scores a hat trick against Albion, it’s hard to tell whether she’s legit. But if she does it against Blues ECNL, colleges know they’re looking at a winner because even their weaker players can still play. And if your kid plays for a lesser club, they’re probably still asking the ones they trust for insight into your kid.

The time for blaming others for your wrong decisions and hoping that your kid will get great college offers because she played for a club that had US Soccer DA badges on the jerseys is over. Get your s**t together and move forward.

How many ACL tears at your club in the last 5 years?

Here's my advice, don't let your child play for an organization that hides their safety record.
I don't know about Legends, but Beach trashed the ECNL on the girl's side. The top of Beach on down, and I heard it, would rip ECNL and pimp the DA. It was the whole marketing plan. It was over the top and now they may have to pay the price.
That is true. Now they come back on here to complain it's a monopoly again. They took a Youth National List and made it their sales tactic to get 12 year old all stars to join. No other league controlled the list like this company called GDA. ECNL only offered college.
Keep your smear campaign going. If that was true (which I know it not to be) why would ECNL give them a Boys program?
It is not a smear campaign. Beach has tried to join the ECNL for at least a year if not two. They didn't get in because of how they acted on the girls side. The girls and boys sides have different powers that be.
Actually USSF is a company dumb ass. It is a private corporation incorporated under the laws of the state of New York with its principal place of business in Illinois. It is no more a government entity than American Airlines.
We shall see about that Mr lawyer. UNITED STATES SOCCER FEDERATION. Nice name for a company I guess. This is going to go deeper and deeper :)
And now the layoffs.

U.S. Soccer is laying off staff members on Wednesday as the organization deals with the financial fallout of COVID-19 and amid the mounting costs of legal fees, according to multiple sources.

The layoffs come in conjunction with the decision to shut down the youth Development Academy, which is expected to be officially announced on Wednesday. The layoffs will include some Development Academy staff members as well as additional employees within the organization.

Sources declined to provide details on the layoffs, as some employees were still being informed of their status. A U.S. Soccer spokesperson declined to comment.

Like many businesses, U.S. Soccer is facing losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under the USSF’s five-year plan, the federation’s reserve of around $120 million was expected to decrease to $40 million through fiscal year 2023. But that reserve was tied up in investments, according to the federation’s audited...

Blame a 12 year old who had a dream to play for the United States of America and people like you and all the other assholes who have ruined competitive sports because all you bums do is pay your way to get things. Well, those days will come to an end. Good luck EOTL. This is just the beginning of the line sir. BOTL bro!!! Keep talking dude and please, make fun all of us dumb parents who got lied to so we can help the girls help our country win.
And now the layoffs.

U.S. Soccer is laying off staff members on Wednesday as the organization deals with the financial fallout of COVID-19 and amid the mounting costs of legal fees, according to multiple sources.

The layoffs come in conjunction with the decision to shut down the youth Development Academy, which is expected to be officially announced on Wednesday. The layoffs will include some Development Academy staff members as well as additional employees within the organization.

Sources declined to provide details on the layoffs, as some employees were still being informed of their status. A U.S. Soccer spokesperson declined to comment.

Like many businesses, U.S. Soccer is facing losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under the USSF’s five-year plan, the federation’s reserve of around $120 million was expected to decrease to $40 million through fiscal year 2023. But that reserve was tied up in investments, according to the federation’s audited...

I assumed that was part of the decision as well. Like many COMPANIES, millions have been lost and cuts have been made. ECNL is lucky to only run a league and not national teams :) Probably only some money will be lost but not millions upon millions for now.

Hopefully the ECNL girls will announce clubs nation wide soon so we can a full picture
I keep hearing mention to Beach, legends and other clubs not acting right or misbehaving on the girls side as to why they won't get ecnl. What specifically did they all do that was seen as misbahvior?
I posted this under the main forum. Figured it it might belong here

Yesterday at 5:28 PM
This quarantine has left me with too much free time. With all of the chatter over the past few days regarding what US soccer will do with the Development Academy, I decided to write the letter that I think they should be writing. Here you go:

Dear Everyone,

The United States Soccer Federation is dedicated more than ever to the development of soccer across this great country. Our players from the senior national teams down to the youth level are at the core of everything that we do. We are constantly striving to help with development of soccer in this country and are proud of the work we have done. But there is much more to do.

We have made a strategic decision to give our member clubs the responsibility for development of youth players. We are so proud of how everyone has been so willing to follow our direction over the past few years. We feel that the last 12 years have shown a massive improvement in the level of players that grow up playing in the United States.

We also realize that some mistakes have been made along the way. With our country now facing a health crisis that we could have never predicted, we feel that now is the time to make some corrections.

  • United States Development Academy- We have seen 1,000s of players find the right pathway for their development under this program. We have invested millions of dollars to show clubs what we feel is the right way to improve players. 4 days a week of training. The ending of multiple games being played in a day under tournament formats. Youth National Team representation. These are just a few ways that we have directed our USSSA member clubs to improve. Now that they have been shown the proper way, we feel it is in everyone’s best interest that the US Soccer Federation focuses on our Youth National Teams and not as much at the Club level. We will be using money that was budgeted for the USSDA to help fund a better scouting network. This includes inner city, unsanctioned leagues and high school play. If you are a top player – We will find you- Regardless of what league you play in.
    • Effective immediately, the US Soccer Development Academy will be shutting down. We will provide some assistance for Clubs that will be burdened by this immediate closure. An application will be on our website tomorrow.
    • With regard to other leagues - There is a league and team out there for everyone. We encourage you to do your due diligence when selecting the right program for your player.
  • Travel - With COVID 19 impacting all of us, we are encouraging all clubs, teams and players to reduce travel for at least the next 12 months. For many leagues, you should not be traveling more than 90 minutes (the length of a full game) for any soccer activities. If you can’t find a competitive game within 90 minutes, you should play up an age group. If you still can’t find a competitive game, then your team needs to break up and let other teams have top players to make everyone more competitive.
  • Age Groups- This was a really bad idea. We have had many changes in leadership over the years. We initially installed this change so that we could better compete on the international level with other youth teams. Our Youth National Teams will still follow the birth-year format for international competitions. All domestic leagues and domestic tournaments will go back to the “school year” age groupings. This is effective IMMEDIATELY. For the next year, we will allow each team to have up to 3 players that are 6 months older than the oldest birthdate allowed by each age grouping. We highly encourage teams to try to find a way to move everyone to the appropriate age group for the upcoming Fall season.
  • High School Soccer – The USSF will be working closely with the NHSAA to help grow the sport of soccer at all levels. We feel that high school soccer has a place in the development of many players, and we will encourage players to make the right decisions for their soccer needs. We will be working with NHSAA on coaching certifications and referee improvements. We feel that high school soccer in the US should be as important and as popular as football.
  • Pay to Play – We continue to look at sponsorship opportunities that will help fund the costs to play soccer. The 2 biggest costs of soccer in the US are paid coaches and field access.
    • Coaching
      • Licensing - Coaches are the lifeblood of our great sport in the United States. We need to certify more coaches across the country to work with our youth. Today we are announcing a collaboration between US Soccer, United Soccer Coaches, AYSO and Soccer Starts at Home. We will allow for cross certifications between these organizations at the grass roots level (Up to the current “D” license). We will publish the content for our highest levels (A and B license) for free for anyone interested in learning. We will still require an in-person class environment to receive an A or B license, but the content will be available to anyone who wants to follow our coaching pathway.
      • Paid Coaches - We encourage our member clubs to find creative ways to help pay your coaches. Sponsorships and legitimate fundraisers are encouraged.
      • With the reduction of travel costs, we expect the reimbursement for travel expenses to be reduced.
    • Fields -We are forming a committee to work with municipalities across the country to find cost effective ways to ensure the best playing surfaces and access for all US Soccer members.
    • Uniforms- US Soccer thinks you should not pay more than $100 per player for a full uniform set.
  • Tournaments – We feel that excessive tournaments are causing our players unnecessary costs and there is a greater potential for injury when playing many games over the course of a summer. All players registered with US Soccer will only be allowed to play in 14 sanctioned games from June 1st until September 1st. Teams will be permitted to travel (150 miles or greater) to 1 tournament per calendar year. We will be instituting an electronic player card system to track this. It will be piloted this summer across California.
  • Promotion and Relegation – We know that this is a hot topic. At this time, we encourage each member league to consider the feasibility of merit based placement within their divisions. If done properly, there should not be any 10-0 blowouts during any league game. At the professional level, we continue to have dialogue on the economic feasibility of promotion and relegation between our leagues.
We will provide additional communication to your state federations and they will relay information to all member clubs.


The Soccer Dudes Locked in a House in Chicago
I keep hearing mention to Beach, legends and other clubs not acting right or misbehaving on the girls side as to why they won't get ecnl. What specifically did they all do that was seen as misbahvior?
They got pissed off for losing their top, top players to other ECNL clubs back before the Federation got into the soccer business. My dd was one of top, top players back before puberty came on her and destroyed all her speed and quickness. In 2014, she got heavily, and I mean full court press by the Gapher and TB at Blues. JH in turned blocked Tads fade away and almost got me to stay and force my dd to stay too. However, the little one chose the great Tad Bobak over me. I guess the two bros and a few others had some sort of successful business model in socal that college coaches attended. The Beaches and the Legends tried to "get in" but the SW leadership said no. Then this company called United States Soccer Federation out of NY and Chicago got really involved in the soccer biz and got the likes of Beach & legends to join somehow. This company had something all of socal wanted. To make the List. Why not. All my dd saw on TV was the girls winning and winning. As 10 year old it looked fun so she put her name in the contest. Blues they had both GDA & ECNL, which = double the money honey. This USSF company did all this so they could help the poor little girls develop into world class soccer players. Now this company is no more because of the virus. Things happen and life is not fare at all!!!
I would normally agree with this assessment, except participation in the boys ECNL likely swings in favor of Beach and Legends. I would bet 90% for Beach and 80% for Legends (lower only because of the Arsenal input). Surf and RSC are not locks -- depends on how they handled their exit from ECNL. As you said, ECNL rewards loyalty.

I expect most other Socal clubs are going to be left out. Would not be surprised if they add another AZ (Tucson) club.

No more than 5 clubs will be added to SW ECNL if this goes down, my bet would be 4. Just a prediction.
My god, get it together. GDA’s inevitable collapse was plain to see. Companies come and go, that is life. You hitched your wagon to a business that never made financial sense and you should have known better. You also hitched your wagon to a club that thought it (like you) could cut to the front of the line without having to put in the work, effort and investment that is needed to get your desired outcome. There are no shortcuts, however, and the idea that families don’t have to pay what it really costs for the best club services is a fantasy. The idea that clubs could jump their competitors by slapping a USSF badge in their uniforms is also a fantasy. Take responsibility for your role. Don’t be the next Ellejustus who keeps wondering why constantly barking at the moon doesn’t cause it to rain soccer money and college scholarship offers.

For those who failed to heed my advice and are now paying for it, I’ll give you another chance. There are only a handful of queenmaker coaches who really make a difference. They work at clubs that - go figure - have been around a long time and put in the years, the investments and the hard work that makes them well positioned to emerge from the GDA collapse. They are the clubs that the whiners at this site commonly complain are “monopolies”, have demanding coaches (which they often mistake as “abusive”), and expect you to pay for the valuable services they provide.

These coaches can help develop your daughter as a soccer player, but that is not what sets them apart. What sets them apart is they have earned the respect of college coaches. They have Cromwell and Radcliffe (and everyone) on speed dial, and colleges answer when they call. When they tell colleges they have a player for them, the recruiting process is 90% done. All your daughter needs to do is present well when she meets with the staff and not choke when they show up to watch her play, which they always will if you have the right coach. They also tell you they won’t make the call if they don’t think you are right for a program.

So here is my advice. Find the clubs that have these coaches. They are the top ECNL clubs and very few others. They earned their status, plain and simple. They aren’t the only path to playing in college but, if your daughter is college material, they make getting there much easIer and will almost always get her the best fit. If you don’t, you leave a lot to chance, and your kid’s college options may be limited to the sheer luck of whatever college coach happened to see your daughter play on some random day. Even if your kid is the greatest player on the planet, not playing at a top club is a red flag. You are leaving college coaches speculating what is wrong with your kid. Are you at a 2nd tier club because you’re cancer and the good ones didn’t want anything to do with you? Are you as good as you appear when you’re beating up weaker opponents? Because when your kid scores a hat trick against Albion, it’s hard to tell whether she’s legit. But if she does it against Blues ECNL, colleges know they’re looking at a winner because even their weaker players can still play. And if your kid plays for a lesser club, they’re probably still asking the ones they trust for insight into your kid.

The time for blaming others for your wrong decisions and hoping that your kid will get great college offers because she played for a club that had US Soccer DA badges on the jerseys is over. Get your s**t together and move forward.

So if these top ECNL coaches are the place to be and develop such great talent why not let them keep the teams as they have them currently constructed and developed and ECNL let Beach , Legends and Surf into the ECNL ( Surf obviously in already ) so you have all the top squads playing in the same league? Why continue the division? Besides Blues the other three teams above are ranked above the other top ECNL dog which is Slammers? Times have changed and SoCal soccer should get it right this time and create
a top league so all the squads are in the same sand box, then the top players will see which clubs really DEVELOP talent and players aren’t just moving clubs due to what league they are associated with.
We shall see about that Mr lawyer. UNITED STATES SOCCER FEDERATION. Nice name for a company I guess. This is going to go deeper and deeper :)

There are more than 500 corporations in CA alone with the words “”United States” in them. There are more than 500 with the word Federation. There are more than 50 with both. Is the US Esports Federation a government agency? The US Federation of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? The US Darts Federation? The US Kettlebell Sports Federation? US Federation of Pelota? US Amateur Dancers Federation?US Sled Dog Federation? You must belong to the US Dips**t Federation.
There are more than 500 corporations in CA alone with the words “”United States” in them. There are more than 500 with the word Federation. There are more than 50 with both. Is the US Esports Federation a government agency? The US Federation of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? The US Darts Federation? The US Kettlebell Sports Federation? US Federation of Pelota? US Amateur Dancers Federation?US Sled Dog Federation? You must belong to the US Dips**t Federation.
No, you just answered one of my questions. TY
It is not a smear campaign. Beach has tried to join the ECNL for at least a year if not two. They didn't get in because of how they acted on the girls side. The girls and boys sides have different powers that be.
1st, theye been trying to get into ECNL for 6+ years. They didn’t get in because existing Clubs blocked them (ie. Slammers) because of the number of talented girls coming in from Long Beach and SouthBay.

Your narrative towards Beach has always been a bit slanderous.